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Posts posted by EKen132

  1. Here, people can just copy and paste this to fill out the answers without checking to see each question:



    TV Show:







    School Subject:



    NOTE: I added favorite book, favorite music and favorite dessert

    Game: AoK TC

    Movie: The LotR Trilogy

    TV Show: none, hardly ever watch TV

    Food: Pizza

    Dessert: Cheesecake and pie

    Sport: Cross Country

    Website: WFG, no joke

    Day: Friday

    Holiday: Christmas

    School Subject: World History

    Book: LotR trilogy, Lord of the Flies... does "Lord of the" make a book good?

    Music: Green Day, Vivaldi and Mozart... pretty unique, eh?

  2. This may sound weird or something, but i don't view Christianity as a religion.

    Well then you're definately a moron.

    jk :brow:

    Actually, Christianity is a religion. And this is coming from a Christian too. As soon as I read that the last update for HoI was in a thread called "Why are we here?" I LOL'ed.

    Well this would require some going straight to the root of the problem. If we were created, wouldn't our task to be what our creator wants? That would make the most sense to me. As for you that don't belief we were created, we just "happened" (lol "Man happened 2.5 million years ago" sounds funny ;), anyways, back on topic...), I don't know quite what to say. You obviously wouldn't view as much restraint on your life if you can't find a purpose, but... well, I don't know. I guess I just don't know... yet. I'll definately have to organize my thoughts on this one.

  3. Wow looks like violin players are pretty popular... *ahem*...

    Well I can already play violin very well, I can play guitar too, my brother has a bass guitar and I can play that, I also play harmonica... I play my brother's piano a little too, but not often. I can read drum music but I don't have the chance to play often except when I'm jamming with friends (one of them plays drums). That's quite a list...

    I'd like to learn piano more and also play bagpipes ;)! A drum set would be cool too :brow:

  4. Doesn't codons come in groups of 3? It's either that or 4?

    EDIT: Well I'll take a... couple guesses:






    dangit... I'm only a quarter of the way done... this is taking a while... OK I'll take just one that sounds familiar... AUG

  5. I think she means what is the strand of RNA that is the begin code... Dangit, ask me last year, and I would've known... I remember learning that a certain combination was start and a certain combo was stop. It's your body knows when to start and stop reading the code, or soemthing. I can't really remember much though... anyone else know?

    edit: The literal translation of what she said:

    "What is the codon of messenger RNA that indicates the start of the formation of a polypeptide"

  6. living on with the feeling I killed somebody, even if it's a criminal, would be unbareable (sp?) for me.

    If it was a criminal, or in self-defense, I would kill someone. But I trust myself with guns, and I'm not a moron. I shoot trap for fun, and I've hunted some although I really am not too interested in it.

    Maybe because I've had experience with guns, handled them for many years and all, I don't get so paranoid that people who have guns would be uncontrollable.

  7. Some good Iraqi army jokes... They actually don't have to be Iraqi, but hey, I live in the US and it's what you hear now, I suppose it would be Russian if I lived a little while longer ago

    How do you sink an Iraqi boat?

    Put it in the water

    What to you do when an Iraqi throws a pin at you?

    Run, because he's got a gernade in his mouth

    How do you stop an Iraqi tank?

    Shoot the person pushing it

  8. Alright, I saw it last night, and I'll probably go again today.

    I did not like:

    -the babyface orc

    -the army of the dead

    -the spotlight eye because it made it seem that Sauron could only see around Mordor, and couldn't see through the rocks

    -NO DAWNLESS DAY! whats with that?

    -The men didn't seem helplessness enough

    -No wall around the pelennor

    -the corny army of the dead, they should be like skeletons, ghosts is cheezy, at least the way they did it

    -Frodo almost falls in mount doom, I mean, it was not a totally bad scene, but was it in the book?

    -they could have done the destruction of the ring script better, and gollum just dances off, not fights and loses his balance

    I did like:

    -Even though they skipped scourging of the Shire, I liked the ending

    -the Grey Havens' beauty was incredible

    -the battle of Pelennor was pretty sweet

    -the charge of the Rohirrim routing the orcs was cool too, but it seemed like afterwards there was no one alive, everyone just disapeared (sp)

    -Frodo mentioned the Ring of Fire, although there could have been more of it

    -Witch King dying, er, his fight scene right up until he dies

    Some parts were kind of "weird" like the Denethor eats, Pippin sings, Gondor tries to retake Osgiliath.

    Also, this just in: The only time Galadriel closes her mouth during the entire trilogy is when she's talking... interesting observation, eh?

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