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Animals from North Africa


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Okay, while looking up a replacement for the tiger shield, I found that lots of animals used to inhabit North Africa along with the Numidians and North African Elephants. So, here are some that you could integrate into a African biome.

Most of these are now very endangered or extinct. But all lived in north africa.

Barbary Lion, Barbary sheep, Scimitar Onyx, Atlas Bear (the only bear native to Africa, last one seen in 1800s), Bubal Hartebeest, North African Auroch, and the Algerian Wild @#$%. Only problem is, most of these guys are extinct, so you might have trouble designing them.

Anyway, probably too late for the game, but it would make a nice mod! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Cassador_Chris said:
the Algerian Wild @#$%

:lol: I've seen censorship always as a good laugh xD

wait - Lions in Greece? :)

The idea of implementing extinct animals reminds of seeing rather unkown animals like Serows in AoE3. It looks really odd, but I would value this bonus of realism.

Edited by Tilanus Commodor
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  Tilanus Commodor said:

wait - Lions in Greece? :)

Wiki says:

In Africa, lions can be found in savannah grasslands with scattered Acacia trees which serve as shade; their habitat in India is a mixture of dry savannah forest and very dry deciduous scrub forest. In relatively recent times the habitat of lions spanned the southern parts of Eurasia, ranging from Greece to India, and most of Africa except the central rainforest-zone and the Sahara desert. Herodotus reported that lions had been common in Greece around 480 BC; they attacked the baggage camels of the Persian king Xerxes on his march through the country. Aristotle considered them rare by 300 BC and by 100 AD extirpated. A population of the Asiatic lion survived until the tenth century in the Caucasus, their last European outpost.

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And why should you kill them? For food? I guess, that there isn't much of it.

Have you ever eaten cat? I didn't and I think, that people these days weren't eating them, too.

You cannot catch them when running, they are hard to hit and have almost no meal.

Some eyecandy animals which cannot be killed won't hurt.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Belisarivs said:

And why should you kill them? For food? I guess, that there isn't much of it.

Have you ever eaten cat? I didn't and I think, that people these days weren't eating them, too.

You cannot catch them when running, they are hard to hit and have almost no meal.

Some eyecandy animals which cannot be killed won't hurt.

One reason to kill them is to protect your chickens, or, because you're bored. Hopefully, like most rts games, those sorts of animals would be possible to kill, but no food can be retrieved.

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