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  1. I didn't know about Helots, but you're right. This vision of this game on genders is a bit too Roman (that culture stayed the same during many centuries in Europe). In Celtic cultures, there seemed to be not a lot of differences between men and women. Women could also be chief, just as men. While the only females are female citizens and Boudicca. Certainly a female variation of the druid would be nice (http://www.unc.edu/celtic/catalogue/femdruids/). But there were also female horseback riders, and other female warriors (http://ehlt.flinders.edu.au/archaeology/department/publications/PDF%20Theses/Mike%20Adamson.pdf). As the civilisation seemed to be mostly equally divided, it would be good to have random female variations of the different citizen soldier units. Having separate units s.a. tha Maurian maidens shouldn't be needed I think.
    1 point
  2. I think it's a planned feature that never got implemented, but still should be someday.
    1 point
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