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Just a thaught... Many cultures in the epoch you are trying to describe had some degree of slavery in their culture... What if you can utilise this in your game? Like they are much cheaper then regular workers, but they rebel/run away if left unchecked...

or something...

what do you think?

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No, that's a comment about this game being a certain kind of game and also that some things aren't as fun as they sound in theory. :) I for one don't want to spend all my time looking at what my slaves are doing when I'm in the middle of a battle for example. :lol:

But if some people enjoy that they'll be able to implement that themselves, as the game will be easy to mod. (I'm sure this requires a bit more than most mods, but since we aren't trying all we can to make things difficult for modders (rather the opposite) it's sure easier than trying to make such a mod for another game where the developers have done what they can to make some kinds of modding difficult. And I'm not saying that's because they're evil or something, it's rather that we can do things differently as we're not aiming to sell 0 A.D.)

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I've never understood the need for slaves in an RTS game. Even for realism reasons. The main reason being you've already got plenty of slaves, villagers and soldiers, who do their work endlessly and your bidding at every whim, and they don't get wages, vacation time, weekends, or membership in workers unions. I think thats as close as slavery as you can get.

So adding slavery to the game would only 'make it more accurate', although you'll also have to put up with independent thinkers who realize that they actually don't have to do what you tell them to, if realism is your goal. One thing's for sure, the day that RTS games get striking workers is the day that RTS games turn into City Builder games(which are good games, by the way).

As always,


Edited by Cassador_Chris
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  • 2 weeks later...

What Feneur says is preety much carved in stone.

He seems to know what goes where and that's good enough for me.

Even I can make mistakes ;) , and I was sharing my opinion too, so when thinking about it I can see if someone could miss that part :)

In general I can say that the game will be a fairly traditional RTS though, so most things that complicate things for the player will not be in the official game. But as we've said time and time again :lol: the game will be easy to mod so if there's some feature you want bad enough it will "just" be to add it ;) (Easy is of course relative, and it'll naturally be much easier to change the player colors or something like that than to add slavery or something more major. )

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