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Posts posted by EKen132

  1. Don't post your opinion here if you're not in the mood to argue for it! :P

    BTW, if you're wondering about the existance of God strictly based on logic, see some of St. Thomas Aquinas's works. I think there's a lot about the existance of God and logic in "The Summa Theologica".

  2. Wow, I've been following that for a while, it's good to see updates.

    The argonath look extrememly cool, so does everything else, and the Rohirrim Castle is done very well.

    One question for him though- isn't thangorodrim so big that people will walk into it and it'll look wrong? It's kinda hard to explain exactly what I mean.

    but looks awesome! :lol:

  3. Hey I was just looking at those sceens today.

    I wondered the same thing when I saw them. It's probably just made up to show off walls, armies and those sweet looking siege towers. You don't see many siege towers... Those look really good.

    edit: Also, I read that the engine will have 500 units (per side, I think)

  4. Ha, you can be assuredto find it in TLA!

    I'm really dissapointed with War of the Ring... When I became interested in TLA was after seeing the first movie thinking "hey a RTS LotR game would be awesome" and at AOK Heaven I found Shadowflare's Middle Earth Total Conversion. Then I followed that for a while, and eventually I came here. But in the process I got really excited about WotR which would come out sooner.

    Then when their official website came up, I got really bummed out.

    You can play only as two civs, good and evil. Good can make Gondor Men, (the all too common name from the movie:) "Riders of Rohan", Elves Archers, and Dunedain all in the same game with one civ.

    Although they didn't follow the movie as a guide for what graphics should be like (like BfME is doing), in a way, it's even worse. Ugh, I could go on for a while. Legolas's hair is white and he looks like a fairy tale elf. The dwarve characters have shoulders the size of boulders (hey that rhymes!). The Human Ranger has a sword like he's in FF7... g2g

  5. Adam, I thought you were from the US, or did I just interpret this wrong.

    While he may seem quite right economically because of his tax cut plans, supply-side economics, etc, he spends almost more on national government than the left wing in my country does

    But you're right, even the Democrats are on him for his spending.

  6. Actually, you're right (I don't mean that insultingly haha). As I was thinking of topics, I realized I didn't have many that affected the world, as what I thought of is all just stuff I see debated around or have heard of in US politics.

    I guess you can delete this thread until I think of how to re-do this.

  7. Well I decided to start a thread to debate political/social issues. I don't know how it'll turn out, but I'd like to see (or participate) in debates between some issues.

    Here's a list of ideas... I'll edit this and add as they come up.

    -Affirmative Action


    -Gay rights



    Feel free to post your ideas on one of these topics. One at a time. And try to stay away from name calling (baby killer! anti-choice!). And also, give your suggestions for topics.

  8. The second one's my favourite, but then I think that Many-Worlds might be true anyway.


    What on earth is a conversation like this doing in the (lol) Hall of Intellectuals???

    Time travel will never be possible, as fun as it is to think about it.

  9. Your political compass

    Economic Left/Right: 2.25

    Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.64

    Yeah, I thought I was pretty right-wing.

    Although, if this makes any sense at all,

    politically right

    economically mod and

    socially right.

    Hey if this quiz says the pope is a left winger, I can believe anything. I thought he'd be authoritarian-right.

    btw, this thread turned out to be pretty successful. cool.

    *congradulates self*

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