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Posts posted by Aeros

  1. Well duh, if you don't play multiplayer :lol:

    Yeah I agree, AOM is a very fine peice of work, but it lacks background, or a theme. AoK had a very distinct feal to playing it, and AoM seems to lack that.

    Otherwise it's a great game and with the release of The Titans that fixes things that didn't work out and adds even better things to gameplay, it's probably the funnest game I've ever played, over all FPS and RPG games and all. Note I said The Titans, not normal AoM. So get it :)

  2. If Sanjab said it, then it's safe for me to say I've played the leaked version as well. It's very awesome, but it's nowhere close to the final version. You won't learn very much from the leak about the story of HL2, but I did find something interesting. HL2 originally started being developed right after the first HL and I think used the same engine, but then they decided to really out-do themselves since they've got money coming from Counter-strike and all those. There were some sound files in the old HL wav format from "City 17" with this guy talking about citizens and stuff and some new order moving in.

    Slightly interesting indeed.

    Shhh :)

  3. Didn't I talk to you about this DA? :)

    Ok Heres how it really is.

    The hacker guy was snooping on Valve's email server connected to the internet and managed to get a loose build of HL2 by taking models and files and other bits and peices from their email server and compiling them. From the alpha, I would guess it's a 2 year old pre-build of the E3 demonstration, along with a handful of old unfinished maps. All the alpha version is, is a heap of bugs, missing models, and unfinished maps. It's 2 years old. Valve has never been lying about HL2's status and the hacker is simply spreading crap about Valve and encouraging the community to think Valve is lieing about HL2.

    Also, since the hacker was just snooping for files, there is no AI in the leaked version - he didn't manage to nick the AI.

    And stop calling it an Alpha, because it isn't, it's not playable despite the rumours you've been hearing which are there to get people to DL it.

    CONCLUSION: HL2 "alpha" is not what people are saying it is, Valve is not lieing, hacker is spreading crap about valve, and the "alpha" is actually a 2 year old demonstration build of Half Life along with some unfinished maps.

    Oh and the leaked source code. It's also 2 years old and about 1/3rd of it is missing, like the physics code and such, the rest is unfinished. No cheater can build anything off of that.

    The news your hearing about the alpha. It's mostly fake. Don't buy into any of it.

    So that settles it.

  4. We've got only 10% of our website server space used and 50% of the downloads servers used, Space or money is not an issue.

    The only reason why I think they took it down was because no one cared about EEH anymore and for the past couple of months it was completely dead. I agree there should've been some sort of warning or speach though.

  5. Yeah, thats actually how it is. Why else do you think that women also pour their hearts into some random guys who just happened to be on television, or a movie (Think Orlando Bloom, no one cared about him before he was in LOTR)

    Girls go after guys who are already successful or have girlfriends, because then if the guy gives attention to the girl she'll feal all special for being the one he gave his attention to; for being the one that he chose over all the others.

    It's an evolutionary thing :)

  6. It's the amount of kills I'm showing off :) 39 in a 10 minute game. So what if I didn't capture any flags, look at all the assists from shooting people that are going after the guys with the flags. You get an assist when you help someone who has the flag.

    So I win :)

    To play a game with somone you have to discuss what server to go to beforehand, or you can use gamespy which has a friend list and chat rooms.

  7. %@#1 :)


    I can't really think of anything. You know what though, this reminds me of things parents would say to you when you were a kid and then you'd find out that it's infact nothing like what they said it was.

    Like the "cyberspace"

    What kind of idea was that, and then the internet being one big spiderweb. When you actually find out about the internet you realize it's nothing like that, just servers and users and ports.

  8. We're actually working on something that you'll like if you don't like the AoK/AoM editor. One thing I think we can confirm is that we're not going to try to make our editor "like" [insert game's] editor, but rather it'll destinctly be known as the 0AD editor, not the 0AD editor that is like AOM's editor

    (am I allowed to be saying stuff like this? :) )

  9. Thats an awesome card :)

    They've got the 9800XT now which is the most advanced card ever, it has this smart-overclocking thing, basically it automatically adjusts it's own clock rate and if it heats up too much it'll slow the clock down/increase the fan speed. That makes it 10-15% faster than the 9800 even though it's basically the same hardware.

  10. What about the good old trusty Flat Screen monitors?

    I've had mine for 4 years and it's still as good as ever. It's like 19" too.

    LCDs are horrible for computers, especially gaming. Their true refresh rate is something like 40 FPS, they have some new ones that are abit better and their liquid crystals switch faster (it means less blur) but those are very expensive. They're great with colors but they aren't very good when things are moving around, it leaves a blur trail behind everything.

  11. Actually I had school today :D It's so retarded because every other school is closed in the county, all but Thousand Oaks High School even though half the town is on fire.

    It's like a different world now. Theres a smokey fog all the time and the sun shines blood red, it's been raining (or snowing) ash for 3 days and the humidity level is under 10% (In most other areas it's like 40-60%) so that means everything is so dry, not a drop of water, stay outisde for just 1 hour and your skin will dry up and you're thirsty all the time.

    Hey but good times though :P

  12. I'm closest to the one in Ventura County, which is where I live :D It's dark now and I can see the flames out in the horizon with binoculars.

    @LOTR folks: hmmm lets see what did they say next... "The old world shall burn in the fires of industry, a new order will rise driven by the machine and the iron fist of war" :P

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