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Posts posted by SMST

  1. From what my Classics professor told me, even academic linguists disagree how precisely ancient Greek was pronounced, so getting it entirely right may be rather difficult! I don't think it should sound exactly like modern Greek, though, that wouldn't make sense.

    Yes, we have three greek teachers at our school and there is some bickering even amongst them how to pronouncitation.;) But we all learn the "official", very German pronounciation whatsoever.

    Of course, no one can tell how it was pronouciated exactly.^^

    What should be changed in pronouncitation in the game is the "η" (Eta). It was a long "e" in Ancient Greek, not "i", as it is today.

    Just to mention it.

  2. Lol, dudes, try to kill a women citien. She sound as a man. XD

    Noticed that, too.*grin*

    Btw there are some unit comments in the files of the pre-alpha. (Greek ones) How can one include them?

    The pronunciation is today's Greek btw.;) But it is probably nearer to ancient Greek than the one i learn at school.

  3. I know, it's a lot of repetition, but there aren't many options. Perhaps the Celtic campaign can wait for future parts of the game- Marius'/Caesar's Rome for a Vercingetorix campaign and/or Imperial Rome for a Boudica campaign?

    Both Marian and Imperial Romans are going to be in the Atlas Editor, so that'll be no problem.;)

    As for the Persians... Well, couldn't the Atlas tool create Babylonians, Assyrians, etc? No one would really care if their buildings/units weren't 100% accurate...

    Hmm, i do not know if the developers would care about pre-persian Middle East since it is completely out of every of their timeframes - Part 1 and 2.

    One could mod them, though. Hey, that'll be an interesting project.:)

  4. There is a limit to the number of allowed quotes, and you had too many. I've increased the limit to 20 now though, so now it works (for some reason I had to press the edit button for your quotes to work, but now they do [didn't do anything but press edit and then submit]). Hopefully no one will need to make more quotes than that in a single post ;)

    Oh, didn't know there was a limit.^^


  5. Hi everyone, I'm new to this boards, but have known about 0 A.D. for a while.


    I have this grand idea for an awesome Hellenic campaign which will have everything from the quarrels between the poleis, the colonization era, Greco-Persian war etc. Would I (probably in later stages of this game) be allowed to create such a campaign as a sort of add-on for us Hellenic-fans?

    The editor is already included in the Alpha release and will be fairly powerful with the final release, as i see it.

    Here follows some comments to the first post of this thread, since that's why I really registered here:

    Hehe, you registered to comment my ideas? :)

    Don't think this would be a bit massive as a tutorial, but better off as a "first campaign?"

    I would suggest a smaller scenario such as retaking Rome from Celts under Brennus as a tutorial, while your suggestion works better as an introduction to sea-warfare.

    Well, explain what you mean saying "massive". I agree that the time-span is fairly great. Perhaps one could skip it a bit and focus just on colonisation and the Persian Wars.

    The Celts are not that good to feature as a tutorial civ, because they are very restricted in classes - no real navy, no siege - and are designed to be a more "special" faction. The only other civ i would regard being fit to be a tut civlisation would be the Romans. (Italian Wars, anyone?)

    Oh, and the Leonidas tutorial campaign is also in discussion.

    Boudica, winning? Just as realistic as the Persians defeating Alexander. :) If you want the Britons to win, how about the first Roman attempt at invading the island? It was a humiliating defeat for the Romans, and an epic win for the Britons. They would cling on to the memory of this when attempting to break free from oppression later.

    Hm, that would be possible. Perhaps mixing both to get a "British Resistance" Campaign. My point is just, what characters have we got to feature in this campaign? For I think that campaign need to tell the story of a character rather than just of wars, which makes them more interesting. I chose Boadicea because I found it interesting having a woman playing the main role, which was not often seen in ancient times. (Cleopatra, yes, but then i have to remember how Rise&Fall screwed that.;))

    And on Boadicea winning:

    Yes, it would be unhistorical. I've read some articles on the net about that, tough, and some said that the main reason why Boadicea ultimately lost was their lack of organisation. It could therefore be made in a campaign that Boadicea (or someone else) sees the need for the Britons to organize themselves to stand a chance against the Romans. Not everything needs to be absolutely historical, although i try to keep it as accurate as possible.

    Oh, and I'll slap myself around to write an introduction later. ;)

    I just realize, I don't have one, either.^^

    If each faction could only have one campaign, I would suggest these:

    Hmm, whats the point to force a campaign for every faction?

    Hellenes/Greeks - Alexander (or perhaps a campaign that covers the whole struggle against the Persian empire, from the rebellion against Cyrus to Alexander's conquest)

    Corecct me, but did the Greeks ever rise against Cyrus or are you just confusing him with Darius?

    Otherwise, yeah, that's what I wanted to do, split up over the Tutorial and the Alexander Campaign.

    Carthage - Punic Wars- especially Hannibal's victories in Italy (against Iberian rebels, hostile Alpine Gauls and Rome)

    Romans - Punic Wars (against Iberians, Gauls and Carthage)

    Two campaigns covering the same topic?

    Repetitio non delectat, though, I had a idea for a so called "turning-point" Campaign for the Punic Wars:

    You play Hannibal, starting his invasion in Spain, later Gaul and Italy, until the Battle of Cannae. Then, you are changing sides, fighting Hannibal as Maximus and Scipio in reverse.

    Persians - Cyrus' expansion (or perhaps the expansion of the Achaemenid empire in general)

    Problem here, within the limitations of 0 A.D. you have no featured enemies unless you want to fight Persians over the whole campaign. Persians in 0 A.D. are the already formed empire, containig all of the Middle East. It would be great for a mod, where you have Lydians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians etc. all as individual factions.

    Iberians/Spanish - Infighting with other tribes and Mediterranean colonists.

    Celts - Same as the above (it wouldn't be accurate to have Boudica or Vercingetorix fight against the Roman army before Marius' reforms)

    Once again, repetitio non delectat. (the one who points out the stupidity of that sentence gets a cookie.:D)

    You have a Iberian campaign - fighting other tribes and Romans.

    Then Celts - hey, same again ...

    That the Marian Reforms are not part of the game is the reason why the Boadicea will be no featured campaign of WFG, as i have been informed, because it's out of the timeframe.


    Tell me - why are the quote-tags not working?

  6. Hi everyone,

    I tried out your newest Pre-Alpha Release, and a bug ocurred to me when working with Atlas.

    I placed a object. Then I switched to Move/Delete tool to move it around. But when i tried to select the unit, the program would crash down. This happened everytime i tried to select a unit.

    I spoke with Mythos_Ruler about this issue, and he confirmed the crash.

    Hopefully, you will be able to find and dig out the root of the problem.



  7. Well, i think the trainig and building buttons are a bit too small ... i had actually trouble reading the descriptions. I would suggest to enlarge them a bit.

    Also, i had some problems that my workers would just stop collecting resources after a time.

    Otherwise, it's great. Nice to hear some music and sound. Also, it's great that units do now correctly take their positions as they march to a location.

    Looking forward to July!

  8. Men are, after all, not more than a part of nature. The sooner we realize that, the longer we'll live.

    As Frank Schätzing, a German author, said:

    We cannot destroy the world. We can just destroy our world.

    If mankind is extinct (and it will be, looking at billions of species wiped from the earth before), nature will reclaim the cities and man-made structures. It is true that no species ever shaped the earth like we did, but nature lasted vulcanism, giant asteroid impacts and global ice ages, so it will last our impacts, too.

  9. Very nice screenshots! Though as usual, they break the forum frame.


    One thing I noticed about the models is that most of the Greek units have no beards.

    Is this usual in the game as written, or is it the result of your mod? Also, I think

    Alexander's unarmored mode looks bald. I don't know if you made your own textures,

    but if you can I suggest eventually adding some more hair to him. ;)

    Hmm, the people in the last screen have beards, after all. And for the Sacred Band Warriors i chose the head model without beards deliberatly for this group consisted of young men only. (which were all homosexual couples btw.)

    I made no new textures for this, just re-arranging the existing ones. I agree that Alexander is missing "something", but i have very limited texturing skills.^^

    Otherwise, I think it's simply awesome that the game can already be modded, even to

    a limited extent.

    Yeah, imagine what it will be if 0 A.D. is finally released.:)

    Thanks for the nice feedback, all of you!:)

  10. By the way, you can use Ctrl+Alt+F2 to take high-resolution (6400x4800) screenshots and then scale them down in a paint program to emulate nice antialiasing ;)

    Ah, thanks for the information. I was already wondering if the game has a integrated screenshot function.


    The next question is: Where are the screens saved? :)

    Not in binaries/data/screenshots, which would be the most obvoius.

  11. I've made some more stuff.


    This is a recreation of the Battle of Chaironeia. The factions are the Theban-Athenian Alliance (blue) against the Macedonians (red) under Philipp and Alexander.

    The Theban hoplite units are actually members of the Hieron Lokhon, meaning "Sacred Band", of Thebes, which i made out of one original texture called "thebes_sacredband.dds". In the front, there's a closeup of one of them. Next to him, there is a Greek Swordsman that i made just for fun purposes with no historical reference at all. These units are spontaneusly called "Phylakes", meaning "guards".

    In the background, the heavy phalanx of Macedonian Pezhetairoi under General Parmenion (another new unit, the guy with sword an a frontranker helmet in the front of the Pezhetairoi) and Philipp is seeming to be retreating from the Sacred Band Warriors of Thebes, supported by Peltasts. However, on the left flank Alexander is waiting with the Hetairoi cavalry, ready to fall into the opening gap of the Theban ranks.

    Historically, the battle ended with all of the Sacred Band warriors slain because they refused to surrender. A memorial site was built at Chaironeia, similar to the one at the Thermophylae for Leonidas and his Spartans ~150 years earlier.

  12. Thank you both. It seems to work now.

    That's what i did: As you might remember, i am still planning my three campaigns for 0 A.D., and while planning the Alexander Campaign, it occurred to me that i would need Alexander in more states than just on a horse.

    Also, i wanted to test you actor system. I was courious if i could combine the components free to a new unit, and i have not been disappointed. It seems to be very, VERY flexible and powerful. Well done.;)


    Left is, as you can clearly see, the original Alexander hero unit.

    In the middle, there is Alexander on foot in full armor. He will be needed for some special scenarios, where Bukephalas is not aviable and, of course, for the first scenario where he gets to tame Bukephalas.

    Right, Alexander without any arms and w.o. helmet. This one is for cinematics.

    Both units on foot have the long cape which Leonidas and the Spartans have. You guys gave the original unit the shorter version (due to clipping reasons, i believe), but it looked quite stupid on foot. So i decided to give him the longer one.

    Also, the Alexander in the middle has a hypaspist shield. Because he uses actually Themistocles' ani file, it would have looked stupid if he stretched his arm out without having a shield.:)

    Well ...

  13. Something doesn't seem to work ... after i tried creating a new enitity and place it in Atlas, i couldn't place any entity at all. (no visual appears) They are correctly listed in the list on the left, so they seem to be in the right folders.

  14. Heh, don't worry about it. Your English is good enough to the point that I hadn't noticed that you weren't a native speaker until you mentioned it! ;)

    Oh, that is nice of you to say!:)

    Just as a suggestion, I'd open a new thread once you get a list of units for your factions together. No use in letting it get lost in here!

    Yes, i will most probably open a thread in the mod section. I already witnessed that there are two greater mod projects announced in the mod section - "For Honor and Glory" and "Colonial A.D."

    If all those projects suceed ... we would have a "Pyrogenesis RTS series" with almost continous timeline:

    1. My idea - hm, the child needs a name.;)

    2. 0 A.D. 1

    3. 0 A.D. 2

    4. For Honour and Glory

    5. Colonial A.D.

    *dreaming* :)

  15. To make this idea real, this needs to be a real concept rather than what it is right now - an idea. You must know best that there is nothing worse for a project if you have a bunch of unsorted ideas in your head and no order to them.

    But i definitley want to do that mod, and when i have found a new way to gain access to a precious resource called "time", i will draw the first real concept of that mod and present it here.

  16. 1. As you said, it will not be from any other civilizations. As the Greeks, you will not be able to recruit Persians to support you. The recruiting will be from related Hellenic tribes that are logically and historically affiliated with the Greeks.

    Well, it was not exactly what i thought.

    So there will be special "Theatron" units or something? Or just getting some Hellenic units for free?

    Persians, btw, would make sense to me. Note that Alexander the Great and later the Diadochoi recruited Persian units to their armies. That was what led to a revolt amongst Alexanders' men because they did not want to have their former enemies to be equal ranked than themselves.

    And i already planned a scenario for the Alexander campaign featuring Persian auxiliary troops gained through the civ power of the Theatron. Well, it could be done with triggers, anyway.;)

    2. Certain units and buildings can only be constructed when certain stages of your city's development have been attained. As you may have read in the DD, the game consists of three stages of settlement development: Village, Town and City. Specific units will only be available to those settlements that have developed enough to logically sustain their training.

    But the Theatron is available only in City stage, right? So if the Theatron can be built, all other units are also available. So that does not make very much sense to me.:)

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