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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-03-20 in all areas

  1. Here's two paintovers. as you can see, rim lights are helpful in pulling the figure out of the background. I've also darkened the background some and you should make sure you are thoughtful about making the figure clearly lighter or darker than the background. You also have a bad habit of doing blown out highlights that have an atmospheric shine, it muddles your values and makes things less legible. You need to learn the difference between a plane in light and a specular highlight. Most highlights are darker than you expect, and requires value control, speculars are quite light, but are typically harder edged than you'd expect, especially on metal. Lastly I sort of did a little drawover on the arm of the spearman. You should study analytical figure drawing if you can, as you were lacking form in that arm. Think of the arm at it's simplest as two tapering cylinders, it makes them easier to draw in perspective. Keep working at it.
    2 points
  2. Hi guys please call me crayzyivan, im new here, i registered because i want to be a part of this big project and i want to help/contribute. i'm new in c++ programming, but i'm studying the language, i'm a visual basic programmer but i want to learn c++, since its more powerful and fast. my main purpose i guess to join the community is to learn c++ and widen my knowledge about programming specially c++ language, So if i ask stupid questions sometime its because i'm new to C++., Thanks with high respect crayzyivan
    1 point
  3. Throw in one of his videos too. Broad range of creativity with this one.
    1 point
  4. What about Phoenician military, how are you going to portray them? Are you going to portray them as Middle Eastern based infantry with chariot as the main arm and supported by mercenaries or an army based on Hellenic style citizen army with the support of foreign mercenaries and auxiliaries. As far as i know, Phoenician wasn't a military superpower but a collection of city states competing for their personal interest.
    1 point
  5. From what I've seen, the HD "effect" doesn't seem impressive at all. I agree with Khopesh that this making money with nothing new. AOK is still a great game and should be still played and respected. It's just that this new edition would make more sense being free and Linux-friendly. This would be fresh. Oh, and actually, I don't know if you heard about, but there's an open-source game that is HD too (but better), and also full 3D, and it's awesome and it grows better and better all the time. It's called 0 A.D. People say it's clearly as good as Age of Kings! And it's free ! You should try it !
    1 point
  6. Make sure that neck flab is properly animated when it walks. jk lol
    1 point
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