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Shadows + Hoplites.


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it would be cool if there day and night.

and that the night has specific prefences, like less LOS or slower moving.

hoplites are only strong in phalanx cuz they have heavy shields and long spears, so thay have not much agility. if they fight alone a light infantry can kill hem easy.

Way u always say Bumpy if u post a topic

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  EmjeR said:

hoplites are only strong in phalanx cuz they have heavy shields and long spears, so thay have not much agility. if they fight alone a light infantry can kill hem easy.

Way u always say Bumpy if u post a topic

I know why hoplites are strong in groups, I was asking how they would be trained.

I say bumpy to keep my topic from being forgotten, plus this is only my second time I have used a bump on 0AD forums.

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I think an option allowing a pre-built day/night cycle would be great for random map play. Maybe it also has effects on unit visibility, but of course that would require some extra parameters to be added to unit definitions, which means more work and a slightly longer wait for release.

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if a player choses not to have weather in a multiplayer, then it would affect all the players.

Well, duh.

It should also be one of those settings only the host decides.

EDIT: Or what if players get to vote on the settings of the game, and if it's a tie, then the host chooses or it's randomized?

Edited by MrBlack103
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  • 2 weeks later...
  Alexthegod5 said:

It's what makes a fort!

Actually the FORT-ifications are what makes a fort. Technically you don't have to have... anything in a fort, you just need to have walls surrounding it.

I am really against abolishing the stack train thingy, personally I find having ten barracks four archery ranges the most tedious and micro intensive thing ever.

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