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Found 2 results

  1. Fight the tyranny of the Archbishop as the Adrestian Empire or defend the "Holy Church" as the Knights of Seiros! Journey across Fodlan and take part in some of Fire Emblem's most iconic battles, but this time in an RTS format. As rumors of war begin to formulate in the surrounding villages due to the tensions between the Church of Seiros and the Empire, the Archbishop, Lady Rhea, forms an army in secret just in case the rumors become fact, what happens next is something entirely different than what she had expected and it all began with three students being chased in the woods by bandits... Release Date: TBD An Empire in the Making (View Original Post) The Adrestian Empire is located at the south end of Fodlan bosting the famous Black Eagle house to represent them at Garreg Mach Monastery which lies at the center of Fodlan. It is said that the founding of the Adrestian Empire was aided by Lady Seiros when they helped her defeat Nemesis (The King of Liberation). The "Crest of Seiros" runs through their family bloodline as a gift from the goddess for lending their strength to Lady Seiros. The Black Eagle house was named after the traditionally black armor of the Adrestian knights and the twin-headed eagle on the Empire's coat of arms. The Black Eagles' attendants this year are as follows: Edelgard (The only child left of House Hresvelg and the only heir to the throne of the Adrestian Empire), Hubert (House Vestra), Bernadetta (Only daughter of House Varley), Ferdinand (House Aegir, in line to become the next Prime Minister of the Empire), Capar (One of the sons of House Bergliez), Linhardt (House Hevring), Petra (House Macneary and in line for the throne of Brigid), Dorothea (The only commoner in Black Eagle). Help Wanted: If anyone wishes to help in the development of this mod we will be grateful to hear from you on our Discord Server. We are currently in the need of a 3d modeler, music help, and some artists. If you wish to help in any other way then you are always welcome on our team. Thank you. Fire Emblem: Three Wars Reddit Fire Emblem: Three Wars Discord Server Fire Emblem: Three Wars Mod DB Page
  2. I have a curious idea: Catch enemy units and transform into slaves: * Citizen support into get food and wood * citizen soldiers into a free without any cost soldiers
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