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How to train units and queue them to tasks?


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Hi, I'm new with RTS and starting playing 0AD. Thanks tons for this game!

I've seen all tutorials and have red all the manuals and hotkeys but I couldn't find how to distribute tasks to units fast and efficiently. Watching videos of some of you playing, I see you can do it, but haven't found how.

How do I make a worker build a house and make him build another house when he's done with the first one automatically?

When I train batches of new units, do I need to left-click on the civic centre and then right-click to the resources/building/rally point to make them go/work automatically?

How to train multiple batches and make a batch go work on different tasks automatically?

How do I know when there are no more berries or no more meat from hunted animals?

In your videos it seems that no units is ever idle, even when you have 100+ to in town, how do you manage that?

Many thanks!

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Some useful hotkeys:

  1. By editing your local.cfg, change your idle worker key to something that can be reached with your left hand while your right is on the mouse.  I have idleworker = "G"
  2. Change your idle-only key to something that can be reached with the left hand.  If you drag-select while holding down this key, it will select only idle units.  I have idleonly = "V".  If you use V, you should also put under [hotkey.session.queueunit] the setting 4="0" to disable the V hotkey for unit production.
  3. Know that alt+g (if you have my settings) selects all idle units instead of just 1.

"How do I make a worker build a house and make him build another house when he's done with the first one automatically?" - To build two houses, tell the guy to build the first house.  Then hold down shift as you place the foundation for the second house.  The second house will be queued, and he will start constructing it when he's done with the first.  Another common case is to tell the guy to build a house, and then hold shift as you click on a tree.  That will make him chop the tree after finishing the house.

"When I train batches of new units, do I need to left-click on the civic centre and then right-click to the resources/building/rally point to make them go/work automatically?" - yes.  Although, you can select the CC and press ctrl-1 so now you can just type 1 instead of clicking on the CC thereafter.

"How to train multiple batches and make a batch go work on different tasks automatically?"  -  Don't queue up more than one batch at a time in your CC.  Hold shift and click on the unit to make a batch, and only when the batch finishes should you make the next batch.  That enables you to make the next batch as large as possible (which is faster).

To split a single batch to go to two different tasks, you would set the CC waypoint for the first task, and immediately when the batch finishes you would select some of the units and tell them to do the second task instead.

"How do I know when there are no more berries or no more meat from hunted animals?" - just keep an eye on the workers.  You can also press alt+G periodically (with my keybinding) to see if any units are idle.

See also the strategy guide in my signature.


(attached my local.cfg)


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