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Farmlands implemented

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  On 01/03/2015 at 7:56 AM, auron2401 said:

What do you mean by "farmlands", Not farms, surely? We already have those.

Farmland texture on terrain give bonus to farming. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1318


Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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  On 01/03/2015 at 7:54 AM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

With hack I have implement farmlands. (y) Before I reveal how, can anyone give idea of how it could have been done with current code and no extra programing? :)

I would suppose you added an aura with 0 radius on the texture?

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  On 01/03/2015 at 8:09 AM, fabio said:

I would suppose you added an aura with 0 radius on the texture?

Basically, can use gaia objects that give grain gather bonus aura to "enemies" who are, you guess it, all the players. This works as advertise, but is a hack and is not as good as the real proposal in ticket I linked because you have to add them into each map where you want the farmland, where if the real proposal is added all the designer need to do is paint the texture.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Entity>  <Auras>    <Farmland>      <Type>range</Type>      <Radius>60</Radius>      <Affects>Gatherer</Affects>	  <AffectedPlayers>Enemy</AffectedPlayers>      <Modifications>        <ResourceGatherer.Rates.food..grain>		  <Multiply>1.25</Multiply>		</ResourceGatherer.Rates.food..grain>      </Modifications>      <AuraName>"Farmland" Aura</AuraName>      <AuraDescription>Gatherers +25% Food Gather Rate within 60 meters. This is a hack to create "Farmlands" in the game.</AuraDescription>    </Farmland>  </Auras>  <Footprint>    <Square width="60" depth="60"/>    <Height>9.0</Height>  </Footprint>  <Ownership/>  <Position>    <Altitude>0</Altitude>    <Anchor>upright</Anchor>    <Floating>true</Floating>    <TurnRate>6.0</TurnRate>  </Position>  <Selectable>    <EditorOnly/>	<Overlay>      <AlwaysVisible/>	  <Texture>        <MainTexture>auras/test/1024x1024_aura.png</MainTexture>        <MainTextureMask>auras/test/1024x1024_aura_mask.png</MainTextureMask>      </Texture>    </Overlay>  </Selectable>  <VisualActor>    <SilhouetteDisplay>false</SilhouetteDisplay>    <SilhouetteOccluder>true</SilhouetteOccluder>    <Actor>props/special/common/marker_object_char_a.xml</Actor>    <VisibleInAtlasOnly>true</VisibleInAtlasOnly>  </VisualActor></Entity>

I do not like it as permanent solution, but it works very good for a hack and mod.


Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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