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Posts posted by akya

  1. Both ships turned around to try and flee. But a new wave of TIE bombers were in the way. They engaged them, destroying almost everyone of them, but 2 bombers remained, each heading for the main deck of the TLA and the 0AD.

    With a comlpicated manoeuver, DarkAngelBGE managed to destroy the one headed for the TLA. But the other one was too close to stop.

    WIJIT : darn it, we're gonna lose it !

    Suddenly, a TIE appeared out of nowhere shooting down the last bomber. They heard a message through the radio.

    AKYA : Admiral Akya to 0AD. Good luck...I guess I won't remain alive for long. I hope you can save you comrades. I've returned the favor...now please get the hell out of here !

    Soon, her TIE was rendered powerless by the missiles. And it exploded.

    WIJIT : ...

  2. LIEUTENANT SHYKRE : Squad leader A, you have a communication...it comes from the 0AD

    AKYA : pass it through my confidential line.


    AKYA : I didn't say you could ask questions did I ?

    LIEUTENANT SHYKRE : no, excuse me admiral.

    AKYA : Now pass this communication at once !

    LIEUTENANT SHYKRE : yes admiral.

    AKYA : Who's this ?

  3. Meanwhile, the 0AD Captain and CO held a quick meeting.

    WIJIT : I just spoke with a girl, an admiral. She says she has our comrades, but that they're in good hands.

    CO : And you believed her ? Such a fool !

    WIJIT : I don't know...she says she's returning a favor...she told me you knew who she was and why she was doing this...besides, her actions we're clearly warnings, she looked tensed as if she really was betraying someone.

    CO : I don't know her, never met anyone of the Galactic Empire before !

    WIJIT : You're sure ?

    CO : I ...

  4. I have the okay from Randy :D All is clear, we can start posting again :D

    AKYA : Those ppl never listen !

    She opened a private communication.

    AKYA : Admiral Akya to the 0AD, respond 0AD !

    WIJIT : 0AD to Admiral, you're going to get gunned down in a few moments you know ?!

    AKYA : This is a private communication...get out of here, before all of you get killed ! I'm betraying orders here ! Darth ZeZar is aboard the Executor, you have no chances against him !

    WIJIT : We need to save our comrades and Earth !

    AKYA : Earth will become a bloody field if you continue like that ! The 2 prisoners are safe, I swear on my honor. Let's say CO will know who I am and why I'm doing this.

    WIJIT : WHAT ?

    AKYA : Please get away, I have to continue our attack now. Good luck. Over and out.

  5. Still, he had eliminated most of the Imperial soldiers and started a panic among them. He was running to try and find CheeZy and Quacker, when he heard some noises coming from the main hangar. He saw multiple fighters enter the hangar of the 0AD and an Imperial shuttle (DRAGON) depart from it.

    Communication resumed :

    WIJIT : Wijit to TheCobra1, we've regained control of the 0AD, the Captain of the Imperial forces has just fled along with his soldiers, they were too few, you gave them a scare it seems.

    THECOBRA1 : I copy, I'm entering the hangar to greet you, did you find CheeZy and Quacker ?

    WIJIT :negative, it seems, the Captain has taken them aboard the shuttle b4 we could reach them.

    THECOBRA1 : A fighter with the emblem of the Galactic Empire is approaching the 0AD, I think it's the one of the commanders.

    WIJIT : Do not go out to intercept, I will communicate with it myself.

    WIJIT : oh, and please disarm the bomb you set up ? I wouldn't like the 0AD to explode with us in it.

    THECOBRA1: yes sir. Over and out.

    Meanwhile, aboard the Silver Dragon.

    LIEUTENANT : Admiral, the Dragon has just come in from the OAD ship.

    AKYA : And... ?

    LIEUTENANT : Captain Curufinwe and his men have been chased out of the OAD !

    AKYA : WHAT ?!!

    LIEUTENANT : He says, a man, an elite it seems, gunned down most of the imperial crew. They still have the prisonners though.

    AKYA : That's a relief. Tell the Dragon to prepare my fighter, I'll go see if we can take it back. Tell Squad A I'll need them with me.

    LIEUTENANT : Very well Admiral.

    AKYA : Captain Curufinwe will give the orders here. Continue on our current course and deploy the Dragon with full armements in case we need help.

    LIEUTENANT : It will be done.

  6. CheeZy is playing cards with CO when CO starts replying strangely. He realises it's not CO it's robotOptimist. TheRealDeal arrives to help and with his axe, destroys robotOptimist. Those robots are trying to impersonate WFG ppl says TRD. Then Quacker arrives...

    Meanwhile, the Galactic Empire, lead by Black Op is planning to extend his empire over the Milky Way, thus, he wants to conquer the Sol system. King Tut makes his report and Black Op decides to invade Earth as soon as possible. Invasion led by Admiral Akya.

    Now, to return with CheeZy and the others, we learn that the robots are also invaders, and they're coming at them fast according to acumen, the pocket pal of TRD. After destroying robotDakLosar, they finally get the remote to go aboard the 0AD or the TLA, Insurrection having been destroyed by the robot master a long time ago. As they go aboard the 0AD, quacker becomes Quackernotquaker. They meet with First Mate DABGE. They realise that to counter the robots attack they need some High Explosive Weaponry in order to destroy their manufacturing plants. DA makes some researches and find a suitable company "Randy's Explosives Empire". TRD organises an explorational and recovery mission onto Earth for some polypeptonite. We'll need it for rocket fuel for the high-explosive weaponry. He sends CheeZy, Quacker, and Mythos_Ruler and pocket pal acumen onto Earth.

    Meanwhile, Black Op has a report that WFG has found his fake company, he sends King Tut to give WFG their weaponry. King Tut lands close to CheeZy (and all those ppl) and he starts to read the terms, when 21 robots are dropped to the ground. CheeZy tries to grab the remote to get back to the 0AD but King Tut takes it and runs. The Commander of King Tut, gets his arm hacked off by TRD (inconsistency here). And they both leave the place in their shuttle, leaving part of their own ppl behind and TRD, CheeZy, Mythos_Ruler, Quackernotquaker...to their grim fate. CO talks to CheeZy and realises that this CheeZy is not the real one (don't know how he managed to get on earth, but whatever)

    On the transport ship, King Tut and the Commander are talking to Black Op, then they start arguing with each other since the Commander says that he had nothing but a flesh wound(his arm has been chopped off) . Black Op, annoyed tells both of them to stop. After apologizing, King Tut kicks the commander so he apologises as well, but this kick sends the Commander into a massive seizure, he knocks the Pilot down and they crash. King Tut tries to gain control of the shuttle, but when he does gain control, he's already flown right into the 4th Reich airspace and is shot down by heavy flack.

    Meanwhile, back at the 0AD. CO and TRD have gone back (we don't know how since King Tut stole the remote) they realise that Quackernotquaker is a robot and destroys him. OAD tries to call the TLA but the transmissions are jammed. (we don't know where Q or C or Mythos_ruler are at that point). They do get a transmission, but it's an SOS sent by King Tut, his pilot's been killed and the commander still has his arm hacked off. They hear the imperial operator answer him and The sound of laser and sub-machine gun fire is heard. Eventually, the sound of someone getting knocked out is heard, followed by some German. Another shot rings out, causing static.

    Captain Wijit, starts to wonder what he should do and he makes his decision. He sends CO and Chichi along with Red Group, CO's supporters, in ATV to try and rescue King Tut.

    The Red Group with CO and Chichi eventually arrive on the scene and they follow tire marks...then they're suddenly attacked and the Red group sacrifices itself so they can escape.

    The shuttle Dragon arrives in front of them, guns pointed toward the ATV, they're the official rescue team. They ask why Chichi and CO are there and since the answer seems to be the truth, they agree to temporary alliance and make some plans to rescue King Tut and the commander b4 they are transferred. She says that Ph4ntom, the leader of the Nazi might be behing the attack.

    Meanwhile, King Tut and the commander are under interrogation. And so this continued untill a solder irrupts in the middle of the interrogation room and claims the base is under attack. A few seconds later, he is shot down by akya and chichi, they free the commander and King Tut and make their way to the ATV. They start escaping and Akya orders the Dragon to go on standby in space. The Nazi quickly are in pursuit and Akya takes the ATV in hands while Chichi, CO and King Tut fires at their opponents.

    Finally, they reach a safe zone and relax a few minutes b4 getting on the road and rejoining the shuttle of CO. King Tut, tells his side of the story without mentionning Black Op or the Galactic Empire. Once in the shuttle, they confine the commander in a cabin and continue on their way to the asteroid where the Dragon should be awaiting them. Nazi forces arrive at speed. Akya, King Tut and the commander transfer quickly from shuttle to shuttle and she orders some covering fire so CO and Chichi can escape. Then, they make it to hyperspace, Akya and King Tut receive a message, they make contact with Black Op and explain the situation. Akya is ordered to return to the invasion fleet. Black Op informs them that Darth ZeZar, his apprentice, will deal with WFG.

    Meanwhile, CO and Chichi rejoin the 0AD, saying they were successful, they are congratulated and all is well :D

    Akya and King Tut rejoin the RE facility, they relax a bit b4 returning to their posts. Akya board the Dragon and speaks with Curufinwe her second in command, he tells her that the Nazi are assembled on the other side of the Sol sytem.

    Meanwhile (and I'm getting tired of this)...King Tut is discussing with his commander about the why WFG and the fact Black Op wants Wijit dead.

    Akya and Curufinwe inform BO of the presence of the Nazi forces they are ordered to attack even though they have only 1/3 of the fleet.

    For the rest, I'll let you guys read... *sigh* this is long !!! :D

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