Bah, I play the Iberians, so the map isn't exactly the kindest map for me, but I've been trying workaround strategies to get the upper hand in situations like this, so it's a good thing. Good work on the map, both of you, it's really fun (except when they bring an army of quinqueremes)! Encourage them, then. Of course it would be troublesome if people started speaking in their own languages every time in the forum or created a session only for a language X (who'd supervise that?), but if they have a contribution to make, I am quite sure the team will not complain if they can't speak English. I am totally comfortable doing everything in English, nowadays, but it was not always like that. And most games currently released by major companies like Ubisoft, EA Games and Blizzard Entertainment are including Portuguese translations, but 10 years ago you'd only find games in English. Plus, now there's the Google Translator. I help translate things to Portuguese, now, because I don't want other people to struggle to play a game like I did, not understanding what the objectives of that mission were or what that X ability did, or what the unit Y was good for. So I can say I understand very well their situation, but there will be no progress unless the person makes an effort, like you do, Lion.