I think it looks best down in the corner like this one: It's out of the way and doesn't unbalance the header. I like the gentle shadowing and balance of gray tones. Though, I think the player names could have harder shadows like my tooltip mockup (1px offset, 0px feather). Would help make the names stand out from the oversaturated player colors.Some other ideas: The tribute icons could be bigger so that you click the button "100, 200, 300, etc." shows up over them as you accrue the tribute amount you want to send, then... The tribute would not be sent until a "Send" button is clicked next to the tribute icons. At the bottom we need a series of buttons instead of just "close." They could be: Accept - This accepts all changes to diplomacy, plus sends all unsent accrued tribute, and closes the window. Reset - Resets all changes, including diplomacy and accrued tribute. Does not close the window. Cancel - Replaces "Close" button. Just cancels everything and closes the window. [*]Our button styles will need an update, even if they don't look like the main menu buttons. The brown buttons don't fit at all. We could make black or gray or red or gold buttons or something that look similar to the main menu buttons but fit the new UI direction better. Hell, we could also just update the main menu graphics while we're at it (the layout would be the same, but the graphics would be updated).