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Posts posted by akya

  1. Akya entered the main hangar of the Silver Dragon and removed her helmet. She jumped out of the tie fighter, leaving the rest of the work to the maintening crew.

    AKYA (thinking) : I think they're alright, I saw the other ship take them out of here and according to my informations, the governments of Earth are surrendering without too much fights.

    She arrived on deck a few minutes later, and asked the lieutenant what was happening.

    LIEUTENANT : Admiral, we're having problems on the other side of the sun. The Nazi forces appear to be much stronger than we thought.

    AKYA : What's our ETA here ?

    LIEUTENANT : We're having the situation under control, a ship now identified as the Last Alliance escaped, but they didn't make any real damage. With the Executor here, we can easily spare 1 or 2 star destroyers, plus ours to help them.

    AKYA : Very well then, I want the Dragon(shuttle) to drop some soldiers on the 0AD and help Captain Curufinwe, we'll take their ship as well. We'll bring the prisonners along with us, since they're aboard. I think Darth ZeZar will have enough Earth problems as it is, he will have to question them later. The destruction of those Nazi forces, must be achieved.

    LIEUTENANT : Very well Admiral

    AKYA : let's move out. Transmit the orders to captain CURUFINWE, I think, he'll like them.

    A few minutes later, the Silver Dragon along with 2 others star destroyers and the 0AD, departed toward the combat. All missiles ready,

    CURUFINWE : This is going to be a quick but interesting fight. I'll repay them for what they did to us, 10 years ago !

    If anyone has an idea how to call the lieutenant, tell me :D

  2. The Executor, orbited around the earth for 15 min. Darth ZeZar awaiting a report.

    DARTH ZEZAR : I sense a disturbance in our forces. I wonder what that may be ?

    A soldier entered, disturbing his search. He had the report ready. Trembling, he kneeled down to read it.

    SOLDIER : Darth ZeZar, our troops are in place, most of the government are surrendering as requested. More of our forces have encountered resistance against the Nazi forces, but their loss are more important than our. Admiral Akya has set off to capture or kill the rebel fighters, Curufinwe is coordinating our efforts aboard the 0AD and two persons have been made prisonners, as requested.

    DARTH ZEZAR : Excellent, I will see to them myself. Call the radio, tell them to transmit this message to our Lord : All is going according to plan, except a little disturbance that will be dealt with accordingly.

    SOLDIER : Yes, your excellence.

    DARTH ZEZAR : Dismissed

    The soldier got out of the room as quickly as he could, with fear in his heart. Darth ZeZar looked outside to see the ongoing battle.

    DARTH ZEZAR : and so it begins...

  3. AKYA : now can someone tell me what all this fuss is about ?

    STORM TROOPER : Some ppl have taken their fighters out ! They're attacking our main ships.

    AKYA : Then I will see to it that they are defeated. Prepare my fighter, I'm going in against them.

    STORM TROOPER : Is that wise ?

    AKYA : Darth ZeZar will arrive soon enough and take these matters in hand. Leave me be.

    STORM TROOPER : Very well admiral.

    AKYA : Serpent to Dragon, do you read me ?

    DRAGON : Dragon to serpent, yes admiral.

    AKYA : Ready my fighter. I'll come and join you shortly.

    DRAGON : As you wish admiral.

    AKYA : Over and out.

    note to all : the reason she really is scouting the ship and will take the fighter out is because she really doesn't want those ppl to be hurt...she admired the courage of CO and Chichi when they rescued Tutankhamun and she does this against her superior's order :D

    note to self : stop using my own character and start telling the story of other characters as well ! :D

  4. Meanwhile, Akya was still scouting the rest of the ship. Suddenly, she heard two corpses fall down on the floor.

    AKYA : D*** it !

    She quickly slided in an opening and got her gun ready. She peaked outside carefully, but all was calm. She gave a slight sigh, the tension increasing as she heard some men shout. She didn't move a muscle, as they ran along the corridor. Suddenly, she felt something cold on her neck.

    Don't move...drop the gun now ! said ...

  5. A voice is heard on the comlink one of the occupants seems to be carrying.

    AKYA : attention to all, the pods are returning. Unless you meet an opposition, I want their occupants brought to me unarmed. Captain Curufinwe will see to that.

    CURUFINWE : You have permission to open fire with paralysing weapons...we must gather as much information as possible.

    AKYA : I will come aboard personnaly. I want the leaders to be brought to the main room at once.

    Silence ensues then a shuttle is heard, entering the main hangar.

    *in the main hangar*

    AKYA : I want the fighters secured as soon as possible. I'll go check the rest of the ship. Curufinwe, you're in charge.

    CURUFINWE : but admiral, you cannot go alone !

    AKYA : two men with me...the rest, split out... I want every gun found and locked up.

    She runs down the left corridor, annoyed by the two guards following her.

    AKYA *whispering to herself* : I'm sure I had heat signals in here somewhere.

  6. DARKANGELBGE : What the ...???

    He ran to the cockpit where an already worried Wijitmaker was pacing back and forth.

    DARKANGELBGE : We're surrounded by those Imperial forces !

    WIJITMAKER *angried* : Don't you think I know ? They've called me personnally, a woman, she's the Admiral, she told me to surrender and no harm would be done to us... She gave me a day to decide the fate of the whole Earth !

    At that moment, CodeOptimist ran through the door, Chichi following him closely.

    CO : What's happening ? I received your message Wijit, is the situation bad ?

    CHICHI : Seems like it is...

    He pointed through the window, a star destroyer was pointing his lasers right at them...

  7. Galactic Empire

    Black Op: Emperor of the Galactic Empire and the Dark Lord

    ZeZar: Darth ZeZar, Black Op's apprentice

    King Tutankhamun : General, The King of the Thousand Oaks Sector, he became a major ally of the Dark Lord when the EMPIRE came to power. He now is the head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency.

    Commander Brian: Tutankhamun's aide who's notorious for bickerring and causing severe mishaps.

    Curufinwe : Admiral, replaced Akya as invasion commander.

    SpHeRe31459: One of the Empire's best Special Ops.

    Shykre: Lieutenant aboard the Silver Dragon.

    Dr. Chadeous: Brilliant scientist who makes gadgets for Imperial agents, often for King Tut and Brian who usually breaks it. Known as "C".

    Dr. Van Nueter: Dr. Chadeous' brain surgeon, died in a lab accident.

    Argalius: Droid used by King Tutankhamun to track Swellick.

    Commander MarkT: CO of an IIA monitoring facility.

    Dr. Mystic-Al-Bob: Replaced Van Nueter as "C"'s assistant, expert in X-Weapons Dev.


    CheeZy : The one who first discovered a robot had taken the place of CO, later discovered to be a robot

    TheRealDeal: TheRealDeal: AKA Ken Word, helps CheeZy fight the robots, Wijitmaker's trainer

    Quacker : A friend, gets captured by the robots and replaced

    Acumen : Pocket pal of TheRealDeal

    Wijitmaker : The man in charge of the ship 0AD

    CodeOptimist : A friend of CheeZy, member of WFG, he is later discovered to be powerful in the Force and Akya's older brother.

    Akya: Former Imperial Admiral and footsoldier, she had changed her loyalties and gone after her brother CodeOptimist, member of WFG. After numerous attempts at restarting her career with the Empire met with failure, she has no place left but WFG. She has been slightly trained in the Force by Master Swellick.

    Chichigrande: Resistance fighter against the Nazis who allied with CodeOptimist

    DarkAngelBGE: 1st Mate of the 0AD, discovered 'Randy's Explosives Empire" which was a front for the Empire

    Mythos_Ruler: Crewmember of the 0AD

    SturgeonSurgeon: Accused of being the cook of the 0AD

    TheCobra1 :member of the elite fighters of the 0AD.

    Klaas: long lost accomplice of WFG.

    Uppy: Related to both SturgeonSurgeon and TheCobra1.


    ElfTheHunter: First Mate of the Last Alliance, 0AD's sister ship.

    av_nefardec:Gold leader, he leads the attack on the Executor

    rohirwine:commander aboard of the Last Alliance


    Enerwaen:Gold eight, an elite pilot

    Wildfire Legends team




    Jedi master

    Swellick : he abducted Akya when she was reduced to being a footsoldier and trained her in the way of the Force. He tells her she is needed, that her brother needs her thus making her break completly her loyalty to the Empire. He dies after being shot in the head by Sphere and become a spirit.

    Dnas: Messenger for Master Swellick.

    Robots = a faction who has been destroyed

    RobotOptimist: A robot who had taken the place of CO

    RobotDak Losar: Destroyed by TheRealDeal

    Quackernotquaker: A robot who had taken the place of Quacker, has been discovered and destroyed

    Eken132 : Leader of the robots.

    RobotKlaas: Tried unsuccessfuly to spy on WFG movements.

    Axis Powers = has surrendered to the GE...except a small faction

    Ph4ntom: Leader of The Knights That Say Black Op Will Regret This, formerly called the Nazis and now called CHIPOTLE

    Tonto Icy Tripod: The Grand Admiral of The Knights That Say Black Op Will Regret This Starfleet now called CHIPOTLE starfleet.

    Last Samurai: Ph4ntom's brother and Commander in the Axis Navy, now part of the CHIPOTLE resistance group.

    Night Hawk: Chancellor of the Galactic Axis Powers, surrendered to the Empire.

    The Prophet: Former Grand Marshal of the Wehrmacht, the Axis military. Now the leader of the Allied Powers.

    Guardian : CHIPOTLE Propaganda Minister

    Dragon Galactic Domination Network

    Cat: Human/cat hybrid who leads this secret pro-Imperial cult.

    Captain Aldaron: The Executor's captain, also a member of DGDN.

    Zeus147: Guard aboard Ph4ntom's ship. He's been posted there by DGDN to remain dormant until he was needed.

    Jeremiah: Aldaron's second.

    Arctic: Is part of Team 1 during the mission to kill Akya aboard the Vengeance.

    Danthered: Has been posted with Zeus147 aboard Ph4ntom's ship.

    Crasher: Also with Zeus aboard Ph4ntom's ship<

    Battlestar : Leader of the infiltration team aboard the Vengeance, he had succeeded in obtaining the post in surveillance.

    cameraman : Has been posted with Zeus, he's the one who reveals important informations to Akya by mistake. He'll remain aboard the Vengeance.

    Hehe, I took over the list now, came up with the ideas anyway ~ Randy

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