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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. You'll be glad to know all the spam topics have been moved to a sub-forum during your absence.
  2. Uhh Paul, you forgot to take any water..... Yeah, GenChat now seems more peaceful dosen't it. And my rank as #1 poster of WFG is now set in stone, for posts in the SPAM forum don't count anymore! :P
  3. It was Jason that made the Fun and Games Forum.
  4. Hey Bobby, I challenge you to a catfight. *Releases a lion to attack Bobby's cat*
  5. Well aside from my experience with my sheets (described elsewhere), one of my worst nights happened while camping near Burney Falls in the north of California. My dad and I were coming back from a gameshow activity held at the campsite the last evening we were there (which I did quite well in I may add). Once we returned to our tent, I felt a few sprinkles and perdicting a rainstorm, I suggested to have the rain coverring be put on. My dad felt this unnecessary and he didn't bother to put it on. What followed was without a doubt the most miserable night of my life. True to my perdiction, it rained hard and we were all soaking wet. It was my dad's job to put the rain coverring in the middle of the downpour. I felt the night would never end. But finally the sun rose, and I had to rush to the bathroom located a distance aways to throw up in. At least after that I was in the Jeep while my parents packed up everything. The only solace I could find was that I placed my personal items in the Jeep before it rained, so they avoided getting soaked. Needless to say, I haven't gone camping sense then. My dad wishes me to go camping again, but I always beg to differ with this story in mind, and my mom shares my POV.
  6. @Desmond: You don't happen to have any pics of it, right? BTW: Back at my old house, we used to have two cats, belonning to my grandmother. However, one ran away never to be seen again, the other was put to sleep (she had lived for quite awhile, before I was born). Sometime after that my evil uncle from Las Vegas just had to buy her the most annoying Westie on the face of the Earth......
  7. Sometimes I wished I either had a black cat or a white Persian one..... for obvious reasons. :P
  8. So, anyone else had experiences of the same caliber?
  9. We do have one but again that requires my dad's assistance, and I already mentioned how unrealiable he is.
  10. Tough luck Desmond, you need some movies so you can pass that time like me.
  11. I don't have any bloody pics. Even if I did, I'd never get around to even scanning them because only my dad has access to a scanner, and he's the laziest person on Earth. Never does anything on time and takes forever for him to even start something....... *Goes into another rant aganist his own father*
  12. Well last weekend my mom foolishly purchased new blue sheets for my bed without putting them in the washer first. Come Tuesday and I realize that I got a whole bunch of blue on myself. I'd thought taking a shower would help but it resurfaced again the next day. Only then did I finally realize it was caused by the bloody sheets. Come today and I still struggle to get rid of all the blue on me.
  13. For the same reason why civilians aren't allowed to go into Area 51, we all need our workspace.
  14. Bah, the earlist time I've able to accomplish myself is 11AM. Then again I stay up late in the summer.
  15. Sorry for acting like a jerk but didn't we already have this type of topic almost a month ago? <_
  16. Maybe see the fireworks (of course having BBQ to eat) but that's about it.
  17. Just a little poll I made up to pass the time. What time of year do you think more boring, the evil period of school or the relaxing summer? I'd be interesting to see the results, since many complain that it's harder to remian in contact with friends when school's out. Frankly I never understood why for obvious reasons.
  18. *Moved to Community Assistance ~ Randy Get no errors either. <_<
  19. Yeah Newgrounds has a whole bunch of flash movies around.
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