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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-07-06 in Posts

  1. Compared to you guys, Im just a humble newbie, but I'd like to add my thoughts as a fairly new player of 0ad. For someone like me, it is impossible to tell (during the game) whether someone is using ProGUI. That implies, that the advantage you get by using the mod is small in comparison to the advantages you get through random map generation, timing, fluctuation in player performance etc. According to @Mentula in this Thread, ProGUI averages out to a 24s advantage in booming. That's fairly irrelevant (and likely the standard deviation is larger ). I feel in no way discouraged from playing 0ad just because there are people using a mod that gives them a slight advantage (although I obviously can't speak for all new players and understand if someone feels differently). Honestly, I didn't even know @Atrik uses ProGUI before reading forum posts, but it doesn't matter, since I know how good he plays, and balance accordingly. It's actually a lot of fun to play with him, because there is always something happening and the games aren't just booming. That being said, hosts have every right to refuse to play with any player, for whatever reason. No host has to play with anyone if they don't want to. It'd be different if there were game-sided servers, but as long as I'm hosting, I decide who gets to connect to my pc and who doesn't. Maybe it would be helpful to add a way for the host to see if players use ProGUI? Then people that really dislike playing with others that use ProGUI, can just tell them and put them spec. And people like me, that don't see the game as competitive can just ignore that information? Anyway, no matter if you believe ProGUI is a cheat or not (it is ), you should never insult someone for using it (I'm not saying anyone here did insult someone, by the way :3). That obviously also applies to other people, you should never insult someone for how bad they play in your opinion. After all, we surely won't get any more players for this amazing game by fostering toxic behaviour towards newer players or players that want to try some of the great mods that exist for 0ad.
    2 points
  2. Be honest. You posted your mod. I immediately said I considered it cheating. Many others said they agreed. Several people said they did not want to play with anyone who used the mod or any other mod like it. Your response, more or less, was "I don't care, I will continue to use it against the wishes of those that expressed dislike for it." You are the one that disrupted the status quo. A feature very similar to your mod's autotrain was considered for the vanilla version of the game and as rejected. If you want to use your mod in SP games, great. But if you want to play with anyone else, you that no one has to accept you or your mod.
    2 points
  3. Am ready to help on this "Gitea" fork, how do I at least begin? Don't want to lose my Trac data since I have contributed much on the wiki and added a handful of tickets...
    2 points
  4. Thank you for your interest! I sent you a PM with login information and some pointers. Please go through the wiki and tickets, test and update stuff as you wish and let me know if you run into an issue.
    1 point
  5. Thanks. Yeah, adding hotkeys for certain actions is definitely something I should (and will) be looking into in the future.
    1 point
  6. Hello folks! I have been hard at work on this, and things are starting to look usable. Here is a (probably incomplete) changelog: The CI works! It is still a bit raw and I deactivated it to save space on Jenkins, but I am now working on improving it. It is the last big chunk of work I have to perform, and then we will be ready to migrate. The nightly build now exists! Get it via SVN at https://svn.itms.ovh/nightly-build/trunk. It is generated from a month ago but I'll update it through Jenkins in the upcoming days. All the documentation was updated and improved during the JDLL event in May where I presented the project and received some feedback. I also improved the Privacy Policy based on feedback. Please head over to the wiki especially BuildAndDeploymentEnvironment. I need help! The glorious FAQ has been defaced by the conversion to Gitea, which uses Github-flavored Markdown. Is anyone interested in working on manually restoring the appearance of the FAQ, adapting it to its new home on Gitea? Please let me know if you wish to help. Basically it would be necessary to 1) cleanup the structure of the page, fix the tables, the raw HTML and hard links and 2) improve the appearance just like it was done on Trac, but using Markdown features instead of Trac features. The git repository now has a script for getting translations straight from the nightly build (the same will be done for Vulkan shaders) Links to changesets in the format [25001] on Trac are correctly converted to 04ec75ed7e on Gitea (and I fixed the commit text in that specific revision) Important Trac keywords (regression, pathfinding, design, ...) now have a Gitea label, but I can't easily automatically convert keywords to labels, so I will add the labels manually after the migration. Thanks in advance for your feedback!
    1 point
  7. Funny @real_tabasco_sauce denies his behavior now . Not even sure he ever spectated a game with someone using the mod and him not making sarcastic comments. Anyway he won now, he successfully created the illusion of a divide that must fight each others, fueled by his comments in game chat and provocations on the forum. Every single time someone will react to his stupid, uninformative comment and it ends up with a endless back and forth.
    0 points
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