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Age of empires I remake

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It's a project about getting Aoe 1 in the aoe2 engine (don't know if it's the HD edition). It seems quite advanced.




Is there some problem about posting this kind of content? What would happen with an aoe mod?

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  On 08/01/2015 at 1:26 PM, av93 said:

Is there some problem about posting this kind of content?

It's certainly not something we can recommend as it's most likely in a legal greyzone, at best, and illegal at worst. As long as it's only linked to, and not something we can be directly tied to I would say it's ok. The big issue is probably that it might be possible for someone to be able to get the AoE content, without having purchased AoE, if so that's certainly illegal. If they however are recreating things from scratch then it's much more likely to be ok. Them using the name Age of Empires for it is another thing that might be trouble (it isn't legal strictly speaking, so I guess it's more a matter of whether or not Microsoft etc knows about it/decides to pursue legal action against them.

What would happen with an aoe mod?

If it's purely a mod that tries to provide the same gameplay/civilizations, then there shouldn't be a problem. I would assume that it's ok if it's described along the lines of "like Age of Empires"/"similar to Age of Empires" as well. If it uses any content from (i.e. actual content as in graphics/sounds/text, not by e.g. having the same names for units etc as they are using non-AoE specific names) or the name Age of Empires (or any of the names associated with it such as Rise of Rome) it's not something we can get behind in any kind of way.

If someone creates something like that anyway we will remove any mention of it from our forums/FB/G+/etc as well as any files from any possible mod download site we could hypothetically host at a later date. We certainly don't want to be associated with illegal activities. And there shouldn't really be any reason to either, if someone wants to create something similar to Age of Empires they are much better off creating new content and just be "inspired by Age of Empires".

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  • 4 weeks later...

Age of Empires II is still a decent game making money today and using the Age of Empires license in any competitors game may cause heartache for you. Unless MS hire the guys who make that game to help them make more Age of Empires game, which they did with the guys who made Forgotten Empires - A fan made expansion for Age of Empires II. But 0 A.D. is an open source game so that is different.

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