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  1. Detailed Faction Proposals Part 2: CARTHAGINIANS CIV CENTER WomanLibyan SpearmanLibyan Skirmisher*Punic Cavalry Spearman*BARRACKS (Citizen/Subject People Recruits) Libyan SpearmanLibyan SkirmisherMauritanian ArcherPunic Cavalry SpearmanMERCENARY CAMP/EMBASSY (Bonused to 2 or more for Carthage) Numidian Cavalry SkirmisherIberian SkirmisherGallic SwordsmanLigurian SpearmanIberian SwordsmanCeltic Cavalry SwordsmanIberian Cavalry SpearmanItalian Cavalry SpearmanItalian SwordsmanBalearic SlingerMany of the above could change class or be narrowed down to reduce duplicates*Ideally each map would be classified to a regional pool, and each faction would be able to train some civ-specific mercenaries (their most common perhaps) and some from the regional pool. Same with successor levy barracks structures. *Mercenaries could train slightly fasted by default to make up for their high metal cost and add realism. FORTRESS (Champions) War ElephantTEMPLE Sacred band infantry and Cavalry Champions (plus healers ofc)REFORMS Barcid Armies: Increased armor for melee infantry units (rearmed with looted roman kits) and reduced mercenary costs (better handling of alliances and subjects through diplomacy and use of hostages)TECHS/BONUSES/COMMENTS Colonization bonus: Either shared with Athens (cheaper/faster built CC) or their current tech as a default bonusExploration bonus: Increased unit/ship line of sight (maybe for civilian and non-mercenary units only)Mass Production: Increased siege weapon train speedGive them back their wall bonuses even if lesser and/or a tech increasing tower, fortress, barracks and wall hp. They had massive walls with built-in barracks, stables and elephant stables.Buff naval shipyard with repair aura, ability to garrison ships and an attack or some of them. Add naval architects to both docks.ATHENIANS CIV CENTER WomanAthenian HopliteAthenian Psilos Slinger* (usually javelinmen, at times archers, but for flavor and avoiding duplicates let's go with slingers)Athenian Cavalry Skirmisher*BARRACKS Athenian HopliteAthenian Psilos SlingerAthenian Cavalry SkirmisherAthenian Cavalry Swordsman (flavor to differentate greeks, I think Spearman is more likely though)MERCENARY CAMP/EMBASSY (limited to 1 for all but Carthage) Thracian PeltastScythian Archer (they were policemen, I think armed with clubs, but flavor again)Cretan Archers (possible and more realistic alternative to scythians)Rhodian Slingers also possible.GYMNASION (Now this structure makes some sense for proposed champions, if they are rejected please rename it to garrison and add a new icon) Logades Hoplites - Elite hoplite force instead of the generic "city guard", same function. I've read they also trained to use bows, but not sure about the source. Going this way could have Logades Hoplites and Archers (picked force of both as champions) without marines full time on land.Marine Archers - Makes more sense than the scythians or some unhistorical marine swordsman. Marines could give an extra bonus when garrisoned in ships.(NEW) ACADEMY STRUCTURE (For Greeks, Succesors, Romans and Maybe Carthaginians - library or some recently unbuildable greek structures as placeholders) Holds some (new) techs that don't fit elsewherePhilosopher Champion Healer: New unit that functions as a priest but also has an aura or empowerment skill increasing construction/train time/tech time.REFORMS Iphicratian Reform: Increased movement speed for melee and ranged infantry, possibly at a slight armor trade-off if it proves too strong. Could also replace Hoplites with Iphicratian Hoplites looking similar to the current city guard.TECHS/BONUSES/COMMENTS Colonization bonus: Cheaper/faster built CCImperialism/Athenian Empire bonus: Civ Centers, Triremes (or docks) or both provide a small tickle of metal.Chorigoi (Sponsors): Dock tech reducing Trireme (metal?) cost.Their 2 superfast messenger Triremes, Paralos and Salaminia could be used as some form of fast scout ship with extensive line of sight, but I guess it's not worth the modeling effort for something so minor in gameplay.SPARTANS CIV CENTER WomanHelot (Slave worker with farming bonuses and degenerating hitpoints - going gaia and aggressive at low health)Spartan Hoplite Champion (limited to one per farm or house - can't gather/build)Perioikos Hoplite - if the above two are not implementedPerioikos Cavalry Skirmisher*BARRACKS (Subjects such as perioikoi, helots and skiritae - those were a actually tribe, not spartan commandos, probably being confused with crypteia) Helot SkirmisherPerioikos HoplitePerioikos Cavalry SkirmisherSkiritis Swordsman (or more accurately fast light hoplite)MERCENARY CAMP/EMBASSY (limited to 1 for all but Carthage) Cretan ArchersTarantine Cavarly SkirmisherElean Cavalry SpearmanHellenic Thyreophoros (Spearman or Skirmisher)Rodian or Arcadian SlingersSYSSITION (Champion Units) Spartan HopliteCrypteia (swordsman for variety?) - Special operations and police force, often used to terrorize-murder helots. Could have a helot suppression aura preventing helot revolts if helot workers are used.REFORMS Cleomenian Reform: Unlocks pikemen citizen-soldiers, provides a farming bonus and possibly unlocks some of the mercenaries.TECHS/BONUSES/COMMENTS Replace Agis - who seems less interesting with no aura - with Cleomenes III, having an aura buffing pikemen.*(If my recruitment ideas are rejected)
    2 points
  2. v1.0.0 Hello folks, I would like to present to you an open source RTS game I am working on, called Wyrmsun. It uses the Stratagus engine and features elements of mythology, history and fiction. You can download its current version below: Download Wyrmsun v1.0.0 At present, Wyrmsun features one playable civilization (the dwarves) and seven quests for them (completing quests grants technology points, which allow the purchasing of units, buildings and technologies), as well as two NPC civilizations (the gnomes and goblins). The Wyrmsun Universe In Wyrmsun, rather than living all on the same world, creatures such as dwarves, elves and humans live in separate planets. While humans live on Earth, the elves live on Alfheim, and the dwarves in a harsh world called Nidavellir. This world they share with gnomes, goblins and kobolds. Copyright Notice The Stratagus engine, as well as all of the code, artwork, music and storylines included in Wyrmsun are distributed under the GPLv2 license. See here for the text of the GPLv2. Lore Sources of Inspiration Wyrmsun lore contains many elements adapted from the Battle for Wesnoth literature (which is also licensed under the GPLv2), for example: the storyline of the first dwarven campaign, "The Scepter of Fire", is an adaptation of a campaign of same name from Battle for Wesnoth to the Wyrmsun universe. The lore also contains many elements adapted from Norse as well as Germanic mythology. Screenshots https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen02.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen03.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen04.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen05.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen06.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen10.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen14.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen15.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen16.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen21.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen22.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen23.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1732902/Wyrmsun/screen27.png Videos
    1 point
  3. The current state of gameplay is just mostly a simplified, unified game just to test (through an alpha release) whether the civs are balanced at their current state before we start introducing bells and whistles for each faction (rebalancing after civ perks will be much more difficult if the baseline isn't balanced).
    1 point
  4. What's the code for spoilers? I know and had no intention to push all this in the game in the last moment before A17 release. Scythe seems rather busy and possibly not very interested, I'm not blaming him, he has just reorganized everything, it would be strange to throw it all away and much of it is in a good direction anyway. However, factions now feel like the old Age Of Empires clone ones, with very minor variations (besides the visuals). That might be a good start for balance, but we need to start implementing variety and interesting concepts little by little so they can be tested and finally reach balance while having unique and historical factions. So I'm for changing some minor things if there's some time available, with more coming in for the next alpha. By the way, with Mythos gone, is there anyone currently in the team with a vision on the historical and uniqueness part of the factions? While I did not completely agree with the way it was, it was still rather good on that aspect compared to now and most (wannabe) historical RTS.
    1 point
  5. Such formations are possible I guess but they would have to wait for a better re-implementation of formations. Tech pairs would work well on some occasions gameplay-wise. The example with priest techs is one, thought it doesn't make much sense from a realism point of view. Techs that could work well in pairs and are realistic are the wall example (faster to build or stronger if I recall right) and the one I gave earlier, ekdromoi (light hoplites - gives speed) or bronze cuirass (Heavier hoplites - gives armor). Unrelated things paired like improved woodcutting or handcart don't make sense either way and their removal was a good decision imo.
    1 point
  6. I would not replace the human workers, I would just make it so that soldiers can't build or work (maybe with a few exceptions like the roman army camp/siege walls and successor kings laying down civ center foundations). Male workers would be added in addition to female, or just a generic worker that would spawn as either of them. This would make economy harassment more viable and allow bigger starting unit price differentiations without breaking balance. The citizen soldier concept is smart and realistic, but it could also be represented just by strength differences between levy and elite/professional warriors. It's more of a flavor than a needed feature, but it's not game-breaking anyway. It could be slightly rebalanced somehow I guess. Another solution I've thought about is limiting Military Settlements to one per CC (and make CC normally buildable for all civs). Building one would mean the region has settler troops instead of just locals, and represent that the successors had to train locals as well if they wanted vast armies. Techs could increase military settlement number or train speed.
    1 point
  7. What you think about create mod in order we can test your propasals? Actually the mod selector can charge easily any change in main game and without change SVN files.
    1 point
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