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So, it would be nice in Atlas/biomes/random maps to be able to choose a different ambient sound for a map. The current "birds chirping in a North American forest" sound is pretty played out. How difficult would it be to code something like that? Just a drop list in Atlas and then some lines in the biome and random map code.

While playtesting the new NAVAL OVERHAUL (PLEASE REVIEW!), I play something like the video in the background to give me that ocean ambient.


^Great for island maps

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9 hours ago, Stan` said:

Currently hardcoded in one js file called ambient.js or something. Maybe it could read the biome data or something.

 * This class is concerned with playing an ambient track, birds chirping etc.
class Ambient
		Engine.PlayAmbientSound(pickRandom(this.Tracks), true);

 * TODO: Let the map decide the tracks.
Ambient.prototype.Tracks = [


I altered the tracks in the list at the bottom and it works. Yeah, unfortunately there's still no way to change it on a per map basis. Definitely a desire. Either the ambient tracks could be listed in the biome file or this ambient.js file could allow you to do it. 

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