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Faction idea:Hungary


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Some ideas for this possible faction:

-Level one-Avars

-Heavy cavalry




-Horse archer


-Noble cavalry-(At right)


-Medium cavalry-(Fight with axe)


-Level two-Magyars

-Light cavalry


-Vezéri válogatott vitéz(Bodyguard)


-Bő lovasíjász(Noble horse archer)


-Gyalogos testőrség(Spearman)






-Level three-Early Hungary

-Szekely cavalry


-Jobbagy spearman


-Transylvanian maceman




-Croatian light cavalry


-Jobbagy archer


-Level four-Late Hungary

-Bosnian light cavalry(Fight with spear)




-Transylvanian infantry




-Feudal cavalry-(Fight with sword)







-Tabor(War Wagon)


Is the civ ok?

EDIT:First try on the new design,it will be improved with the time

Age I:From 1066 (Battle of Hastings) to 1171 (Saladin becomes the first Ayyubid Sultan)

-Peasant levy:Peasants armed with bows;weak unit

-Jobbagy archers:Freeman,semi-professional warriors living in the castle lands;decent unit

-Jobbagy sperman:Freeman,semi-professional warriors living in the castle lands;decent unit

-Servientes regis:"Royal" cavalry armed with bow and lance in the magyar style;Good unit

-Knight:Just knights;good unit

Age II:From 1171 to 1291 (The fall of Acre)

-Peasant levy:Peasants armed with bows;Weak unit

-Jobbagy archers:Freeman,semi-professional warriors living in the castle lands;Decent unit

-Jobbagy sperman:Freeman,semi-professional warriors living in the castle lands;Decent unit

-Crossbowman:Normal crossbowman;Decent unit

-Servientes regis:"Royal" cavalry armed with bow and lance in the magyar style;Good unit

-Knight:Just knights;Good unit

Age III:From 1291 to 1389 (Battle of Kosovo)

-Peasant levy:Peasants armed with bows;Weak unit

-Jobbagy archers:Freeman,semi-professional warriors living in the castle lands;Decent unit

-Jobbagy sperman:Freeman,semi-professional warriors living in the castle lands;Decent unit

-Crossbowman:Normal crossbowman;Decent unit

-Knight:Just knights;Good unit

-"Militias portallis":Militia horse archers;Weak unit

Age IV:From 1389 to 1492 (Fall of Granada)

-Peasant levy:Peasants armed with bows;Weak unit

-Jobbagy archers:Freeman,semi-professional warriors living in the castle lands;Decent unit

-Jobbagy sperman:Freeman,semi-professional warriors living in the castle lands;Decent unit

-Crossbowman:Normal crossbowman;Decent unit

-Handgunner:Normal handgunner;Good unit

-Armati:Pavisse bearers;Good strategic unit

-Clipeati:Soldiers with polearms who fought alongside the armati;Good unit

-Knight:Just knights;good unit

-"Militias portallis":Militia horse archers;Regular unit

-Hussar:Fast light cavalry armed with square shields,lances and bows;Good unit

-Mounted Crossbowman:Medium cavalry armed with crossbows;Decent unit

Is it good?(A lot of foreign auxilliaries and mercenaries are missing,but those are the essential units)

Edited by Abadu
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First of all,thank you very much for all the scanned pictures,they wil be usefull

About the first period:The better would be this,but I tough that,If we make an vlach state(Wallachia or/and Moldavia),they would have to use also the avars,and since the huns were in Hungary few time before the year 500(and they are unique and "easy" to find information about),I tough in use them for Hungary and keep the avars for a vlach state.I know that I used the Carolingians for many civs,but they are easy to find info and pictures about them the avars,that makes me able to "divide" they units for some civs

Of course,If you think it will be too bad to use the Huns,I can change the first period.What do you think?

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Problem with Huns is, that their empire disintegrated soon after Atillas death. And that was even before fall of West and thus out of scope of mod.

If you don't like Avars, what about Gepids, Heruli or Rugians? Or confederation of these?

I think, that it would be still better to prefer accuracy before uniqueness. Avars simply lived in large area.

I think, that Hungarians and Vlachs could simply have same units in first period but still be separated nations.

Edited by Belisarivs
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It sounds good and all, but 0 AD is for civilizations ranging from 500BC-500AD, and the Hungarians weren't much of a power until around the 9th Century (If I can remember History Correctly) and wouldn't fit in. I'm just saying that it's a good idea, because I think it's a great idea, but it just doesn't fit in historically. I may be wrong if someone can correct me...

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