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  1. I heard about Josef_Bugman's LotR mod at AoKH, then I started posting in the project's thread and also in 0ad's forum, which was still a mod. Back in the old HG forums.
  2. I assume it's a mix of Iberian and Roman for me, with plausible later additions, especially Arabic, and less probably Germanic (Visigothic - but that'd make me a noble!) and Jewish. And a bit of Basque - which in itself is impossible to classify at this time.
  3. I guess it depends on which civ the tutorial uses I've been thinking for some seconds trying to decide between Celts and Persia, and I think I'd go for the Celts.
  4. I've been trying to send Jason a PM but I get an error message. This happened yesterday and again today in two different computers, and it happened too when I tried to PM Anushka: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 233472 bytes) in /var/www/html/forum/lang/en/lang_email_content.php on line 291 Do you guys know what's causing this? Thanks in advance.
  5. I see. Thanks! It's good to see I got it more or less right
  6. Der Vater eines guten Freundes meiner ist tot. Would this be correct? Should I use the preposition von (or any other) instead of the genitive? Freundes or Freunds? Should I use the genitive of the possessive mein instead of the genitive of ich, meiner? (The meaning I want to have is "The father of a good friend of mine", rather than "The father of my friend").
  7. Believe me, if I got any German channel other than Viva I would gladly watch it Some years ago I could watch RTL (I think), but if my memory serves me well it was 24 hours a day of Bavarian folklore. Oh, I forgot about the dictionary link. Danke! Es ist sehr gut
  8. Du kannst sprechen über das Internet. Yay for extraordinarily simple sentences! Last night I spent some time watching the German music TV channel Viva (which is terrible), and there was this show where people sent text messages and they put them on the screen. Of course I hardly understood anything, but my ability to recognize verbs (and tenses), particles, case and gender (especially when der/die/das was present) is increasing Also, being a linguistic nerd I cannot help but comment on how my very basic knowledge on Gothic is helping me with some elements of modern German For example, I memorized the forms of the definite article by attaching them to the forms of the related definite article in Gothic: GOTHIC / GERMAN Masc. sa / der (not directly related) þana / den þis / des þamma / dem þai / die þans / die (not directly related) þize / der (z > r, a regular switch) þaim > den Also, most if not all modal verbs seem to come from the 'present-preterite' verbal category of Germanic. They were characterized by the use of the original preterite as present tense, and the creation of a new analogical preterite. It's much easier to learn a verb like 'können' when you know that (although, surprisingly, the German grammar I'm reading does not mention this at all).
  9. He might have been a very good person and all, but the Catholic church needs a completely different pope or it'll be lost forever. Less conservatism might be a good start.
  10. Hehe, I *think* I wanted to use werden as a normal verb and put it in Futur. Then I got distracted by how much I like the form wirst and used it instead of wird Ja! Deutsch ist sehr schön, schöner als Althochdeutsch I really need a dictionary. I know I had one but my sister took it when she went to Germany :\
  11. I'm going to top this because I want you guys to keep posting in German. Currently I'm trying to learn the basics of it, but so far I'm still working with the conjugations (frage fragst fragt fragte fragtest fragte grefragt werde wird wirst habe hast hat etc etc ), and also with the definite article, personal pronouns, and all the other stuff that we could say constitutes the 'core' of a language. I'm also learning a list of irregular verbs, which brings back memories of the times when I was learning English. Ich denke nicht, dass mein Deutsch wirst gut werden. (Hahaha, I know nothing of syntax yet)
  12. We had some problems to make up believable reasons for the merge
  13. Ah, I see. In Spain, these are two different classes; what you described would be Literature class, while we're taught grammar & syntax in Language class.
  14. If native English speakers don't learn grammar in their English class, what do they learn at all? I mean, my Spanish class (called simply "Language") was mostly grammar and syntax.
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