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Variable Unit Costs

Titus Ultor

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In nearly every RTS game, the price of units is fixed at one give price (even after extensive upgrading). I think that a perhaps worthwhile feature would be to make certain units considerably cheaper for some (i.e. heavy infantry for Romans), while other ones used less by the actual historical civilization would cost a lot more (i.e. heavy calvary for Romans). This would help to elminate the "the only good civs are the ones with Paladins and Siege Onager" syndrome. Besides, how many Roman Republic legions had a large, armoured calvary force with which constituted a sizeable section of the army?

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Yes that is how we are working the game. For instance the Persians will be able to recruit many, many troops at low cost. And each one of the civs will have special costs that fit with their culture.

To answer your question: Roman armies during the Second Punic War could be up to 10% cavalry. And those would only be middle-upper class citizens and allies, so they'll cost a good penny.

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Speaking of the Punic Wars...I was going to apply for the Historian position thing. But then I realized that I'd have to be a historian. Which I'm perfectly capable of (and have, actually) done. However, I then realized that I was already taking two college history courses. And, furthermore, realized that five hundred words is a lot more than it sounds like.

Anyway, I'm glad that idea is already being implemented. It makes the idea of tributing units sound more useful. I'm not sure whether people would go through the trouble of doing it, though.

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Hmm... good idea... Kindof like AOK had some civs have cheaper stuff (eg. I think Goths had cheaper infantry... or maybe it was cheaper barrackses.... no I'm pretty sure it was infantry....) You could also "steal" the one tech from AOK called Shipwright, which makes ships cheaper (ie, make a tech make units cheaper).

EDIT: Oh yeah! The huns are great civs and they don't have siege onagers (or onagers for that matter)

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