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  1. For the record, Yekaterina has been lying about what happened with Restorative Justice and our Element conversations. The accusations of moderator abuse are false, which is why the posts were hidden at first. Then a different moderator, who does not have awareness of the situation to determine who is telling the truth, un-hid the posts. That moderator did this without consulting any other WFG staff before, during or after that action. That resembled a situation where two people were fighting for control of the steering wheel of a vehicle. That's a recipe for disaster, so someone needs to yield. I decided to stop posting in this thread for a while. Yekaterina has claimed that only one type of evidence, and only one piece of it, was used to justify banning NitroVicky and inzhu. This is false. The evidence that NitroVicky and inzhu were duplicates of Yekaterina was a lot more than one type or piece of evidence, and it was checked out by the other WFG staff. Banning NitroVicky and inzhu were not mistakes. Mistakes, let's see. I made a mistake by believing that Yekaterina was a real friend and was making progress toward stopping the misconduct. Apparently it was just "calm before the storm" or a reconnaissance period by Yekaterina to try to learn how we detected that it was Yekaterina, or an accomplice of Yekaterina, who did the lobby spamming and other misconduct, how we detected Yekaterina's alternate accounts, how much we knew about Yekaterina's capabilities and skills, etc. That evidence will remain sealed in order to protect our investigation capabilities, slow down or prevent Yekaterina's attempts to counter them, as well as to ensure privacy of perpetrators, investigators, and victims. Yekaterina's accusations toward me are false. There are probably ways to demonstrate that without revealing the evidence listed above. Anyone who wants to talk about it, please contact me via forum PM or IRC, and we can have a polite and reasonable discussion about it. Yekaterina, even though you have betrayed me and spread false rumors about me, I continue to hold the door open to conflict resolution. I appreciate your positive contributions to the community like writing guides for newbies, being an OP player who does not swear or insult other players, creating abstractGUI mod and splitting its features into smaller mods based on public demand (part of restitution work for RJ), creating a campaign teaching players booming skills which is still a work in progress (also part of restitution work), developing improved AI, bringing friends into the game and development work, and having our interesting and informative personal conversations since April, 2023. You can come back to Element and talk to me. I will be more cautious when talking to you, but I will (continue to) not be abusive. Restorative Justice remains optional, and will, as always, only be done on a voluntary basis for both parties in each case (both Yekaterina and WFG, both weirdJokes and Yekaterina, both sanafur and Yekaterina). The alternative is to "sit out" the ban for its duration. But, realize that the duration is based on your behavior, not a set duration. Restorative Justice would hopefully speed up that process, so it's a win-win for you and for WFG, as well as the 0ad player base.
    1 point
  2. . . + : . : _ . ! ' (_) ,|.' - -- ---(-O-`--- -- - ,`|'`. , ! . : : " . --+-- .: . !
    1 point
  3. You meant, "where you live?" Sure, in JavaScript terms, a location close to "America/Los Angeles"; but right now currently on vacation for a few weeks in a location close to "Asia/Manila".
    1 point
  4. Why? for which purpose? At the moment it is only important to me that the result is right (also where you life?), not that it is beautiful . But thank you very much. I should sleep now. It's 3 a.m. here.
    1 point
  5. yesterday created release. i named it this time: personalizations worked on/changes/updates/features: update tooltip text add two helper text update description of autocivP fix typo change the order and the labels of timezones add Latvia to timzones fix typo in timeNow and set to LowerCase add chatInput.focus() add option to show a time for Rio Grande do Sul, Brasilien add option to show a combination of different time zones in gameName add chicago fix the autociv and autocivP problem loosing not sendet chat context when changing the chat context via hotkey. now in all chats. it saves last chat context temporarily and put it in again when you press tab in empty chat fix the autociv and autocivP problem loosing not sendet chat context when changing the chat context via hotkey. now in all chats. it saves last chat context temporarily and add option to show a combination of different time zones in gameName removes all occurrences of :00 from the message variable. option to select which counties time showed showed int game name update game readme of autocivP add more whatsIs descriptions ingame ist much more important when help pings other team players then list all the commands via the /help command. more important to have a easy comunication with team. make sure that this keyword is still i the json file litte beutify move captionIs_ checks 100 lines higher so they more prioritized fix typo add var g_backupMessageBeforeChangeContextViaHotkey learn/teach/talk game change options layout and text a bit fix typo fixe the autociv and autocivP problem with changing chat context via hotkey. it saves last chat context temporarily and put it in again when you press tab in empty chat quickfix /timenow in lobby add prefent for unwanted replacments for e.g. in gamesetup add write Meurl⟦Tab⟧ meUrl⟦Tab⟧ . some need to share a URL often. e.g. youtuber add very nub suggestion add a input field for helloAll message stringTrim gameName suggestions quickfix /timenow in lobby update: handle upperCase words beginnings disable ggWpIcon-replacments by use a uppercase somewhare in caption. more strict. Easier to explain and maybe easier to use and remeber this rule, then only use this rule for the first letter. update game name. use rated unrated when is not expicited set in the options from rated default setting update game name. use rated unrated when is not expicited set in the options from rated default setting update game name suggestions types add much game name suggestions types update game name suggestions add much game name suggestions types download new ZIP here https://github.com/sl5net/autocivP/releases 2. unzip it 3. rename folder to "autocivP" 4. copy this folder to "mods" folder. Path to user data: Linux : ~/.config/0ad/mods Windows: %AppData%\\0ad\\mods macOS : \/Users\/{YOUR USERNAME}\/Library\/Application\\ Support/0ad/mods start 0 A.D., click Settings and Mod Selection. Double-click it, click Save Configuration and Start Mods Assets 2 Source code (zip) 2023-07-26T12:49:13Z Source code (tar.gz)
    1 point
  6. Yekaterina as uitgezonderd attempted to post numerous lies and a one-sided assessment of the restorative justice process and our Element conversations. This is yet another reason that appeal of moderator action must be done privately instead of publicly. This thread is locked. From the boilerplate Invision Community forum terms of use: "You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law."
    1 point
  7. @Yekaterina is probably having fun since @Norse_Harold is putting effort into tracking him down. As @alre said it's really hard to enforce a perma-ban so he's picking a fight he can't win anyway. We can just call to Yeka's intelligence to stop doing assh0les things like spamming the lobby. What's the point of doing this anyway? He pretend to not want authority enforcement, but do things that make it more a necessity.
    1 point
  8. @Stan`Maybe this thread should be merged with https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/38086-proposal-more-difficult-ai-settings/
    1 point
  9. With kush-extreme, a pro player *might* be able to defeat 2 Kush AIs, but definitely not 3.
    1 point
  10. Indeed it would be nice to have a smarter AI. I'll be sure to try out these changes next time I play. There's also the kush extreme mod available from the 0ad mod downloader. It doesn't change the intelligence of the AI, but makes the KUSH very OP by increasing their armor strength. Existing thread at https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/91251-kush-extreme/
    1 point
  11. The mod is now available for download at https://github.com/0ad-matters/kush-extreme/releases
    1 point
  12. Could you help me answering this? ES6 formatTime for Asia/Kolkata and FunPlanat/moon gives always the same result https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76767940/es6-formattime-for-asia-kolkata-and-funplanat-moon-gives-always-the-same-result
    0 points
  13. Please see my topic, hopefully it bring your argument to a peaceful solution: I have been playing with @Yekaterina for a long time, they used to be a nice player and helpful at contributing to developments. Some things happened and they gradually pushed her down the wrong path. We should look at what went wrong to prevent more Yekaterinas appearing. I am not appealing for anyone, I think boths sides have made mistakes. Obviously Yekaterina shouldn't make so many smurf accounts, try spamming and encourage other people to do bad things. But I also think it's not appropriate for a moderator to contact Yekaterina on a platform outside WFG at late night, especially when he/she felt harassed by the messages. If I understood correctly, there is a second set of "draft rules" that is not displayed at the sign-up page. If the moderators are enforcing any rules they should make it very clear for everyone to see, so that nobody steps across a red line without knowing. It would help to pin the rules at registration page or a gaudy location on the homepage. If you just enforce things without telling people, they will think that you are misusing your powers just to please yourselves, hence there will be "dictator" accusations. I do believe that the moderators are serving the best interest of 0ad but maybe some things should be made transparent or at least explained and some methods should be revised. When I read @Norse_Harold's post I get the impression that he fears Yekaterina's metamorphic identites and will try to stop him/her at all costs. I think this is a bit extreme, it will only provoke Yekaterina more and give him/her motivation to do more damage. On the contrary, if you just ignore the likely smurfs, for example the most recent inzhu, they will most likely stay well-behaved because they don't want to get discovered. So there won't be any wave of chaos. I also played with inzhu and they were well behaved in games, not toxic or spamming anything dangerous. On the forum this inzhu talks about multithreading, which is useful for 0ad. Had we kept inzhu, their expertise can be used to improvement of 0ad engine. Isn't this good for "restorative justice"? But after purging inzhu and disturbing Yeka at late night, Yeka is angry again and now we have chaos again. If you suspect inzhu is Yeka you can choose to kick him from your game and tell other hosts to do the same, but editing all of their forum account then provoking Yeka is too much and didn't have any positive effect.
    0 points
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