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Everything posted by Aztec_Brave

  1. Single. My connection sucks and my skills suck, so I'm stuck playing single. Beside's most of the fun campaigns are single.
  2. Too cheap to buy games, so I'm trying to distract myself with old Dos games for a few seasons until I can get TLA and 0AD for free. I'm also trying my hand at making a game with a friend. You can go to www.redhand.wz.cz to find something out (not much) and download a really primitive alpha-demo-demo with graphics ripped from GTA2.
  3. Apart from words, there are also huge differences in pronounciation. R's: In English (and Australian) they are usually silenced after a vowel so 'car' will be pronounced 'cah.' In American (and also Irish) the 'R' is vividly pronounced. In Scottish it is the hard trilled R that almost every other language uses. I's: In certain word there is a difference in the pronouncation. For example 'Semi' and 'Anti' would be 'Semee' and 'Antee' in English and 'Sem-eye' and 'At-eye' in American. Some vowels are pronounced with a considerable difference. For example "can't" will be pronounced 'cahnt' in English but in American the A will sound like the A in fan. All I can think of for now.
  4. Variables and Constants. So you can do stuff like change your name or something. Some other programming-like stuff like functions, case (or switch) structures etc would be good, but probably too hard to grasp for the average beginner so ignore my idea. Data Export: mainly RPGish type scenarios. A small file would be exported from scen1 containing certain data (like RPG atributes). Scen2 ould then search for this file in a certain folder and if successful it will be able to read dat from it. Basicly so you can carry stuff from one scenario to the other. Object import: Basicly you can import a 3d object (or a 2d sprite if there is still a 2d element in the game). It wouldn't do anything, but could look cool if used quite well. Would probably swell filesize like hell though.
  5. I always used to make RPGs. But they're pretty complex to make, So I usually gave up. I hope the 0AD/TLA editor will have things like functions,variables and loops (The programmers will know what I mean and they're the ones who make this stuff) which would speed stuff up a lot. But a good mix is pretty good too. Like Mark Stoker's stuff for AOK, awesome, truly awesome. Or AOKasino, that was pretty rad too.
  6. I love map editors. I just never seem to be able to pull off and finish a project. Most editors are bunged in as an optional extra and generally buggy, which makes stuff all the harder. In city builders, I also love the feeling when my industry is really powerfull, creating huge surpluses and giving me loads of dinero.
  7. AOE and AOK definately rank up at the top just for bringing me to the RTS genre. I never played AOM much, and I found that EE sucked after about a month (Too complicated, boxy graphics, lack of atmosphere, crap editor, highly unintuitive). I'm not financially strong enough to make purchases nowadays (I spend more cash on music CDs. Incidentally, does anyone here like NOFX?). I always liked Impressions' city builders. Caesar 3 was pretty good, and Pharaoh got me totally hooked for days on end. I never played Zeus. And Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom must be one of the most awesome games ever. Until it starts getting repetitive anyway, and you can always go multiplayer after that.
  8. Well I voted for the Parthians, because from the little I've heard about them they kick serious posterior.
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