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performance issues


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Hi all,

Just started with alpha 11 (I know alpha 12 is the latest one) . Tried to find an easy game, didn't one in which the AI will be weak and you have all the time in the world to win.

There is serious lag on alpha 11 on my system. I have no idea if the game does honor the settings in ~/.config/0ad or not. These are my settings there.

; Global Configuration Settings
; **************************************************************
; * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE if you want personal customisations: *
; * create a text file called "local.cfg" instead, and copy *
; * the lines from this file that you want to change. *
; * *
; * On Linux / OS X, create: *
; * ~/.config/0ad/config/local.cfg *
; * *
; * On Windows, create: *
; * %appdata%/0ad/config/local.cfg *
; * *
; **************************************************************
; Enable/disable windowed mode by default. (Use Alt+Enter to toggle in the game.)
windowed = true
; Pause the game on window focus loss (Only applicable to single player mode)
pauseonfocusloss = true
; Force a particular resolution. (If these are 0, the default is
; to keep the current desktop resolution in fullscreen mode or to
; use 1024x768 in windowed mode.)
xres = 1024
yres = 768
; Force a non-standard bit depth (if 0 then use the current desktop bit depth)
bpp = 0
; System settings:
fancywater = false
shadows = false
shadowpcf = false
vsync = false
nos3tc = false
noautomipmap = false
novbo = false
noframebufferobject = false
; Disable hardware cursors
nohwcursor = false
; Linux only: Set the driconf force_s3tc_enable option at startup,
; for compressed texture support
force_s3tc_enable = true
; Specify the render path. This can be one of:
; default Automatically select one of the below, depending on system capabilities
; fixed Only use OpenGL fixed function pipeline
; shader Use vertex/fragment shaders for transform and lighting where possible
; Using 'fixed' instead of 'default' may work around some graphics-related problems,
; but will reduce performance and features when a modern graphics card is available.
renderpath = default
; Prefer GLSL shaders over ARB shaders (not recommended)
preferglsl = false
; Adjusts how OpenGL calculates mipmap level of detail. 0.0f is the default (blurry) value.
; Lower values sharpen/extend, and higher values blur/decrease. Clamped at -3.0 to 3.0.
; -1.0 to -1.5 recommended for good results.
lodbias = 0
; Opt-in online user reporting system
userreport.url = "http://feedback.wildfiregames.com/report/upload/v1/"
; Colour of the sky (in "r g b" format)
skycolor = "0 0 0"
sound.mastergain = 0.5
; Camera control settings
view.scroll.speed = 120.0
view.rotate.x.speed = 1.2
view.rotate.x.min = 28.0
view.rotate.x.max = 60.0
view.rotate.x.default = 35.0
view.rotate.y.speed = 2.0
view.rotate.y.speed.wheel = 0.45
view.rotate.y.default = 0.0
view.drag.speed = 0.5
view.zoom.speed = 256.0
view.zoom.speed.wheel = 32.0
view.zoom.min = 50.0
view.zoom.max = 200.0
view.zoom.default = 100.0
view.pos.smoothness = 0.1
view.zoom.smoothness = 0.4
view.rotate.x.smoothness = 0.5
view.rotate.y.smoothness = 0.3
view.near = 2.0 ; Near plane distance
view.far = 4096.0 ; Far plane distance
view.fov = 45.0 ; Field of view (degrees), lower is narrow, higher is wide
; Each one of the specified keys will trigger the action on the left
; for multiple-key combinations, separate keys with '+' and enclose the entire thing
; in doublequotes.
; See keys.txt for the list of key names.
hotkey.exit = "Alt+F4", "Ctrl+Break" ; Exit to desktop
hotkey.leave = Escape ; End current game or Exit
hotkey.pause = Pause ; Pause/unpause game
hotkey.screenshot = F2 ; Take PNG screenshot
hotkey.bigscreenshot = "Shift+F2" ; Take large BMP screenshot
hotkey.togglefullscreen = "Alt+Return" ; Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
hotkey.screenshot.watermark = "K" ; Toggle product/company watermark for official screenshots
hotkey.wireframe = "Alt+W" ; Toggle wireframe mode
hotkey.camera.reset = "H" ; Reset camera rotation to default.
hotkey.camera.follow = "F" ; Follow the first unit in the selection
hotkey.camera.zoom.in = Plus, Equals, NumPlus ; Zoom camera in (continuous control)
hotkey.camera.zoom.out = Minus, NumMinus ; Zoom camera out (continuous control)
hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in = WheelUp ; Zoom camera in (stepped control)
hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out = WheelDown ; Zoom camera out (stepped control)
hotkey.camera.rotate.up = "Ctrl+UpArrow", "Ctrl+W" ; Rotate camera to look upwards
hotkey.camera.rotate.down = "Ctrl+DownArrow", "Ctrl+S" ; Rotate camera to look downwards
hotkey.camera.rotate.cw = "Ctrl+LeftArrow", "Ctrl+A", Q ; Rotate camera clockwise around terrain
hotkey.camera.rotate.ccw = "Ctrl+RightArrow", "Ctrl+D", E ; Rotate camera anticlockwise around terrain
hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.cw = "Shift+WheelUp", MouseX1 ; Rotate camera clockwise around terrain (stepped control)
hotkey.camera.rotate.wheel.ccw = "Shift+WheelDown", MouseX2 ; Rotate camera anticlockwise around terrain (stepped control)
hotkey.camera.pan = MouseMiddle, ForwardSlash ; Enable scrolling by moving mouse
hotkey.camera.left = A, LeftArrow ; Scroll or rotate left
hotkey.camera.right = D, RightArrow ; Scroll or rotate right
hotkey.camera.up = W, UpArrow ; Scroll or rotate up/forwards
hotkey.camera.down = S, DownArrow ; Scroll or rotate down/backwards
hotkey.console.toggle = BackQuote, F9 ; Open/close console
hotkey.copy = "Ctrl+C" ; Copy to clipboard
hotkey.paste = "Ctrl+V" ; Paste from clipboard
hotkey.cut = "Ctrl+X" ; Cut selected text and copy to the clipboard
hotkey.selection.add = Shift ; Add units to selection
hotkey.selection.milonly = Alt ; Add only military units to selection
hotkey.selection.remove = Ctrl ; Remove units from selection
hotkey.selection.idleworker = Period ; Select next idle worker
hotkey.selection.idlewarrior = Comma ; Select next idle warrior
hotkey.selection.offscreen = Alt ; Include offscreen units in selection
hotkey.selection.group.select.0 = 0
hotkey.selection.group.save.0 = "Ctrl+0"
hotkey.selection.group.add.0 = "Shift+0"
hotkey.selection.group.select.1 = 1
hotkey.selection.group.save.1 = "Ctrl+1"
hotkey.selection.group.add.1 = "Shift+1"
hotkey.selection.group.select.2 = 2
hotkey.selection.group.save.2 = "Ctrl+2"
hotkey.selection.group.add.2 = "Shift+2"
hotkey.selection.group.select.3 = 3
hotkey.selection.group.save.3 = "Ctrl+3"
hotkey.selection.group.add.3 = "Shift+3"
hotkey.selection.group.select.4 = 4
hotkey.selection.group.save.4 = "Ctrl+4"
hotkey.selection.group.add.4 = "Shift+4"
hotkey.selection.group.select.5 = 5
hotkey.selection.group.save.5 = "Ctrl+5"
hotkey.selection.group.add.5 = "Shift+5"
hotkey.selection.group.select.6 = 6
hotkey.selection.group.save.6 = "Ctrl+6"
hotkey.selection.group.add.6 = "Shift+6"
hotkey.selection.group.select.7 = 7
hotkey.selection.group.save.7 = "Ctrl+7"
hotkey.selection.group.add.7 = "Shift+7"
hotkey.selection.group.select.8 = 8
hotkey.selection.group.save.8 = "Ctrl+8"
hotkey.selection.group.add.8 = "Shift+8"
hotkey.selection.group.select.9 = 9
hotkey.selection.group.save.9 = "Ctrl+9"
hotkey.selection.group.add.9 = "Shift+9"
hotkey.session.kill = Delete ; Destroy selected units
hotkey.session.garrison = Ctrl ; Modifier to garrison when clicking on building
hotkey.session.queue = Shift ; Modifier to queue unit orders instead of replacing
hotkey.session.batchtrain = Shift ; Modifier to train units in batches
hotkey.session.massbarter = Shift ; Modifier to barter bunch of resources
hotkey.session.deselectgroup = Ctrl ; Modifier to deselect units when clicking group icon, instead of selecting
hotkey.session.rotate.cw = RightBracket ; Rotate building placement preview clockwise
hotkey.session.rotate.ccw = LeftBracket ; Rotate building placement preview anticlockwise
hotkey.timewarp.fastforward = Space ; If timewarp mode enabled, speed up the game
hotkey.timewarp.rewind = Backspace ; If timewarp mode enabled, go back to earlier point in the game
hotkey.fps.toggle = "Alt+F" ; Toggle frame counter
hotkey.session.devcommands.toggle = "Alt+D" ; Toggle developer commands panel
hotkey.session.gui.toggle = "Alt+G" ; Toggle visibility of session GUI
hotkey.menu.toggle = "F10" ; Toggle in-game menu
hotkey.timeelapsedcounter.toggle = "F12" ; Toggle time elapsed counter
hotkey.chat = Return ; Toggle chat window
hotkey.text.delete.left = "Ctrl+Backspace" ; Delete word to the left of cursor
hotkey.text.delete.right = "Ctrl+Del" ; Delete word to the right of cursor
hotkey.text.move.left = "Ctrl+LeftArrow" ; Move cursor to start of word to the left of cursor
hotkey.text.move.right = "Ctrl+RightArrow" ; Move cursor to start of word to the right of cursor
hotkey.profile.toggle = "F11" ; Enable/disable real-time profiler
hotkey.profile.save = "Shift+F11" ; Save current profiler data to logs/profile.txt
hotkey.profile2.enable = "F11" ; Enable HTTP/GPU modes for new profiler
profiler2.http.autoenable = false ; Enable HTTP server output at startup (default off for security/performance)
profiler2.gpu.autoenable = false ; Enable GPU timing at startup (default off for performance/compatibility)
profiler2.gpu.arb.enable = true ; Allow GL_ARB_timer_query timing mode when available
profiler2.gpu.ext.enable = true ; Allow GL_EXT_timer_query timing mode when available
profiler2.gpu.intel.enable = true ; Allow GL_INTEL_performance_queries timing mode when available
hotkey.attackmove = Super
hotkey.quicksave = "Shift+F5"
hotkey.quickload = "Shift+F8"
; EXPERIMENTAL: joystick/gamepad settings
joystick.enable = false
joystick.deadzone = 8192
joystick.camera.pan.x = 0
joystick.camera.pan.y = 1
joystick.camera.rotate.x = 3
joystick.camera.rotate.y = 2
joystick.camera.zoom.in = 5
joystick.camera.zoom.out = 4

And this is what happens when I'm attempting to play the game (output via CLI ) :-

$ 0ad
Cache: 500 (total: 2003) MiB
TIMER| InitVfs: 515.89 us
Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft
TIMER| InitScripting: 6.98533 ms
TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 141.595 ms
ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.
TIMER| RunHardwareDetection: 23.643 ms
TIMER| write_sys_info: 17.6835 ms
TIMER| InitRenderer: 1.3224 ms
TIMER| ps_console: 2.06871 ms
TIMER| ps_lang_hotkeys: 871.041 us
TIMER| common/setup.xml: 890.45 us
TIMER| common/styles.xml: 277.44 us
TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 3.40747 ms
TIMER| common/init.xml: 1.81486 ms
TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 2.73296 ms
TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 395.87 us
TIMER| pregame/sprites.xml: 621.055 us
TIMER| pregame/styles.xml: 62.5 us
TIMER| pregame/mainmenu.xml: 8.15188 ms
TIMER| common/global.xml: 476.895 us
Using Xcursor to sys_cursor_create 32 x 32 cursor
TIMER| common/setup.xml: 1.58204 ms
TIMER| common/styles.xml: 72.16 us
TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 4.79001 ms
TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 3.6359 ms
TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 290.075 us
TIMER| msgbox/msgbox.xml: 1.28046 ms
TIMER| shutdown TexMan: 14.275 us
TIMER| shutdown Renderer: 588.395 us
TIMER| shutdown SDL: 77.8287 ms
TIMER| shutdown UserReporter: 444.285 us
TIMER| shutdown ScriptingHost: 2.42246 ms
TIMER| shutdown ConfigDB: 0.445 us
TIMER| resource modules: 35.4084 ms
TIMER TOTALS (9 clients)
tc_png_decode: 23.313 Mc (8x)
tc_pool_alloc: 3034 kc (122x)
tc_dds_transform: 52.919 kc (10x)
tc_transform: 137.875 kc (4x)
tc_plain_transform: 44.739 kc (4x)
tc_ShaderGLSLLink: 0 c (0x)
tc_ShaderGLSLCompile: 0 c (0x)
tc_ShaderValidation: 1885.98 kc (1x)
xml_validation: 1767.95 kc (1x)
TIMER| shutdown misc: 1.49653 ms
13:02:07 shirish@deb-home: ~$ cd ~/.config/0ad/
13:02:39 shirish@deb-home: ~/.config/0ad$ leafpad local.cfg
13:02:55 shirish@deb-home: ~/.config/0ad$ cd
13:02:57 shirish@deb-home: ~$ 0ad
Cache: 500 (total: 2003) MiB
TIMER| InitVfs: 507.705 us
Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft
TIMER| InitScripting: 3.30895 ms
TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 139.97 ms
ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.
TIMER| RunHardwareDetection: 20.7357 ms
TIMER| write_sys_info: 17.4437 ms
TIMER| InitRenderer: 1.13009 ms
TIMER| ps_console: 1.77938 ms
TIMER| ps_lang_hotkeys: 892.88 us
TIMER| common/setup.xml: 900.675 us
TIMER| common/styles.xml: 112.685 us
TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 4.41973 ms
TIMER| common/init.xml: 1.74255 ms
TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 2.68947 ms
TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 510.205 us
TIMER| pregame/sprites.xml: 626.055 us
TIMER| pregame/styles.xml: 80.52 us
TIMER| pregame/mainmenu.xml: 8.46566 ms
TIMER| common/global.xml: 463.545 us
Using Xcursor to sys_cursor_create 32 x 32 cursor
TIMER| common/setup.xml: 1.54036 ms
TIMER| common/styles.xml: 71.16 us
TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 4.75967 ms
TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 5.65575 ms
TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 305.43 us
TIMER| manual/styles.xml: 8.35017 ms
TIMER| manual/manual.xml: 1.73154 ms
TIMER| common/setup.xml: 1.7895 ms
TIMER| common/styles.xml: 108.065 us
TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 3.30294 ms
TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 2.61125 ms
TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 279.595 us
TIMER| gamesetup/setup.xml: 182.656 us
TIMER| gamesetup/sprites.xml: 63.93 us
TIMER| gamesetup/styles.xml: 66.944 us
TIMER| gamesetup/gamesetup.xml: 18.4552 ms
TIMER| common/setup.xml: 1.38788 ms
TIMER| common/styles.xml: 65.04 us
TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 3.50367 ms
TIMER| common/init.xml: 2.14271 ms
TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 3.60634 ms
TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 280.5 us
TIMER| loading/styles.xml: 120.795 us
TIMER| loading/sprites.xml: 401.805 us
TIMER| loading/loading.xml: 2.4779 ms
TIMER| common/global.xml: 381.98 us
Using Xcursor to sys_cursor_create 32 x 32 cursor
TIMER| common/setup.xml: 991.02 us
TIMER| common/styles.xml: 45.47 us
TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 2.24364 ms
TIMER| common/icon_sprites.xml: 197.41 us
TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 2.62221 ms
TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 376.866 us
TIMER| session/sprites.xml: 24.8083 ms
TIMER| session/styles.xml: 474.5 us
TIMER| session/session.xml: 89.4051 ms
TIMER| common/global.xml: 1.4172 ms
Using Xcursor to sys_cursor_create 32 x 32 cursor
TIMER| shutdown TexMan: 40.81 us
TIMER| shutdown Renderer: 13.112 ms
TIMER| shutdown SDL: 35.7876 ms
TIMER| shutdown UserReporter: 565.455 us
TIMER| shutdown ScriptingHost: 27.8689 ms
TIMER| shutdown ConfigDB: 1.035 us
TIMER| resource modules: 138.363 ms
TIMER TOTALS (9 clients)
tc_png_decode: 73.6262 Mc (58x)
tc_pool_alloc: 55.1235 Mc (3117x)
tc_dds_transform: 2926.81 kc (909x)
tc_transform: 5425.47 kc (306x)
tc_plain_transform: 1492.92 kc (306x)
tc_ShaderGLSLLink: 0 c (0x)
tc_ShaderGLSLCompile: 0 c (0x)
tc_ShaderValidation: 26.2812 Mc (47x)
xml_validation: 82.5869 Mc (115x)
TIMER| shutdown misc: 567.07 us

As shared in my sig. these are my system details :-

Intel Dual-Core CPU E5400 (soc 775) @ 2.70GHz, Asus MB P5KPL-AM IN (Intel G31), D-Link 502-T router, 64-bit Debian Wheezy, GNOME 3.6 fallback.

I do hope to get alpha 12 running soon (it's stuck right now in ftp-master new queue) http://ftp-master.de...a_0.0.12-1.html

Looking forward for any help or any clue.

Edit: Also have seen this http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16991 . Guess would just have to wait patiently.

Edited by shirish
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There are no scenarios where "you have all the time in the world to win." You have to build up quickly at the start or you'll be overwhelmed.

Qbot are aleady easy for me, in tuto videos you can learn to be quick.


i use 100 population max and low water graphics, for performance.

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There are no scenarios where "you have all the time in the world to win." You have to build up quickly at the start or you'll be overwhelmed.

You can just set the AI to Unassigned :) You will not get any resistance, but if you just want to play around with resource gathering and training units/constructing buildings it could still be fun :)
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