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  1. 100 Champs 19min.zip A test against AI, getting 100 champs under 20min with gauls EDIT vs bb.zip and two games vs bb EDIT 2 Macro Gestion.zip And a final one for tonight showing some macro management with gauls (no attack until 20min) Good night
    3 points
  2. In the interest of transparency, the Wildfire Games team would like to report on the finances of the project as of 2015-11-25. 0 A.D. has funds in three places: Funds earmarked for the project and held in trust by US-based non-profit organization Software in the Public Interest, Inc. (hereafter "SPI"); A private account in the US, under the name of former project leader, Jason Bishop (Wijitmaker). This account is a legacy of the time before we became affiliated with SPI; Flattr, a Sweden-based microdonation provider. SPI Earmark for 0 A.D. As of 2015-10-31, the 0 A.D. earmark is USD 34,410.05. Web hosting costs about USD 85-90 per month, or about USD 1,000 a year, and are paid directly from these funds. Some of these funds (approximately USD 5,200) will soon go towards reimbursing Erik Johansson (feneur) who has bought the perks we promised our donors. Edit (2016-01-08): The perks ended up costing USD 5,611.10. We know donors have been waiting for their perks for a long time. We sincerely apologize for the long delay in perk fulfillment. Other Accounts In our "legacy" US bank account, we have USD 332.82. On Flattr, we have EUR 619.75 available, which are approximately USD 662.27. Total In total, we have approximately 35,405.14 USD in all three accounts. Concluding Remarks The 0 A.D. project finances are managed by the Treasury Committee: Erik (“feneur”), Adarash ("MishFTW") and Aviv (“Jeru”). We welcome your comments and suggestions.
    1 point
  3. Hi guys. Thanks for all of the positive feedback! I saw that there's an open ticket here to get them into A20: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3455 These maps do need some help, especially on the visual side. Also, the JavaScript works, but could be refactored in some places for ease of maintenance and to make it easier to create new variations from these maps. I might be at my limit in visual & coding skills, but if someone is able to jump into these maps and tweak them, it would be awesome to see them in A20. These are for the community, so feel free to modify them as you see fit. If there's only a limited amount of time, here's what I would suggest based on playing these a bunch: The stronghold maps - This is a super fun gameplay style. Right now, players are emulating this in nomad by building their civs close to each other, but these maps allow for that, but with balanced starting positions and resources. It would be amazing to see these in A20 Hell's pass - This one is really fun because the player most exposed has the fewest resources. It requires a lot of team strategy and coordination, with the terrain forcing massive, epic battles between the teams. Harbor - This one makes for interesting gameplay because it offers up legitimate naval and land strategies, but likely not enough resources to do both. Outward Bound - This one's cool because it's the inverse of most maps that have resources between the players. Players have to be extra careful about expanding because it often comes at the expense of leaving the main base exposed. Ring, Safehouse & Lion's Den - These ones are fun too but might need the most work in terms of design and gameplay balance
    1 point
  4. Bah, I play the Iberians, so the map isn't exactly the kindest map for me, but I've been trying workaround strategies to get the upper hand in situations like this, so it's a good thing. Good work on the map, both of you, it's really fun (except when they bring an army of quinqueremes)! Encourage them, then. Of course it would be troublesome if people started speaking in their own languages every time in the forum or created a session only for a language X (who'd supervise that?), but if they have a contribution to make, I am quite sure the team will not complain if they can't speak English. I am totally comfortable doing everything in English, nowadays, but it was not always like that. And most games currently released by major companies like Ubisoft, EA Games and Blizzard Entertainment are including Portuguese translations, but 10 years ago you'd only find games in English. Plus, now there's the Google Translator. I help translate things to Portuguese, now, because I don't want other people to struggle to play a game like I did, not understanding what the objectives of that mission were or what that X ability did, or what the unit Y was good for. So I can say I understand very well their situation, but there will be no progress unless the person makes an effort, like you do, Lion.
    1 point
  5. + Build V2 + Walk V3 i'm constantly looking for a good .c4d to .dae exporter, But there is not clear answer to that problem. i've seen that some people can do it with out any issue, the problem is they don't say clearly the way to do it. i've already tried a couple, there has to be someway to do it. it's a matter of time.
    1 point
  6. Well they were pre exported as daes the format we use. They were tested in game by Jose too. For 3dsmax the process is shorter now that blender supports a bit more fbx Trial versions exists and we cannot just say no to models. Also cinema4D files will be more useful than imported fbx in blends because that will likely mess up and that will lose all the IK setup and constraints of c4d during export. Also you do not need them to make new ones as the original armature was made in blender by Enrique
    1 point
  7. As Erik pointed out, the description of "webhosting" doesn't really cover what we're paying for. Wildfire Games rents a dedicated server in a very professional data center, with a lot of tools to remotely manage a server and a lot of bandwidth available. We do this because we host some very specific things, such as: - a torrent tracker for game downloads - the multiplayer lobby server - an autobuild server which compiles the game code and checks for errors every night And of course our websites, forum (with attachment database) and game files, requiring roughly ~200 GB diskspace. Plus, we use up about 5 terabyte (!) data traffic each month, with 1.5 terabyte on a single day during game releases. We get a lot of bang for our buck, so we are actually getting a very good deal on the hosting.
    1 point
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