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Posts posted by EKen132

  1. I was surfing the web and came across something interesting. I'm not sure if this is an official list or something, but it's the six ways man differs from animal.

    * 1. Free Will. Man's gift of free will makes him a responsible being.

    * 2. Rationality. Man is a reasoning being who, by taking thought, gains valid truths about himself and the universe.

    * 3. Self-responsibility. Each person is the custodian of his own energy and talents, charged with the lifetime task of bringing himself to completion.

    * 4. Beauty. Man confronts beauty in - the very nature of things, and reproduces this vision in art.

    * 5. Goodness. Man has a moral sense, enabling and requiring him to choose between good and evil.

    * 6. The Sacred. Man participates in an order which transcends nature and society.

    What are your thoughts?

  2. This isn't exactly an internationally applicable happening, but anyone can vote- In Illinois, an elemenantary school recently decided not to let the kids dress up like pilgrims and Native Americans for a Thanksgiving celebration. Thanksgiving is the holiday that originated when emigrants from England came to America. During one October, they celebrated a feast of thanks with the Native Americans for their harvest (I believe). Since then, "Pilgrams and Indians" have been a classic symbol of Thanksgiving. Traditionally (until now), this school has had it's six and seven year old kids dress up with paper accessories (IE feathered headdresses, and pilgrim hats and bonnets). However, someone protested this saying it was an innacurate portrayal of the American Indians as "one group of people rather than a diverse culture" and that the costumes could be portrayed as insensitive or offensive. What do you think- should they be banned for good?

  3. I think the US is nearing the point (within 100 years) of not only economic decline, but of active destruction. If history is an indicator of what will happen in the future, societies usually decline when people get to the point where there lifes become extremely "soft" that they complicate themselves with material goods to an extreme, and...

    Actually, I'll continue this post later (maybe). But Rome and Greece both fell within a short time (compared to the time they lasted) of adopting a certain number of things... Ah I'm being very vague and I can't help it. I'm having trouble thinking right now! Well I think the US is going into decline very soon.

  4. That's quite stupid, it would be better if you just learn to live with less instead of finding all possible means to get money.

    Hooray for simpler lives!

    Not saying my life is simple, but there is WAY too much value placed on unconsequential things, especially materialstic things, in society.

  5. What makes you weird? I know everyone has something to share.

    When I hear good music, it makes me smile. When I hear really good music, it makes me laugh out loud. Even if there's nothing funny about it. I can't really describe it at all, and I don't know why it happens. (And it's weird). Also, my obsession with knowledge. Sometimes I think I'm the only one in my school who wants to learn everything. It's really, well, weird! ;)

    Share your deepest darkest secrets of nerd-ness here!

  6. Haha I love the last one of your first post Black Op.

    6.) You sneak LotR movie quotes into your speech.

    (this happened when I was on a run for cross country) Friends: When we're done with this run, I'm gonna get something to eat.

    Erik: Yeah, we haven't had anything but rotten bread for three stinkin' days.

    Friends: What are you talking about?

    Tommy: Oh he means the movies.

    Friends: What?

    Tommy: We need some lembas bread.

    Erik: Oh I think I have some in my pocket. Look lembas bread!

    Tommy: Oh I've got some more, what do you know- more Lembas bread! (it was bad)

    7.) You recognize the humor when you saw on a website "Thank God, or Allah, or Eru, etc.".

    8.) You wonder the military strategies of the armies of Middle Earth.

    9.) You try and write Arda inspired music... (geez, who would do THAT?)

    10.) Your next bday is gonna have an EE LotR movie marathon.

    edit: codeoptimist, you stole my idea... you posted while I was writing!

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