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Revision Log not updated on 0AD Homepage

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Just a small observation:  0AD homepage does not list any updates since August 2024. Visiting the website it looks like project is stalled which is obviously not true at all.

I know that the migration to Gitea is not complete an there might be some issues with the revision logs (not visible in SVN update either, says only "nightly build" instead - or am I doing something wrong?).

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Sorry to ask yet more again, but would it be possible to also associate each log item with a date and/or revision? that would indicate to external visitors, when the last update actually happened and how often this has been in the past, i.e. how active the community is.

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10 minutes ago, Grautvornix said:

Sorry to ask yet more again, but would it be possible to also associate each log item with a date and/or revision? that would indicate to external visitors, when the last update actually happened and how often this has been in the past, i.e. how active the community is.

It would be nice indeed but there is a Gitea bug


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