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Was It Difficult To Make The Movie?


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It wasn't that great ZeZar, but thanks for the comliments ;)

IMHO it was good for a learning experiance, but the movements are very robotic and I feel we didn't take better advantage of the 'full 3d' capabilities we had with the camera.

If you want to see a good 3d movie, I would recommend the preview for AoM or Praetorians.

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I found the movie very impressive actually ;) True the animation wasn't the best but we don't exactly have motion-capture suits and equipment availible to us ;) The only part I didn't like was the slightly cheesy barbarian, the music gets fast paced and you expect some huge unimaginable battle, but all you get is a villager that runs into this barabarian's sword :P

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No, i think its great. Maybe im a fool... But i think so, escpecially since you didnt have the hardware!...

Praetorians prewiev isnt good, do you think, well, i love Praetorians, the game, but the movie (prewiev) isnt that good, you wasnt able to see any battles at all, just the four romans that got killed!

AoM movie is great, it rules. But all the movies (Prewievs) that Ensemble had made to their games (AoE, AoE 2x1 and AoM)!

But i think you should give out a INGAME movie, as soon as you think that the game could do that, many INGAME movies!..

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But i think you should give out a INGAME movie, as soon as you think that the game could do that, many INGAME movies!..

The trouble with that is that (at least initially) we expect to distribute the game predominantly over the Internet. Under those conditions, we need to keep the filesize as small as possible to increase market potential. Also we want to give a lot of power to the modding community, so the tools to make in-game cutscenes and storyboards are ultimately going to be used more by the community.

Thus, we're probably better off sticking to teaser trailers where we have the opportunity to do movies (and to be honest, there are a lot of things that are currently more pressing).

Of course, if anybody with strong cinematic skills wants to come aboard, we certainly won't complain!

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  Wijitmaker said:
The problem is file size of the movies ZeZar.

But, we can have in-game cinimatics with the methods Acumen was suggesting.  I think our games will take advanage of the help the people who have worked with these tools before... like the AoM map editors

FILESIZE?? I am not an expert, but like 1 hour movie with WinCam, is abput 400 mb. Lets say you make like 4 minutes a time, woulf only be like 20-40 mb!?

OR make small movies, like 30 sec a time!?

Well, i dunno, you deside!

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  Marcus Petrius said:
Yeah, but that was on a CD. You didn't have to download AoM, and there was noone that had to upload it and pay for the bandwidth you used for downloading.

Ah, what does this have to do this the case? That i whant Wijit and the rest to make some IN-game movies so i can watch the game soon! (in the next 6-10 months)

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I think Zezar means the gameplay previews you could download online for AoM. Or for example the AoM:TT gameplay movies you can find at AoM Junkie (the titan birth and such), or the two (or three) ingame movies Reverie released.

Zezar, I think it'll take a while before that's possible, but I'm sure that as soon it's possible some ingame movies will be made if it doesn't slow the development of the game.

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Sorry it took us so long to catch up with you, ZeZar. Yes, I'm afraid it will be "several" months before the engine is at a point where you can see screenshots or vidcaps of complete gameplay. But yes, I agree that when we reach that point, it will take substantially less time to record scenes from a game session than to create full teaser trailers like the one that you've seen, and it sounds like a good idea to me, server space permitting.

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