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JavaScript error after creating map


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This pops up as soon as i hit play in the editor and also in game when i select my map in skirmish. Is there a file i need to find to hunt down the error ? I followed the Atlas manual while i was setting up and as far as i can tell everything i have done is the same, re the settings , obviously not though lol :)

I also had a look for my map here binaries\data\mods\public\maps\scenarios but could not find it listed as i wanted to upload the xml so someone could check it out, why would it not be there ?

Love the map editor by the way, very nice to use, reminds a bit of the il2 editor :)


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  On 21/09/2014 at 10:01 AM, Radagast. said:

[...] where you either assigned Aegis or Petra (or any other AI that uses this API).

It is generally recommended not to assign a specific AI (unless you have a specific AI created for a specific scenario) as it then becomes more work later if an AI is removed or has its name changed.

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  On 21/09/2014 at 9:56 AM, niektb said:

Zip it?

Zipped :)

  On 21/09/2014 at 10:01 AM, Radagast. said:

It's the AI code, it's expecting key buildings such as civil center, but it seems not to find them. Does a CC exist for each civ, where you either assigned Aegis or Petra (or any other AI that uses this API).

I have one for player and one for ai :)


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As far as I can see in Atlas (or in the XML file for that matter) nothing is belonging to one of the players, just to gaia. Just open the map in Atlas, go to the objects tab, select the units/buildings and press 1 for the ones you want to belong to player 1, and do the same for player 2 (though with 2 of course).

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Thanks heasp Feneur for looking at it :) i thought i allocated the Player and Ai but obviously not. Re the unit movement , there is only meant to be two ways of travel on the map , both intersect at the river which i raised last night so the opposing units wreren't trapped and slinging insults at each other from opposite banks :D

cheers again.

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Persians :) I ran the map in skirnish and then sent my guys down to attack, once i attacked the ai and then moved away they followed me all the way back to my base so pathing seems ok.

When i start the game and go and check what the ai are doing thay are just all standing in the positions i placed them in the editor. The ladies do not go and farm or chop wood or anything, the soldiers just stand there..until i make the first move.

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