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Does Any ones know how to remove entities from a map?? and other questions...


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Please let me know,  I am also looking for ways to make some units become Mediterranean Pirates, adventures and mercenaries, so they can be their own individual faction.  I find many of the units from the different factions to look amazing and perfect to mix them with others from other factions and build some kind of pirate federation or a Mercenary faction with a mix of the coolest looking units from all the factions in the game... Do any of you know about any mod about pirates and mercs??  I also would like to know about any Germanic mod, if there is any...So Danish as well, If anyone knows, please share??? I have already seen the Lusitanias one of your guys made... And Love them! About The Romans, if there is any way to make the Champion Swordsman evolve in to the Bad ass looking one with armor from the 3 AC century??? I love the design in that unit. Whoever made it, kick ass. Any Numidians??? Anyone knows about any mod with Numidians??? Does anyone know how a faction  persuade enemy units to CHANGE SIDES and become merc units for whatever faction have the money to expend on them for certain period of time before they get kill or hire by other players during a match??  Please let me know.. Thank you 0 AD Team. I love what you guys have done. Keep it up and keep them coming. Thanks.


Edited by Belisarius17
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Hi Stan, thanks for the reply, I am looking for Mediterranean pirates and mercenaries from the 1, st to 3rd century. Caribbean Pirates from the 16th century will not work for me, base on the scenario I am making. But thanks for sharing the link. That mod you are suggesting may work well for a mod set on the Caribbean during the 16th century. An interesting option for a future scenario base on the Caribbean. So, thanks for sharing. By the way, do you know how to remove entities from a map??? I need to get rid of a few trees that I put by mistake while designing the scenario I’m working on. If you know, please let me know. Thanks.

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Hi Loppe, thanks for the reply. Please, tell me about Github....So about yourself as a modder and designer. To be honest, My experience designing units and characters for games, is almost 0,  0 AD  is my first try at it.  The empires at war scenario I am working is  set for 4 Players, The Romans, The Carthaginians, The Gauls and the Seleucid.  The Iberian, Greeks, Spartans, Macedonians, Ptolemies Britons, and Other Gauls tribes are in the scenario as Gaia players , and are basically buffer states between the main factions. I want to add Mediterranean pirates for the Aegean Sea region of the map, And North African pirates and mercenaries for the North Africans. So far I am using Kush, some Spartans, and Black cloaks mercs, all mix up, to represent North African Libyan Pirates in the North African region of the map. I also would like to get Numidians mercenaries and Germans to add to the scenario. Those Illyrians you are suggesting look pretty good. They will do good as Aegean pirates. I also would like to get rid of some trees that I put by mistake on a small area of the map and can't remove them. So if you know, let me know. The Version I'm using is 0 AD 24. I will change to the new 25, once the scenario is finish, as long as there is a way to save the scenario and then added to version 25. I have been working on this scenario for almost a year now and will hate to see all that time I put on it. Wasted. What can you tell me about yourself?? Please get with me on private, so we can talk. Feel free to contact me in private. And thanks so much for your time and attention. Cheers.

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15 minutes ago, Belisarius17 said:

Don't know why...but I select the area, press delete, so + and delete ..but they don't go away, the actors trees do, but not the entities ones. Thanks anyway. Will try tonight as soon as I get back from work. Thanks.

This must be because they are actors, select the area and click ALT.

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As this is a map it might be better if you add them as gaia to your map for now, but if you really want to learn how to create basic civs it only takes less than an hour to learn very basic things. About github I recommend you to create an account and create a repository there, it's easy and it's not something totally aimed at programmers/developers in the area of technology. I know cases of writers, content creators, writing activities that use github. Furthermore, github is a good platform to save your project as a backup, preventing any damage to your computer from ending up with everything.

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Yes, I think you are right... The Units that I am using to represent the Ilyrian Pirates and North Africans mercenaries are a mix of many units from other factions, and I have them under the Gaia player. About the Trees I want to delete, they are no actors...they are entities...I been using the editor for almost a year in order to make the map, and I can tell easily went a unit is an actor, or an Entity... I have learned a lot by Trial and errors...so I know they are entities, but don't know how to eliminate those, actors are easy, but entities are not...or at least it looks that way for me so far....but thanks anyway.


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