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Everything posted by Gen.Kenobi

  1. So I did a little bit of research... http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?165421-How-to-bake-an-armature-animation There isn't too much official documentation... the blender wiki only does have info about baking in the 2.4 version...And it's not very clear. This thread above says something about a script...but I'm unsure... Would be awesome if the engine could read .bvh ... Does it? Anyways... I never tried baking an animation before, as I said, I'm not an animator by trade... This area is still brand new to me. Anyways... I exported it to bvh... Dunno if it helps. bvh.zip
  2. No luck at all. Looks like that with this new actor code, there's not even a model displaying on the fishing boat (the fisherman boat). I didn't use a normal rig, I used Blender's add-on Rigfy. It automatically adds the rigs and the deformation bones and solvers for the user, so we don't have to spend too much time rigging and jump into animating... Maybe that's the issue... Maybe it would need a rig to be made from scratch... I dunno... Maybe Pureon can help out with this? Since he gots most rigs working ingame so far...
  3. Your wish, is my order paddling.zip
  4. Just did what you said. ERROR: art/meshes/skeletal/fisherman_paddling.dae: Assertion not satisfied (line 393): failed requirement "recognised skeleton structure" ERROR: Could not load mesh 'art/meshes/skeletal/fisherman_paddling.dae' ERROR: CObjectEntry::BuildVariation(): Model art/meshes/skeletal/fisherman_paddling.dae failed to load ERROR: Failed to build prop model "units/china/chin_fisherman.xml" on actor "fishing_ship" My .dae file is supposed only to provide the animation, not to work as a unit... It should take the current unit model and animate it... I think I'm getting lost again. But I did as you said.
  5. Hmm... So, to make it easer... why not share the files as a whole? files.zip @Michael: A friend of mine at Revora made it for me
  6. It's here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15552&view=findpost&p=233148
  7. ERROR: art/animation/fisherman_paddling.dae: Assertion not satisfied (line 393): failed requirement "recognised skeleton structure" ERROR: CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/fisherman_paddling.dae): Failed loading, marked file as bad Just the errors the engine gives me. (Tried again with both DEF and no DEF at the root, no luck) EDIT: Ben: the file is here> http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15552&view=findpost&p=233148
  8. Hmm... I got Acess Violations Errors once with Blender, when I tried to launch it from a folder or place that has graphic accent (my folder name was called Usuário)... I just changed the location and it started fine... Win 7 weirdness... Dunno if you have a similar setup, or if what i said is of any good. But maybe it can help
  9. That's our plan, to tweak the existing animations or even re-do them from scratch, but we're having some trobble getting new rigs to show up ingame - specially for Blender, since most of our team now uses blender, and i'm prety sure that blender will be primary software of choice for modders, since it's free and open-source. (the old animations were created with 3ds/XSI and we're trying to port them to a blender rig) :/ (What is really silly... I hope we can do that soon.)
  10. That's really weird, because i tried them all, without luck... I'm really about to give up... I even tried to created a new biped, just for the sake of testing... No luck... Starting to get desesperate hehehee I'm a modeler not a coder! hehehhehehe <standard_skeleton title="blend-biped" id="blend-biped"> <bone name="root"> <bone name="hips"> <bone name="spine"> <bone name="ribs"> <bone name="neck"> <bone name="head"> <bone name="DUMMY_headnub"/> <!-- kept for binary compatibility with PSA files --> <bone name="shoulder.L"> <bone name="upper_arm.L"> <bone name="forearm.L"> <bone name="hand.L"> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> <bone name="shoulder.R"> <bone name="upper_arm.R"> <bone name="forearm.R"> <bone name="hand.R"> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> <bone name="thigh.L"> <bone name="shin.L"> <bone name="foot.L"> <bone name="toe.L"> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> <bone name="thigh.R"> <bone name="shin.R"> <bone name="foot.R"> <bone name="toe.R"> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </standard_skeleton> <skeleton title="Blender biped" target="blend-biped"> <identifier> <root>root</root> </identifier> <bone name="DEF-root"><target>root</target> <bone name="DEF-hips"><target>hips</target> <bone name="DEF-spine"><target>spine</target> <bone name="DEF-ribs"><target>ribs</target> <bone name="DEF-neck"><target>neck</target> <bone name="DEF-head"><target>head</target> </bone> </bone> <bone name="DEF-shoulder.L"><target>shoulder.L</target> <bone name="DEF-upper_arm.L"><target>upper_arm.L</target> <bone name="DEF-forearm.L"><target>forearm.L</target> <bone name="DEF-hand.L"><target>hand.L</target> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> <bone name="DEF-shoulder.R"><target>shoulder.R</target> <bone name="DEF-upper_arm.R"><target>upper_arm.R</target> <bone name="DEF-forearm.R"><target>forearm.R</target> <bone name="DEF-hand.R"><target>hand.R</target> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> <bone name="DEF-thigh.L"><target>thigh.L</target> <bone name="DEF-shin.L"><target>shin.L</target> <bone name="DEF-foot.L"><target>foot.L</target> <bone name="DEF-toe.L"><target>toe.L</target> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> <bone name="DEF-thigh.R"><target>thigh.R</target> <bone name="DEF-shin.R"><target>shin.R</target> <bone name="DEF-foot.R"><target>foot.R</target> <bone name="DEF-toe.R"> <target>toe.L</target> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </bone> </skeleton>
  11. I don't know what Jason did, Ben... So I really don't know if the sames are the same. My guess is that the code is still with those DEf and ORG bones... For the IK/FK solvers... Do we would need to code them out? I'm really confused @Michael: Just wait a bit, untill this problemans are solved
  12. Hmm... I see... but is there any way to code this skeleton ingame so I can just take a look at my animation and see how it plays? Them I could re-rig the guy properly with 29 bones...
  13. Tron OST for the win! http://grooveshark.com/#!/playlist/Tron/43579814
  14. Alright. I guess this is it: <skeleton title="Blender Biped" target="biped"> <identifier> <root>root</root> </identifier> <bone name="root"> <target>root</target> <bone name="hips"> <target>pelvis</target> <bone name="spine"> <target>spine</target> <bone name="ribs"> <target>spine1</target> </bone> </bone> </bone> <bone name="shoulder.L"> <target>l_clavicle</target> </bone> <bone name="upper_arm.L"> <target>l_upperarm</target> <bone name="forearm.L"> <target>l_forearm</target> </bone> </bone> <bone name="shoulder.R"> <target>r_clavicle</target> </bone> <bone name="upper_arm.R"> <target>r_upperarm</target> <bone name="forearm.R"> <target>r_forearm</target> </bone> </bone> <bone name="neck"> <target>neck</target> <bone name="head"> <target>head</target> </bone> </bone> <bone name="thingh.L"> <target>l_thigh</target> <bone name="shin.L"> <target>l_calf</target> </bone> </bone> <bone name="thingh.R"> <target>r_thigh</target> <bone name="shin.R"> <target>r_calf</target> </bone> </bone> <bone name="hand.L"> <target>l_hand</target> <bone name="Biped_Lfingers"/> </bone> <bone name="foot.L"> <target>l_foot</target> <bone name="toe.L"/> </bone> <bone name="hand.R"> <target>r_hand</target> <bone name="Biped_Rfingers"/> </bone> <bone name="foot.R"> <target>r_foot</target> <bone name="toe.R"/> </bone> </bone> </skeleton> Just the fingers I didn't add, because our rig doesn't have fingers... Maybe we should add them? EDIT: Did a quick test... Looks like that the skeleton wasn't reconized. ERROR: art/animation/fisherman_paddling.dae: Assertion not satisfied (line 393): failed requirement "recognised skeleton structure" ERROR: Could not load mesh 'art/animation/fisherman_paddling.dae' BTW, it isn't a diretory probleman, I'm using RoTE Mod to try. The usual would be art/meshes/skeletal/
  15. Justin, your art is awesome! I really admire people who knows the way around concept art and digital painting. I'm kinda a frustrated drawer As much as I try I can't get them to look right (so I picked up 3d modeling - texturing stills a pain, for obivious reasons )... Yours are just mind blowing. About the cape, I really don't know, but i guess the game will use the players collor on the ingame caracter as it usually does.
  16. Hey sorry, for taking too long to reply. I just arrived home yesterday and I was quite tired. Today I had to go see an eye doctor (just checkup) and I got home really late. I'll try to take a look and code it inside the skeletons.xml. Bear with me Jason, as I might screw some thigns up. BTW, I just received my animation classes (download link) via email, so 'ill be studying animation in the next cople of days (and trying to get them ingame )
  17. Yeah, but i guess the main issue with this code(or hierarchy or rig) is that it has several different bones that does different things - there's the DEF bones, the MCH, the ORG ones. I don't know if the game supports the IK/FK solvers. And I also have no clue from where to start to parse this into the skeletons.xml file. It's quite confusing for me. I feel like a blind men lost in the middle of a firefight.
  18. Hmm... The issue wasn't with us trying to get the skeletons.xml script to get a blender version for the game-ready armature? I guess I'm just lost here. My point was to get animations from Blender into the Game. Or we're going to use the same max codes (for ingame armatures) for blender via exporting/importing animations? Wouldn't be better to create a more straightfoward approach for blender users? It could really make modding more simple for the future users and modders. I don't know Sorry I just got lost and confused here.
  19. Hello Geoffroy! Welcome! May you feel at home here!
  20. Oh. So that was the annoying thing I just tried to export a Collada file and went to Blender to import to see if it was exported right. Hehehehe. *Kicks himself in the face* Hmm... Looks like that you didn't write the skeleton for the hawk in the skeleton.xml file. You need to write down the bone hierarchy so the game recognizes the armature and can "eat" the animation. I may be wrong, since i'm still trying to figure out the animation pipeline. Other people with more knowladge should give you more help with that.
  21. Hey Jason... It didn't help, as .obj doesn't seen works with bones (or skeletons) - I got several cubes, and no bones to work with. I'm attaching the .dae file. Could see if it works ingame? I don't have enought hardware here with me to try this :/ (i only get home on friday, but i really would like to see if the rigs is finally working, so i can start working in new animations ) fisherman.dae.zip
  22. @iNyan: Hehehehe. Them lucky you! You have the choice to pick what subjects you want to have in high school? Like America? Here on Brazil we don't have that Luxury... We have to know almost everything about everything. But, unfortunatly, our system doesn't works too well... Public Schools are a mess and teachers are unpayed. So...yeah. Sucks. Specially the last year of High School, where you must review everything you learned and know it all by the tip of your tongue, if you want to get in a good university. And if the course is competitive, like Med School, you're screwed. And I know. I'm screwed But hopefully I'll do just fine. It's just a long year for me. Very long one
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