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Seleucids Fortress in Alpha 27: “Agni”


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In playing the Seleucids (using the "reform" army), the fortress offers options that can't seem to be implemented. 

One being "professional garrisons". What is a professional garrison?

According to the explanation: "Hire soldiers to hold defenses against enemies". How is that done?

Initially, it was implied that a fortress could now train champions with this version, but it appears that capability was recently removed?

I see that "murder holes" can now be researched in the fortress.

The "glorious expansion" now appears to require that additional houses be built before the population is allowed to occur. Previously, did not have to build additional houses.

Any additional thoughts with the Alpha 27: “Agni” version?

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3 hours ago, Thales said:

The "glorious expansion" now appears to require that additional houses be built before the population is allowed to occur. Previously, did not have to build additional houses.

Frankly, it does make sense: glorious expansion extends the max population cap but you still need the corresponding number of houses. Actually, I believe this was the same since at least A26, if not longer.

Edited by Grautvornix
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Ive modified it from the current version, but in the tool tip it tells you. It adds default arrows to the fort, pretty sure its 6?

Ive done this instead:

"genericName": "Professional Garrisons",
    "description": "Hire soldiers to hold defenses against enemies.",
    "cost": {
        "food": 400,
        "metal": 200
    "icon": "coinage.png",
    "researchTime": 50,
    "tooltip": "Fortresses +5 default arrows and 50% more garrison.",
    "modifications": [
        { "value": "BuildingAI/DefaultArrowCount", "add": 5, "affects": "Fortress" },
        { "value": "GarrisonHolder/Max", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Fortress" }
    "affects": ["Fortress"],
    "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml"
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