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Sunrise and daytime


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Bonjour à tous,

hye everybody, 

Juste une idée qui serait révolutionnaire pour ce magnifique projet :

Just an idea for the development :

"Pourquoi ne pas intégrer le déroulé du temps, le lever, le coucher du soleil et la nuit, pour repos des yeux et le sentiment de réalité temporelle pendant le jeu?" 

"Why not integrate a time-line and the sunrise, sunset and nighttime along the play for a better sensation and to feel more comfortable with our eyes?"

Bien à vous, 

Sincerely yours, 

Noé Nagy, Noah

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It would be very nice to play and change the game for a real new dimension !


Is it so difficult to fix it with lights and colors on the screen ? And with a clock ?

For the beginning ...


Maybe the 3d engine have to include a source of "sunlight" into the maps ...

Edited by Novali
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