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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-09-07 in Posts

  1. There have been so many posts in this thread (and that thread) saying that it is cheating. Just because it is public knowledge doesn't mean that it isn't cheating. There is no agreement on any of these items. If there was agreement it would be part of the vanilla game (and thereby not a "cheat"). The only reason why these cheats exist is because someone made the mod and no one can do anything to stop you from using it. Being transparent about cheating doesn't make you any less of a cheat. A cheat is anything that gives an advantage this is not universally agreed to. This mod gives an advantage to the user and is not publicly agreed to. This is a game with no referees to enforce the rules. The game relies on cooperation around the basic rules of the game. If we were to play a soccer match and I picked up the ball with my hands and ran it into the goal it would be cheating. It wouldn't matter that everyone could see me do it (public/transparent). And, it wouldn't matter if there was or wasn't referees to enforce the rules against against. No matter how public. No matter how transparent. A cheat is a cheat. And, players continued use of a mod in games where others call it a cheat loses any good will and benefit of the doubt those players ever had.
    2 points
  2. I had a WTF moment when I realized the Britons hero Boudicca actually speaks Greek!... It sure sounds strange...
    1 point
  3. I play for fun, I like competing once in a while and I can play fair: I played without the mod for the tournament event if it wasn't required (contrary to what I had thought). What I'm saying is: think what you want to think, but I've been using progui since soon after it was out, and I'm not a cheater.
    1 point
  4. It really bothers me that if someone attacks a single unit on the woodline (or anywhere) the remaining units continue working as if nothing happend. One suggestion i heard was control groups, which i use! So a more specific example would be if Im attacking the opponent and they send a counter attack to my woodline, they can pick the women off 1 by one and the men continue to chop. I dont know im being attacked, because Im attacking/being attacked at their base. So the idea would be that when set in agressive stance they will stop what they are doing and fight within X distance of each other. So if one unit gets attacked woodline other units within X would fight alongside. Does that make sense? is it possible?
    1 point
  5. Agree. There are already units like this. But I'd really like to get away from the "introduce a new unique unit" for each civ as a means of differentiating. Playing the same with every civ until you spam one, unique unit for that civ at min 15 is a pretty boring meta. Now, if the unique unit creates a unique build order, like free champs, siege, or something then that's a different story. I would just like to see civs play more differently than each other.
    1 point
  6. I am translating through Google Translate, I hope the sentences are understandable. In the game as it is today, the main disadvantage, in my opinion, is that it lacks dynamics. The game more or less goes like this: each side develops as fast as it can, then when it has a siege weapon it simply makes a general attack of the whole army, whoever developed faster wins. It takes all the strategy and thinking out of the game, you just have to learn how to develop quickly and not waste people and time, and that's almost the whole game. For example, if one decides to send 20% of the force to make a surprise raid, and they succeed, and destroy the opponent's economy, it does not help because his 100% will crush your 80%, you will be left with 0% and he will be left with about 50%. He will conquer all of your part, and you at best will conquer his part only to lose later to the large army he still has left. My suggestions on the matter: 1. Fortresses and watchtowers are stronger 2. The control power of the soldiers will be smaller as they move away from their area, so that it will be necessary to conquer step by step, and not simply go straight to the opponent's base and finish the game.
    1 point
  7. For me the lowest is turtle at 0.1 speed? But that might be more comfy anyway because commands are for the next turn (in mp some more), so with 0 speed you won't see the results of your action until you speed up again.
    1 point
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