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Posts posted by EKen132

  1. Ok to tell you the truth, I thought of the "What if temp is a dimension?" theory many years back while eating breakfast. Excellent point never bother to thought about it. I guess I was thinking of the dimensions are almost "variables" in our universe. So in that case would speed be one?

    And thanks about the speech, the last sentence was the strong point of it :P!

  2. If I'm not mistaken isn't it "I the Lord am your God and you shall have no gods besides me" or worded like that? That doesn't really apply too much to the secular world, only really to Christians and Jews.

    edit: Although I heard somewhere that that can mean don't place too much value on other things besides God. IOW money (amongst other intanglible things). Although Capitalism is based around greed (a desire to become better, own more, etc) for things such as money (but also power, fame, etc), one could argue that money is the root of all evil (although I don't agree with that). And if so, even partially so (IOW money is the root of some evil, which I do agree with), then the commandment would have some secular value, even limited.

    OK that was kinda hard to understand :P. In order to get the gist of it, read through it without reading whats in parentheses.

    edit no. 2:

    Indeed each sex had its own purpose, but personally this isn't a reason to keep the roles as they were.

    Yes it is.

    Emphasize two words here:

    Indeed each sex had its own PURPOSE, but personally this isn't a reason to keep the ROLES as they were.

    Yes it is.

    I think that each thing's role should be within it's purpose. Now I'm not an extremist and say that people can't do things that are out of their purpose and that their's absolutely no exceptions. Did these amazones have No kids at home? Were their husbands unable to support the family?

    It's nigh on impossible to argue that women aren't made for raising children- physically, and emotionally (to a degree) and I explained this in another post about men. My question is why fight the way people are made?

    And I don't know much about the gender roles in stone age societies, but I could look into that :P!

    OK that's enough edits for one post, Im done! :D

  3. I'm not exactly that dissapointed... I really didn't like the scouring of the Shire... it had symbolism and all, but I think the book shouldve gotten back to the grey havens right after the coronation and that way at the end, it would be the first time Sam has seen anyone of his friends (or Rosy) again.

    edit: Don't get me wrong, I wish it was in there, but I'm not incredibly dissapointed;)

  4. The answer to Ph4ntoms question that he asked because he answered Aldarans sarcastic question;): (IOW, this may not be the official question we're on right now, but if it is: here goes!)

    The Gelion, the Ascar, the Thalos, the Legolin, the Brilthor, the Duilwin and the Adarant.

    and if that is right: next is...

    Where did men awaken at?

  5. Oh yeah, that and the liberal interpretation of the first amendment are the things that really get to me. And you wouldn't believe what kind of crap has been done in the name of free speech!

    Actually, Quacker, I didn't know that, but I was wondering a little while ago who made that phrase up and with what intent. (Kind of strange, I could swear half the stuff I see in these forums went throught my head less than a month ago!). Kind of interesting even though we've drifted off the topic of feminism quite a bit... :P

    And C_O, what do you mean by "Why not the first though?"

  6. Ok here's my theory on time travel and string theory:

    Ahem *Clears throat, cracks knuckles, get's all "professional-looking"*

    Time travel is not possible and we shouldn't worry about it. 3 physical dimensions exist (legnth, width and depth I suppose would loosely fit them), and time is here, there's also Temperature if you want to consider it a dimension. String is used to tie stuff.

    Well that was pretty professional. It certainly got the point across, I think.

    Oh yeah, and 2000 years ago, the world WAS in 3d!

    I said that just to annoy you Shane! :P

  7. Well said :P, and good point.

    The church nowdays has gotten some better policies, but many of them are interpreted by the media to make the church appear more like an oppressive regime. I think Church should have a place in state. I'm not saying a theocracy, but taking the ten commandments statue away from the courthouse (this is a US thing) is going a little too far. The 10 commandments are actually sound laws that have real secular value (except the first) in promoting social order.

  8. You like military history and LotR!?!

    Couldn't be more perfect for the things at WFG!

    You know about 0AD, but "The Last Alliance" is a LotR Real Time Strategy much like 0AD, and "Insurrection" is a mod that deals with GI Joe. Get involved in the forums!

    Welcome :P;)

    BTW Gladiator's an AWESOME movie!

  9. Hey if you have any jokes, funny stories, or anything humorous, post it here!

    Our forums need a good place for laughs. :P

    To start us off...

    I found once a list of 144 ways to be annoying, many of them humorous. Here are some excerpts!

    -Recite the first 100 digits of pi. In binary. Out loud. In public.

    -Invent your own computer lingo and see if people play along for the sake of not looking ignorant. (Use "CD-RAM", "Calibration Factor", or "Zapping" things. Also make up files like "MEM.EXE" or "EXEC.SYS".

    -Leave the following on someone's voice mail: "Sir, we're not sure if you wanted us to do it, you know, after what happened. But, we went ahead and did it anyway because we knew how important it was to you. If you don't agree with how we did it, we can probably fix it, although it might cost you extra. We knew this was urgent to you, so call us back immediately, thanks bye."

    -Call a house at random and remember the phone number. Ask for Gary. When they tell you that there's no Gary there, call a little while later (from a half-hour later to a day later). Do this at intervals about four times. Finally when they're mad and confused, call and say, "this is Gary, are there any messages for me?"

    -Put signs in people's yards that say "For Sale by owner: Will take first offer"

    -Whenever someone else is reading a book and they put it down, move the bookmark ahead 3 pages.

    Alright, that's enough for now. Enjoy, and share! :P;)

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