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Posts posted by akya

  1. During that time Admiral Akya and Curufinwe were preparing themselves for the attack...

    AKYA : I want you to remain behind should I be killed or captured or should we encountered more resistance than expected, I want you to fly as fast as you can to the base.

    CURUFINWE : Yes Admiral.

    AKYA : I'm going to contact Black Op now, to see what we must do about those Nazi forces...

    Admiral Akya called the radio, who transfered her communication to headquarters. As she announced the problem. Black Op, took a thoughtful look, he seemed less than pleased.

    AKYA : They're awaiting my instructions for the attack, but I fear that as we are engaging with the Terrans, the Nazis will strike back at us. What should I do ?

    BLACK OP : Well...

  2. Akya and Tutankhamun arrived to the RE facility and rested a bit. Then, both departed in 2 differents shuttles. She was headed for the invasion fleet to resume her command while he...had to deal with a certain commander with a flesh wound...or so he claimed it was.

    AKYA : pilot, please plan a course to the nearest ship of the invasion fleet.

    PILOT : Roger Admiral.

    AKYA : Radio, contact commander Curufinwe at once. I need to speak to him.

    RADIO : Roger that, Admiral. Connection established, shall I put him on the main screen ?

    AKYA : Yes, please.

    The face of commander Curufinwe appeared on the screen, he looked worried.

    AKYA : What is it commander ?

    CURUFINWE : I've received orders from our Lord saying to attack the system.

    AKYA : Yes and ?

    CURUFINWE : Only a third of our forces are assembled !

    AKYA : not a problem, their civilisation is primitive. If it doesn't surrender, we'll wipe it out.

    CURUFINWE : But...I...Well...

    AKYA : Come on commander, speak your mind.

    CURUFINWE : We have detected some vessels, lots of them on the other side of the system.

    AKYA : Close to Earth ?

    CURUFINWE : no, on the other side of the Sun, they appear to be part of the Nazi's army.

    AKYA : ... Them again ? Already ? Never mind commander, we'll proceed as ordered, but I'll inform Lord Black Op of this.

    CURUFINWE : Yes Admiral

    AKYA : await my arrival, over and out.

  3. And they confined the commander in a cabin so they wouldn't crash this time...

    Admiral Akya : well, my shuttle should be awaiting us near the asteroid...we will transfer there so you can return to the 0AD and we can be on our way

    King Tut : That would be the best course to take...

    Commander *crying in the cabin* : I want to pilot the ship ! I'm the best ! Let me out of here !

    CO : why can't you come with us ? you already told me that your shuttle had very few ammo left...what if you are attacked ?

    King Tut : we will manage it, it's not the first time we've been in this situation :)

    Admiral Akya : don't worry, we know what we're doing, we're trained for those kind of situations

    Chichi : but...

    They were interrupted by a transmission.

    Dragon : Dragon to Serpent, Dragon to Serpent, do you copy ?

    Admiral Akya : Serpent to Dragon, yes we copy, what is it ?

    Dragon : Enemy forces coming our way... we better make the transfer quickly

    King Tut : Roger Dragon, approaching you now.

    Both shuttle closed on each other.

    Dragon : opening airlock...hurry up !

    Admiral Akya : thanks, transfering...over and out.

    They took the commander to the airlock and opened it.

    King Tut : I guess it's farewell...

    Admiral Akya : pleasure meeting you guys, we'll have a bit of cover fire for you...you get the hell out of here...

    They ran to the other shuttle, dragging the commander behind.

    Both shuttle separated. The Dragon opening fire on the on coming enemy's ships while the 0AD shuttle made their way out.

    Admiral Akya : they're gonna be okay...let's get on our way, I don't want to stay here for the party.

    King Tut : at least we agree on that

    They made the signal to the captain and their shuttle launched into space...trying to gain maximum speed to shake off their opponents.

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