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Slave and Citizen dichotomy


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So, I have created Citizens for every civ [thanks to @stanislas69 I have made them randomize between Male and Female, Age of Empires-style]. I have also a Slave dynamic. Originally, they were only trained by the Principate Romans, but I have extended the Slave dynamic to all civs. So, now all civs have a gatherer civilian unit ["Slave"] and a builder/empowerer unit ["Citizen"].


Trained at the Civic Center and at Houses after researching Civic Festival.
Cost: 50 food, 1 pop


<Tooltip>Build civilian buildings and gather resources. Command nearby Slaves to work faster with the "Slave Ownership" aura. Especially good at building.
Traits: Low Cost, Low Health, Slow Speed, Light Armor, Weak Attack, Avoids Death.
Good at: Building and Dying.
Mediocre at: Gathering Resources.</Tooltip>




Trained at Storehouses and Farmsteads after building a Market.
Cost: 25 food, 25 metal, 1 pop


<Tooltip>A good and cheap gatherer with a finite life span who cannot build buildings. 
Good for: Gathering Resources and Getting Captured.
Bad for: Defense.</Tooltip>





BUT I am cognizant that not all civs used slavery extensively. Some, like the Han Chinese, had slaves, but they were a very small percentage of the population [1%-2%]. While some others, like the Athenians, had a huge slave population that may have exceeded 40%. I have not read about Iberians having slaves, but perhaps they did. While Celts definitely had slaves, but like the Han they were a much smaller percentage of the population than the Greeks or Romans or Carthaginians had.

So, I have to come up with some tweaks for some of the civs to give them some authenticity. Perhaps some kind of Peasant/Noble system parallel to the Slave/Citizen system.


Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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Slave Civs:



Egyptians [Ptolemies]




Romans [Principates]

Romans [Republicans]



  • I use a slightly modified Slavery system here, where the Slaves are called Helots and all of the "Citizens" are Female Citizens.



Non-Slave Civs:


  • Artisans/Nobles?

Chinese [Han]

  • Just have Peasants, basically the classic "Villager" unit, with no dichotomy?


  • Artisans/Nobles?


  • Artisans/Nobles?

Indians [Mauryans]

  • Some kind of caste system?

Persians [Achaemenids]

  • Not sure.
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