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  1. See here for related discussion. I've started working on a concept for our user interfaces and will showcase some of the new layouts below. The new theme will be rolled out throughout the game, but will not influence the in-game HUD, the main menu screen, or the new website design for now. I'm going to focus on the windows that need the most work. Here are some windows using the existing UI theme: **** Work in Progress warning **** Here are the windows using the new UI theme: On flat white and black backgrounds: Thoughts: I focused on making the design more modern, clean, and legible. The thick gold frames are gone, being replaced by a solid top frame with an optional title area, and a lower 'weight' frame to hold it in place. This somewhat resembles the structure of a Roman Standard flag. I'm using a temporary background pattern texture that comes with Adobe Photoshop for now just to quicken the design process, but this will be replaced with a compliant texture. That's it for now. Hope you guys like it!
    1 point
  2. The terrain alteration should be selectable per building. Some buildings might want perfectly flat ground. Others might want a straightened ground (but not brought horizontal), and there can be special cases, like we could use for the slope walls, or maybe stuff like trenches (for WWI games or in front of a siege wall). Next to that, it should be graphical only, and not influence pathfinding. And finally, it should be reversible (if you destroy the building, the terrain is also restored). But I believe Philip has that covered. And sorry for going off topic like this. If we want to continue this discussion, we should probably use a new thread. Although I don't know what's to discuss when nobody studied the code.
    1 point
  3. Yeah don't worry, I'm on this. I have a few button design concepts, I just need to simplify/alter some bits to make sure it's workable (programmable).
    1 point
  4. I think it looks best down in the corner like this one: It's out of the way and doesn't unbalance the header. I like the gentle shadowing and balance of gray tones. Though, I think the player names could have harder shadows like my tooltip mockup (1px offset, 0px feather). Would help make the names stand out from the oversaturated player colors.Some other ideas: The tribute icons could be bigger so that you click the button "100, 200, 300, etc." shows up over them as you accrue the tribute amount you want to send, then... The tribute would not be sent until a "Send" button is clicked next to the tribute icons. At the bottom we need a series of buttons instead of just "close." They could be: Accept - This accepts all changes to diplomacy, plus sends all unsent accrued tribute, and closes the window. Reset - Resets all changes, including diplomacy and accrued tribute. Does not close the window. Cancel - Replaces "Close" button. Just cancels everything and closes the window. [*]Our button styles will need an update, even if they don't look like the main menu buttons. The brown buttons don't fit at all. We could make black or gray or red or gold buttons or something that look similar to the main menu buttons but fit the new UI direction better. Hell, we could also just update the main menu graphics while we're at it (the layout would be the same, but the graphics would be updated).
    1 point
  5. http://steam-designs.blogspot.ro/2013/09/0-ad-beta-review.html Updated review ,with more info and recent photos is up.
    1 point
  6. Fun facts - the pyrogenesis "logo" was a single character from a font. It was intended to be similar in look to the Chinese wildfire games character. I think the name was selected by a team vote at the time when we were using greek to name certain aspects of the game - like Atlas and Odysseus. It's prior name was prometheus, which we found out later was already used. I think before that it was briefly called omicron. "New Fire" was what it was supposed to mean, loosely following the wildfire moniker. I think the attached file is the original .max file for the 0 A.D. logo (guessing based on file name). logo.zip
    1 point
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