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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. I'm looking forward to releasing a reasonably defective title. But I suppose that's a given.
  2. I think that question was already asked. The answers to all questions posted here are produced immediately; however, until there are a sufficient number of questions, I won't publish the FAQs.
  3. FEMA was attempting to mimic Col. Boyd's OODA Loop, which simply doesn't apply to disaster preparedness, recovery, and management operations.
  4. But, of course, according to matrilineal studies we're all African and descended from Mitochondrial Eve.
  5. Since nobody else has said it, "Berg, get a job!" Last month's fire? He's either incompetent with microwaves or he's a pyromaniac. Isolated incident.
  6. If you have any questions about testing (e.g., the lifecycle of a build, the stages of testing, the application process, tester and testing requirements, the testing schedule, how testing works, why testing works, who does testing, where does testing occur, what is actually tested and by who), direct those questions to me through this thread. By the way, I don't understand what you mean by "we can't test the game". Elaborate, please.
  7. Note to developers: Please use the Quality Assurance Department Forum's "Frequently Asked Questions" thread for your concerns and questions. This thread is for the community. Those concerned with the latest happenings regarding 0 A.D. should be aware that I will be managing Wildfire Games First-Party Quality Assurance (FPQA) department, including all production-level testing. Any and all questions about testing 0 A.D. should be directed to me. I am working on private and public FAQs documents in order to address concerns from both developers and players. This thread may serve as a direct link to me for your questions. Please use this thread well, and please do not ask if you can be in the test group. Do you have any questions concerning 0 A.D. testing?
  8. As someone involved with quality around here, I feel I must inform those participating in this thread that the member count function is defective. The member count will never reach 1,000; in fact, the member count will skip from 999 to 1,001. We are looking into this issue.
  9. I attended AUVSI's 7th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition in 2004 which was held at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego, California. None of the vehicles worked correctly. The contest seemed to be judged on how long a vehicle worked properly before going completely nuts. The vehicles had to ping the environment to seek out items and move to those items' locations. A Navy SEAL Master Diver was employed to fetch downed vehicles in the extremely large pool that was specifically engineered for use of sonar. The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) operates several student competitions for Aerial Robotics, Unmanned Aerial (UAV), Unmanned Ground (UGV), and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). The technology for vehicular autonomy really isn't there yet, hence these competitions.
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