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0 AD Strategy Guide


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This is a guide for those who have not yet played 0 AD (or other similar games) yet, or are not familiar with the game + how to beat the enemy.

Table of Contents:

1.0 Civilization Overviews and Strategies to Employ

2.0 Hellenes

3.0 Celtic Tribes

4.0 Iberian Tribes

1.1 Civilizations:


- Best infantry- slow and immobile though... Spartiates are great =)

- Navy is Average

- Buildings cost more wood


-Cheap Infantry- easy to mass

- Navy is horrible

- Buildings are less durable


-Average Troops

-Horrible Navy

-Buildings have strong Defense


-2nd Best Infantry

-2nd Best Navy

-Has not been implemented in game yet.


-Average Troops

-Best Navy

-Has not been implemented yet


-Best Horsemen + Archers - weaker infantry

-Average Navy

-Has not been implemented yet

1.2 Healing:

Station your troops in Buildings to heal faster - this is especially good for keeping your elite + advanced units alive if they have suffered damage.

-Healers have no functions yet- but once they do, they can heal your troops - build them at your temple.

There are basically 3 Different ways you can beat the AI (1v1)... (For those familiar with AoE, this is not a surprise)

Rushing - Early Attack

Booming - Saving up troops, strong defenses, one MASSIVE attack

Turtling - Very Strong Defense, and turns to Boomer when you waste all of your opponents troops in their attack.

Alternative Ways may be:

Tower Rush - Use Outposts to block off your opponent's mines/resources

Ambush - Hit + Run, then Kill with hidden soldiers

1.3 Rushing-

At the beginning, set the troops you have to make a barracks, and the rest of the female-citizens (Depends on how many) to Wood, Metal and Food.

After, set the troops you begin with (Citizen Soldiers) to begin making a barracks. Once your barracks is complete, spam whatever you can, whenever you can.

Just make early 10-12 troops and hit the opponent. Hopefully, if your quick, you may be able to catch your opponent unaware. When you attack, aim for the buildings that matter- Civ Center, Fortress, Hero Trainer, Special Units Trainer, Barracks and demolish them.

If this fails, make sure you ruin his economy- killing his female-citizens and getting away. Then change to the Boomer or Turtling Strategies.

Set your troops to "Violent" mode in order to kill whenever, and whatever.

-- Suits Celts the best, as they have cheap infrastructure and troops, and can be made easily.

1.4 Booming-

At the beginning, focus on a better economy, and make enough female citizens to have a total of 15 female-citizens in the beginning.

Iberians should have - 4 to food, 3 to wood, 4 to metal, 3 to stone

Hellenes should have 4 to food, 5 to wood, 3 to metal and 2 to stone

Celts should have - 5 to food, 4 to wood, 4 to metal and 2 to stone

After, just spam citizen soldiers and make fortresses, hero buildings and special unit buildings...

Basically make as many troops as possible and keep on making more. Make sure you have a good defense though - Outposts/City Wall Towers with 2-5 people stationed in them would be a nice defense.

After you have 50+ troops, send some troops 10-20 to go and harass enemy economy- killing female citizens, destroying farms, etc. Once you start losing troops, just keep on spamming troops to fill their spots. Once you've got 100+ Troops, launch your big BOOM. And hit them hard.

Get the buildings that can produce troops first, then the outposts that are guarding their city. However, still keep on making troops, as you never know if he had launched a sudden counterattack on you from another position while you were still marching to his city.

Booming is almost suicidal if you are playing a game with more than 2 people though, as once your troops leave your city, you are prone to attacks from others.

Suited best for- Hellenes (Strong Military, but expensive and hard to get)

1.5 Turtling-

This is basically a defense game, and when the circumstances are right, become a boomer.

At the beginning, start out with making your economy strong- wood, food, metal and stone would all be welcome.

Make a couple of houses, and keep spamming female citizens out of them. Also, make whatever units you can from your civ center and make them work as well. If you are hit by a rush, you can select all of them - (clicking on one of the type and clicking it 3 times will give you all that type of a troop) and work as a defensive core.

After your economy is pretty strongly entrenched, send your soldiers to build walls that will block off key points where the enemy could attack - secret shallow crossing bridges, etc and leave one route open. At that route... leave the bulk of your forces to play defense, while the others are still building up buildings. Keep your troops on the "Stand Ground" Stance and just let them stay there, waiting for the enemy. However, if there is another alternate route, leave that open, and send 20-30 men to guard it...

After, just keep on spamming troops to help build up your defenses, and make your defenses STRONG- multiple outposts and city towers/walls.

When the time is right- when he sends his main forces to engage yours, send your 20-30 men in the secret route and hit his city.

Aim for his Troops building Buildings first, then his farms/houses then finally anything else-temples/markets, etc.

Also, keep on making reinforcements in your Fortresses/Barracks/Civ Center and reinforce your main force as it loses ground to your opponents force.

-- Best used by Iberians - Good Defense, Troops are all right.

1.6 Tower Rush-

In the beginning, send out your horseman- if you don't get one in the beginning, make one in Civ Center... and find the enemy base. When you do, bring the Citizen Soldiers you were provided with in the beginning, and build 3-5 outposts- depending on how much wood and soldiers you are given in the beginning... Build the outposts in positions, such as beside resource mines, the barracks, or city hall. This way, you weaken his economy by making his female citizens pay. (Make sure you garrison 1-2 soldiers in every outpost, or it won't work)

However, at your base, make sure your female citizens are making a steady stream of supplies. Make more troops, and keep them on resource gathering as well. After a while, you should have enough resources to make 50-60 men. After this, just Boom your opponent, as he can't have many troops- you killed his economy, and you'll just destroy him easily.

-- Best suited for Celts and Hellenes- their Outposts cost less.

1.7 Ambush-

Make enough female citizens until you have 10, then set then to Food: 3, Wood 3, Stone 1 and Metal 3

This way- the resources needed to make soldiers will be at large- with the exception of "Karsken - Iberian Slinger"

However, just keep popping up houses and outposts. And keep on making soldiers, until you have 50-60 - more would be better, but for an ambush, it has to be earlier in the game, before he masses up huge amounts of troops.

Send a party of 10 into enemy territory, and do just enough to get the AI chasing you.

At the time this is happening, march the other 40-50 troops just outside of your city.

When the AI is chasing the 10, get them back to the city ASAP, but the AI will follow you, so it walks straight into the path of your 40-50 soldiers on "Aggressive" Stance.

You kill all his troops- and just raid his city with your survivors, however, keep on making troops, you never know when or if he has a massive army into the Fog of War.

This works with Multiplayer as well-

Maybe in the early stages, your opponent is attempting a rush, and what you can do is rush him as well... Wait for his troops to exit his city, then just hit his city before it has a chance to get built up.

Or if your opponent is booming another player, you can just boom him while he's booming another player.

So- Rushs, Booming and Turtling are almost guaranteed suicide in Multiplayer if you are facing opponents with experience - and can see through the fog of war.

Best for Hellenes or Celts - the Hellenes have the strongest troops - imagine an army of spartiates... and the Celts can mass their armies very easily.

Feel Free for Criticism/Comments/Questions



Edited by mrjeremister
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The Hellenes

The Hellenes were the forefathers of our western civilization, as they created ideas such as democracy, which is seen throughout many countries to this date.

2.1 Main Overview:

- Best infantry- slow and immobile though... Spartiates are great =)

- Navy is Average

- Buildings cost more wood

2.2 Soldiers:


Infantry Spearman- Good Against Cavalry Swordsmen & Spearmen

Attack: 5 Hack, 15 Pierce

Armor: 4 Hack, 7 Pierce, 5 Crush

Peltastes Thrakikos

Infantry Javelin Thrower - Good against Infantry Spearman and Cavalry Archers

Attack: 35 Pierce

Armor: 3 Hack, 3 Pierce, 3 Crush

Toxotes Kretikos

Infantry Archer - Good against Infantry Swordsman and Cavalry Spearman

Attack: 25 Pierce

Armor: 3 Hack 2 Pierce 3 Crush


Cavalry Swordsman - Good against Archers and Support Units

Attack: 20 Hack

Armor: 4 Hack 6 Pierce 5 Crush


Cavalry Javelin Thrower - Good Against Infantry Archer and Cavalry Swordsman

Attack: 35 Pierce

Armor: 3 Hack, 3 Pierce, 2 Crush

Hieros Lochos Hoplites

Champion Spearman - Good Against Cavalry Swordsmen & Spearmen

Attack: 8 Hack, 18 Pierce

Armor: 8 Hack, 9 Pierce, 8 Crush


Champion Infantry Spearman - Good Against All Melee Troops - Small Bonus against All Non-Hellenistic Troops

Attack: 10 Hack, 20 Pierce

Armor: 10 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush


Champion Infantry Pikeman - Good Against All Melee Troops

Attack: 10 Hack, 25 Pierce

Armor: 10 Hack, 9 Pierce, 9 Crush


Champion Cavalry Spearman - Good Against Cavalry and Archers

Attack: 8 Hack, 18 Pierce

Armor: 10 Hack, 12 Pierce, 8 Crush

Ekdromos Athenaikos

Champion Infantry Skirmisher - Good against Ranged and Support Units

Attack: 40 Pierce

Armor: 5 Hack, 10 Pierce, 5 Crush


Siege Ballista - Good Against ALL Infantry and Cavalry

Attack: 100 Pierce, 25 Crush

Armor: 4 Hack, 10 Pierce, 2 Crush


Siege Onager - Good Against Buildings and Massed Infantry

Attack: 50 Hack, 100 Crush

Armor: 4 Hack, 15 Pierce, 10 Crush


Siege Tower

Attack: 25 Pierce

Armor: 7 Hack, 20 Pierce, 6 Crush

2.3 Support Units:


Support Unit - Can build, Mine, Cut Trees, Farm, etc.

Attack: 6 Hack

Armor: 1 Hack, 1 Pierce, 5 Crush

Ploion Halieutikon

Support Units - Fishes for Food

Attack: (None)

Armor: 5 Hack, 10 Pierce, 5 Crush


Support Unit - Can Heal other Troops

Attack: (None)

Armor: 2 Hack, 2 Pierce, 2 Crush


Support Unit - Can Trade and Barter with allies

Attack: (None)

Armor: 5 Hack, 8 Pierce, 5 Crush

Emporiko Naus

Support Unit - Can sail around ocean and acquire oceanic treasures

Attack: (none)

Armor: 10 Hack, 15 Pierce, 10 Crush

2.4 Navy:


Light Warship

Attack: 40 Pierce

Armor: 15 Hack 20 Pierce, 15 Crush


Trireme- Medium Warship

Attack: 50 Pierce

Armor: 20 Hack, 25 Pierce, 15 Crush

2.5 Heroes:


Hero Infantry Javelin Thrower - Good Against Spearmen and Cavalry Archers

Hero Aura: Increased Armor and Speed to Units in his Formation- Increased speed to Thracian Peltasts in his Lifetime

Attack: 40 Pierce

Armor: 8 Hack, 8 Pierce, 7 Crush


Hero Infantry Pikeman - Good against all Melee Troops

Hero Aura: Increased Range and Attack for Siege Engines

Attack: 12 Hack, 27 Pierce

Armor: 12 Hack, 11 Pierce, 11 Crush


Hero Infantry Spearman - Good Against Cavalry Swordsmen & Spearmen

Hero Aura: Increased Attack to Spartiates and Hoplites

Attack: 10 Hack, 25 Pierce

Armor: 10 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush

Alexander the Great

Hero Cavalry Swordsman - Good Against Support Units and Archers

"Herocide" function - has attack bonus against other Heroes.

Hero Aura: Increased Cavalry and Super Cavalry Speed and Attack

Attack: 25 Hack

Armor: 11 Hack 13 Pierce 20 Crush

Phillip II

Cavalry Spearmen- Good against Cavalry and Archers

Hero Aura: Increased Attack for Super Units

Attack: 10 Hack 20 Pierce

Armor 10 Hack 14 Pierce 10 Hack


Hero Aura: Increased Move speed and Decreased Build time of Warships

Hero Infantry Swordsman - Good against Infantry & Cavalry Spearmen

Attack: 25 Hack

Armor: 10 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush

2.6 Technology: N/A

2.7 Economy: Tends to spend more wood... (E.G. Normal Houses cost 100 Wood for 5 Pop, while Hellenistic Houses cost 150 Wood for 10 Pop)

2.8 Buildings: Defense for buildings is average

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Celtic Tribes

The Celts were a diverse group of tribal societies that lived from the Iron Age to the Roman-Era Europe. They had settled down in many places, such as Brittany, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

3.1 Overview:

-Cheap Infantry- easy to mass

- Navy is horrible

- Buildings are less durable

3.2 Soldiers


Infantry Spearman- Good Against Cavalry Spearmen & Swordsmen

Attack: 5 Hack, 15 Pierce

Armor: 3 Hack, 5 Pierce, 5 Crush


Infantry Javelin Thrower - Good against Infantry Spearmen and Cavalry Archers

Attack: 35 Pierce

Armor: 2 Hack, 3 Pierce, 3 Crush


Celtic War Dog - Good Against Infantry Javelin Throwers & Swordsmen and Wild Animals

Attack: 20 Hack

Armor: 3 Hack, 3 Pierce, 3 Crush


Cavalry Javelin Thrower - Good against Infantry Archers and Cavalry Swordsmen

Attack: 35 Pierce

Armor: 2 Hack, 3 Pierce, 2 Crush


Cavalry Swordsman - Good Against Infantry Archers and Support Units

Attack: 20 Hack

Armor: 3 Hack, 6 Pierce, 5 Crush

Gallic Brihent

Champion Cavalry Spearman - Good against Ranged Units

Attack: 8 Hack, 18 Pierce

Armor: 7 Hack, 12 Pierce 8 Crush

Gallic Solduros

Champion Infantry Swordsman - Good against Infantry & Cavalry Spearmen

Attack: 23 Hack

Armor: 8 Hack, 6 Pierce, 8 Crush

Celtic Fanatic

Champion Infantry Swordsman - Good against Infantry & Cavalry Spearmen

Attack: 30 Hack

Armor: 1 Hack, 1 Pierce, 8 Crush

Brythonic Delamokludda

Champion Infantry Swordsman - Good Against all Spear Units

Attack: 25 Hack

Armor: 9 Hack 5 Pierce, 8 Crush


Siege Ram

Attack: 65 Crush

Armor: 5 Hack, 25 Pierce, 20 Crush

Brythonic Carbanto

Champion Cavalry (Charioteer?) Javelin Thrower - Good against Infantry Archers and Cavalry Swordsmen

Attack: 38 Pierce

Armor: 5 Hack, 6 Pierce, 12 Crush

3.3 Support Units


Support Unit - Can Hunt, Mine, Farm, Cut Trees, etc.

Attack: 10 Hack

Armor: 1 Hack, 1 Pierce, 5 Crush


Support Unit- Can Heal Units

Attack: (None)

Armor: 2 Hack, 2 Pierce, 2 Crush


Support Units- Can trade and barter with allies

Attack: (None)

Armor: 5 Hack, 8 Pierce, 5 Crush

Fishing Boat

Support Units- Can Fish

Attack: (None)

Armor: 5 Hack, 10 Pierce, 5 Crush


Support Units- Can gain aquatic treasure

Attack: (None)

Armor: 10 Hack, 15 Pierce, 10 Crush

3.4 Navy

Venetic Ponti

Medium Warship-cannot ram

Attack: 50 Pierce

Armor: 20 Hack, 25 Pierce, 20 Crush

3.5 Heroes


Hero Infantry Swordsman - Is Good against Infantry & Cavalry Spearmen

Hero Aura: Increases Speed of All Units in his lifetime

Attack: 27 Hack

Armor: 8 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush


Hero Infantry Spearman - Is good against Cavalry Swordsmen & Spearmen

Hero Aura: Gathering Rates are increased during his lifetime

Attack:10 Hack, 20 Pierce

Armor: 9 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush


Hero Infantry Swordsman- Is good against all Spear units

Hero Aura: +5 Metal Loot every time an enemy is killed

Attack: 25 Hack

Armor: 9 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush


Hero Cavalry Swordsman - Is good against support and infantry archers

Hero Aura: All units within his aura has an attack bonus

Attack: 27 Hack

Armor: 10 Hack, 13 Pierce, 10 Crush


Hero Cavalry (Charioteer?) Javelin Thrower- Good against infantry archers and cavalry spearmen

Hero Aura: Increased attack and speed for super units

Attack: 40 Pierce

Armor: 7 Hack, 8 Pierce, 12 Crush


Hero Cavalry Swordsman - Good Against Support and Range Units

Hero Aura: Has a Large and Powerful Healing Aura- only useful when hero is idle

Attack: 25 Hack

Armor: 10 Hack, 13 Pierce, 10 Crush

3.6 Technology


3.7 Economy

Units are cheaper in most cases, and tend to cost more wood in civilian soldiers, but more metal in heroes and super units

3.8 Buildings

Are undurable - low HP and defence

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The Iberians

The Iberians were a group of people who lived in the Iberian Peninsula- and fought the Romans over control. They were also a colony of Carthage - and gave mercenaries to the Carthaginians.

4.1 Overview


-Average Troops

-Horrible Navy

-Buildings have strong Defense



Cavalry Spearmen- Good against Infantry Swordsmen and Infantry Javelin Thrower

Attack: 5 Hack, 15 Pierce

Armor: 4 Hack 7 Pierce, 5 Crush


Infantry Swordsman- Good against Infantry Spearmen and Javelin Throwers

Attack: 22 Hack

Armor: 4 Hack 3 Pierce 5 Crush


Infantry Spearman - Good Against Cavalry Swordsmen & Cavalry

Attack: 5 Hack, 15 Pierce

Armor: 4 Hack, 6 Pierce, 5 Crush

Caetrati Lusitano

Infantry Javelin Thrower- Good against Infantry Spearmen and Cavalry Archers

Attack: 35 Pierce

Armor: 3 Hack, 3 Pierce, 3 Crush


Infantry Slinger- General Bonus against infantry

Attack: 20 Pierce

Armor: 2 Hack, 2 Pierce, 2 Crush

Epones Devotio

Champion Infantry Skirmisher (Javelin Thrower) Good Against Infantry Archers and Cavalry Swordsmen

Attack: 30 Crush

Armor: 8 Hack 12 Pierce, 8 Crush


Champion Infantry Swordsman- Good against all Spearmen

Attack: 23 Hack

Armor: 9 Hack, 6 Pierce, 8 Crush


Battering Ram

Attack: 50 Crush

Armor: 5 Hack, 20 Pierce, 10 Crush

4.3 Support Units


Support Units- Can Hunt, Farm, Cut Tress, Mine

Attack: 6 Hack

Armor: 1 Hack 1 Pierce 5 Crush

Sacerdotisa de Ataekina

Support units- Can heal units in it's aura

Attack: (None)

Armor: 2 Hack, 2 Pierce, 2 Crush


Support Units- Can trade and barter with allies

Attack: (None)

Armor: 5 Hack, 8 Pierce, 5 Crush

"Fishing Boat"

Support Units- Can fish

Attack: (None)

Armor: 5 Hack, 10 Pierce, 5 Crush

Emporiko Plio

Support Units- Can gain aquatic treasures

Attack: (None)

Armor: 10 Hack, 15 Pierce, 10 Crush

4.4 Navy

Iberians had no Navy

4.5 Heroes

All Hero Auras for Iberian Heroes are "Tactica Guerilla, which is Hit and Run Tactics"


Hero Infantry Swordsman - Good against Infantry Javelin Thrower and Spearmen

Attack: 30 Hack

Armor: 10 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush


Hero Infantry Spearman - Good Against Cavalry Spearmen & Swordsmen

Attack: 10 Hack, 20 Pierce

Armor: 10 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush


Hero Infantry Swordsman- Good against Infantry Javelin Thrower and Spearmen

Attack: 25 Hack

Armor: 10 Hack, 12 Pierce, 10 Crush

4.6 Technology

4.7 Buildings

Buildings have extra defense and HP added, as the Iberians were known for their Defense.

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  On 14/07/2011 at 8:41 PM, Mythos_Ruler said:

Check this out.


Perhaps combine your efforts?

Combine we shall..

My half is already in a document.

I'll add all of yours in and we'll collaborate from there on in. :)

Hmm... License problem. Are you ok with the FDL? Or should we change to CC-BY-SA. There is no *real* difference.

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  On 15/07/2011 at 4:29 AM, asmartgoat said:

Combine we shall..

My half is already in a document.

I'll add all of yours in and we'll collaborate from there on in. :)

Hmm... License problem. Are you ok with the FDL? Or should we change to CC-BY-SA. There is no *real* difference.

I'm okay with FDL or CC-BY-SA. It doesn't really matter to me.

@Mythos- sorry =( I started making the guide in word during the last phase of Alpha 5- so.. =S

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