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  1. Both of these tile, or they should anyway. Boy, this semester's been a rough one.
    5 points
  2. due to the multitude of gods in the pantheon and the decentralized nature of Norse settlements, pagan religion was a personal matter. for everyday worship a Horg, a simple stone altar, could be used for offerings of butter, ale and such. at solstices communal offerings and ritualistic feasting could be performed at Hov`s, most likely maintained by local chieftains. at such events a wagon or sledge, symbolically carrying the sun, might be central. the supposed great temple at Uppsala might be a (late) exception in this matter. stave churches might give an impression of the style in which temples were constructed. the earliest ones could verry well be refurbished hov`s. as for funerals an oblong stonesetting, symbolising a boat, could be erected. possibly even with a boat burried inside. though i believe this custom were mainly practised in the late bronze/early iron age. later great burial mounds (tumulus) would be erected by prominent families in areas of the landscape where it would be easily noticeable.
    1 point
  3. Is possible do a crowfunding action to develop this feature? I'd like to participate i it.
    1 point
  4. wooee, one of my professors actually let me do this one for a grade.
    1 point
  5. Ignoring most of your post, but I have to answer to this part: Commits including code you contributed (full listing): r15150, r15677, r15699, r15868. There are some patches on trac that were applied (and are in the above listing), or they did get a review and weren't improved and thus aren't going anywhere, or the ticket was just invalid. Yes, commits can be reverted, but patches can be improved before they are committed and as can be seen you didn't do that. Code contributions (patches) say more than long forum posts and judging from yours your demand for source access, the demand for getting an answer in less than 8 hours, and the above rant some 3 months later is presumptuous at best.
    1 point
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