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Questions about Unit Icons


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Hello all! After a long break from 0ad, I have decided to get back into the game once more. Now, I've decided to start modding, and after reading up on it and looking through tutorials, I found that it is fairly simple. After reading through this tutorial: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/CreatingNewUnits I managed to create my first unit!

Now, unfortunately. There doesn't seem to be anything on that page that tells me about the unit icons of units. So I went through all my files that I made during that tutorial, and found this line...


It looks simple, but I just need some clarification on this, right now I'm on my phone without access to a computer, so unfortunately I can't do any testing myself.
That line of code is in this directory


And inside the file: gaul_champion_axeman.xml

Is it as simple as putting my .png icon file in the units folder? (And changing the line of code in the .xml file of course), and if so, what's the recommended or default size for a unit icon.

I'm just not totally sure on this because the "celt_champion_infantry_gaul.png" is not actually in the units folder (of the public/parent mods folder thingy).


Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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