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Posts posted by akya

  1. BRIAN : it feels like we're watched ?

    TUTANKHAMUN : turned around...it's only a mouse. Continue to work.

    BRIAN : but...

    TUTANKHAMUN : Are you afraid of the mouse or what ?

    BRIAN : never mind. it's just an impression.

    TUTANKHAMUN : We'll get aboard soon enough. I want you to remain in the cabin please. You're the best at figuring things out, even though you always break something.

    BRIAN : I will.

    TUTANKHAMUN : Very well.

    BRIAN : Any news of Admiral Akya ? She was suppose to contact us after the Earth's invasion.


  2. but they didn't encounter any resistance on the way back. What they did witness was a battle between robots and Imperials but they carefully got around them.

    Meanwhile, over at the Imperial city, Black Op was puzzle by one fact, why did the WFG had such an effect on an Admiral that had been so loyal to him ? Could he be betrayed by others who had come in contact with Wijit and his crew ? He couldn't leave the matter unanswered so he...

  3. CHADEOUS : oh, I have some of these somewhere near...

    "C" searches his whole laboratory

    CHADEOUS : I'm sure I've put them somewhere...oh...Brian, you're sitting on them.

    BRIAN : ...

    TUTANKHAMUN : Please stand up Brian, we need these now.

    Brian gets up, jumping away from the pile of explosives and breaking a strange object.

    CHADEOUS : You just broke my transmitter ! I was able to contact some unknown creatures with it ! Now I'll have to build it again !

    TUTANKHAMUN : I think it's best if I take the remote.

    BRIAN : It's mine !

    TUTANKHAMUN : Now stop acting like a child, you're a commander. Act responsibly, give me the remote !

    BRIAN : Yes, sir.

    TUTAKHAMUN : We'll be on our way now. Thanks a lot C.

  4. Darth ZeZar quickly enters in communication with his master.

    DARTH ZEZAR: Those were robots ! The real ones have not been captured !


    DARTH ZEZAR : I swear I will repair my mistake my Lord.

    BLACK OP : We still have the remote...the only problem being, we have to be in the 0AD's vicinity to use it.

    DARTH ZEZAR : We could always create a new fake company and lure them...

    BLACK OP : That would be ineffective, because of Akya, they're aware that we have done so in the past...they will not be tempted again.

    DARTH ZEZAR : Do you think they could be lured in any other way ?

    BLACK OP : ....

  5. Er, akya, I'd prefer it if you didn't make my character curse.
    edited it Nathan :D sorry :D

    Both WFG's two ships and Klaas' fleet rejoined a reunion point. There was lot to catch up.

    KLAAS : Those robots have been a constant nuisance ! A lot of ppl have disappeared and replaced by robots. I wonder why...

    WIJIT : We don't know either, we had a good chance of stopping the robot production on Earth and regaining the upper hand, but the Imperial Army showed up and we were forced to flee.

    CO : DarkAngelBGE has gathered enough intelligence to tell us where the robots will attack next. It is said that they are only controled by one person, the master robot. If we're able to destroy his ship, the rest will go berseck.

    CHICHI : Maybe we'll even be able to find all those ppl who have been captured !

    KLAAS : Then let's bring our forces together and crush them...

    THEREALDEAL : Maybe we can bring in the Imperial Forces and the Nazi fleet together at the same time. They will have to battle each other and the robots...this could allow us to destroy the Droid Control Ship without to much losses.

    WIJIT : Good plan, I'll need a few days to get the 0AD back in shape. And to interrogate all the prisonners. Then, we'll join the TLA to the rendez-vous point...

  6. Once safe into hyperspace, CO just could keep his calm.

    CO : I should have trusted her more !

    WIJIT : You never know their true allegiances until it's too late. You did nothing wrong, her lies and her group spoke for her. How could you have believe anything else ?

    CO : She's dead because we didn't listen to her !

    WIJIT : She may not be dead, but we're alive and if there's ever a slight chance of taking back Earth, her sacrifice gave it to us. Now stand up, we still have much preparation to do.

    Meanwhile on the other side of the sun.

    CURUFINWE : All fighters, attack the closest ship ! Concentrate on that one. Other ships, some cover fire, we have to keep them distracted !

    LIEUTENANT SHYKRE : We've lost the Admiral Captain du to unknown circonstances.

    CURUFINWE : Good, she was too weak to control the fleet anyway. Call for back up. We need to inflict a major defeat to those Nazis today !

    SHYKRE : Back up is on the way. Both WFG ships have fled. Earth is already in our possession so the rest of the fleet, except for the Executor will join us shortly.

    CURUFINWE : Excellent ! Continue to fire. I want each target eliminated one at the time. I want the spirit of those Nazis to be broken !

    And so, the battle continued to rage, the spirit of the Imperials rising while the spirit of Ph4ntom and his followers plunged in despair. That day, the Imperials inflicted major losses to the Nazi fleet. Only 4 of the Nazi star destroyers escaped into hyperspace, with heavy damage, Ph4ntom and Icy Tripod aboard them. The remaining of their fighters, left behind, were destroyed without mercy. Curufinwe had finally achieve his vengeance and he had proven himself to the eyes of his Lord and Master. Black Op.

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