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Mod help two rams


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Ok so I'd like to have a "town" ram weaker/slower cheaper than the regular ram... and then a regular/city ram.

Ive created a test and its working OK.  However, I'm wondering is it possible for the town ram to only show up in town phase and then disapear in city phase?  cause currently when you get to city phase you can still train both. Which isn't the worst case, but it could be slighly confusing.  

And related I'm wondering if its possible to have all "town" rams convert to city rams once you hit p3.... Or else I guess what I could do is something like roman centerians.


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you could have the p3 tech give promotion points to just whatever class the p2 ram belongs to, as long as its unique. So the same promotion approach used by silver shields and the roman reforms.

If the p2 ram is not unique, you could make a unique phase up tech like what is done for athens and persians for the promotion approach.

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5 hours ago, Emacz said:

Ok so I'd like to have a "town" ram weaker/slower cheaper than the regular ram... and then a regular/city ram.

Ive created a test and its working OK.  However, I'm wondering is it possible for the town ram to only show up in town phase and then disapear in city phase?  cause currently when you get to city phase you can still train both. Which isn't the worst case, but it could be slighly confusing.  

And related I'm wondering if its possible to have all "town" rams convert to city rams once you hit p3.... Or else I guess what I could do is something like roman centerians.


The ideal thing would be to have several levels of siege machines, mainly the ram style ones.

I've seen some guys carrying a log in some mods.

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