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Posts posted by EKen132

  1. Well I'll just point out a few things about this as I glance over the site.

    Since any theory of racial differences has been outlawed, the only possible explanation for black failure is White racism.

    Theories of racial differences are outlawed? Wow you learn something new every day. "White" is capatilized and "black" is not....

    Rules for the Forums include "No attacks against other White nationalities" and "If you're here to argue with us, confine your posts to the "Opposing Views" forum if you don't want them deleted."


    And who are these all-powerful masters of the media? As we shall see, to a very large extent they are Jews.

    Couldn't see that one coming...

    The largest media conglomerate today is AOL-Time Warner, created when AOL bought Time Warner for $160 billion in 2000. The merger brought together Steve Case, a Gentile, as chairman of AOL-TW, and Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin, a Jew, as the CEO. Although AOL-TW isn't (yet) run entirely by Jews, the effect of this blend of leadership between a White capitalist whose biggest concern is money and a racially conscious Jew will be gradually to increase the Jewish influence within AOL. Steve Case won't complain when Gerald Levin begins hiring mostly Jews to fill key positions beneath him because Case's own profits won't be affected. After Case dies or retires, the Jews will have complete control at AOL.

    Wow.... I'm done.

    NO, Im not!

    But we must not remain silent on this most important of issues! The Jewish control of the American mass media is the single most important fact of life, not just in America, but in the whole world today. There is nothing -- plague, famine, economic collapse, even nuclear war -- more dangerous to the future of our people.

    Holy crap I wasn't aware that Jews were such an iminent threat.... sorry I'm done now. THis website is really making me mad.

  2. OK I wrote this, give me your thoughts. It covers the how the crusades helped start the Renaissance, and why it started in Italy.

    Why the Crusades helped cause the Renaissance:

    First of all, the Renaissance was the “rebirth” of classical culture. It focused on classical architecture, and more “realistic” art in paintings and sculpture. It is important to remember that the Renaissance was basically started by a desire to bring back the ideas of the classical Hellenistic cultures.

    The crusades brought the backwards culture of Europe into full contact with the Muslim Empires. The Abassid Empire was the only place on Earth in it’s time that kept the work of Hellenistic cultures. Many of the Greek writings on medicine, algebra, geometry, astronomy, anatomy and ethics were preserved and translated. In fact, if it weren’t for the Greek works that the Abassid Empire had, it’s possible they wouldn’t even have been the leader in intellectual achievement for a while.

    When the Europeans came to contact with the Muslim Empires, they essentially came into contact with the Classical Societies that they had long forgotten. Although Europe for a while tried to bring back Rome (Holy Roman Empire), they eventually lost the idea and vision of it and became pre-occupied with other things more important such as the plague, the church, and to a degree, money and personal gain. When they went into the Muslim Empires, they saw the vision again, and they were impressed by the incredible technology and architecture of the area. Some rulers that went liked it so much, they settled their own cities there. Thousands of people came back to Europe and told about their experiences. However, although renewed throughout Europe, the idea did not stay longer than in Italy, where strong navies, easy access to the Middle East, and a desire to control trade routes led to a longer contact with the Middle East, and a classical influence. It was not long before the antiquity was re-born in Italy, and spread through Europe.

  3. I wasn't trying to disprove the big bang there, I was trying to disprove the theory of the big bang then big crunch cycle. That is one of the major theories of what happened before the big bang.

    A lot of people confuse "entropy" with "chaos" or "decay"... especially Christian pastors that preach science to their congregations.  (it's almost as if they all go to the same website to get the same quotes to throw into their surmons)

    Terms like "disorder" and "decay" are not thermodynamic terms, but are basically just human constructs.

    Actually, I'm not a pastor, or a "Sunday morning Scientist". I didn't go to a website to get all this stuff, I figured it out on my own after our chemistry class learned about it some. And I realize the meanings of those words. Our chemistry teacher is not a preacher either, he did not confuse the words chaos and disorder, and neither did I.

    Although it's cute of you to almost seemingly infer that :P.

    However, that does not mean entropy everywhere in the universe is increasing.

    As a whole, yes, it does.

    The increase in entropy spoken about in the second law of thermodynamics applies only to a closed system, that is, an entity with which there can be no exchange of energy. Earth's biosphere get's energy from the Sun and internal radiant heat, hence it is an Open system and entropy can decrease

    OK that's all true, but what are you saying from that? I never tried to disprove that.

    I'll resay what I'm going to say. I don't believe the Big Bang is a possiblity because, frankly, there is nothing that happened before it. If the amount of entropy is used to get a timeline of the universe, the big band would start "at" zero entropy. Since there can be no negative entropy, and I doubt it started at 42 (well, I don't know the units, we're going to learn more about it later) or some other number, then I hope it's understood that the Big Bang "started" from zero. And about pre-big bang- if it was right after the last universe's crunch, the last universe (AS A SYSTEM) would have had maximum entropy to a point that work is not possible, because energy isn't concentrated anywhere. So what I'm saying is that a the amount of entropy that approaches infinity can't just suddenly turn into zero.

  4. Wow I actually know this. It's "the fool's mate"

    1. f3 e5

    2. g4 Qh4


    So that would be two moves for each. And I don't think white can do it, but I'm not sure.

    Good ol' Chess for dummies. I used to be so obsessed with chess, I'd play against my computer for hours then get so good I could say that I only lost 5 games against human players in my life (which is true, but now I'm a lot worse than I was).

  5. Gullivers travels!

    Well acording to entropy and stuff, the universe is constantly becoming more chaotic, and eventually and heat and matter will be spread evenly throughout the universe- the "heat death" of the universe. So if entropy is constantly increasing, logically it had to start at zero, which would be perfectly lined up atoms at absolute zero. Now there is some theory about looping universes, like they grow, then cave in and all re-start, but if a universe ends in heat death, then how could it suddenly go from infinite entropy to zero. I'm no thermodynamics scientist or whatever, but I think that the laws of entropy disprove that there are looping universes that cave in on each other. Now I may be wrong, so someone correct me if I am. I'll post the second half of my arguement later.

    But basically, if there is only one, then that's it, and it started at a finite time. Basically right now, I see the only answer is that something stepped in from an infinite time and "activated" our universe. Let there be light. :)

  6. Well I guess I want a balance between only a few people can get a given question, but at least one can... Oh well, once someone gets one right, then they will give a question.

    How many rolls are in a baker's dozen?

  7. No that's not it. Very close but that would be the case if it was only for one suit. You can get a royal flush in any suite, so maybe I should do another question?

    OK here's a history one- kind of tough.

    What major world religion did the ruler Aurengzeb of oppose?

    a.) Buddhism

    b.) Hinduism

    c.) Christianity

    d.) Islam

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