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Posts posted by EKen132

  1. Hey try and get 100 people to nominate votes. If their not due any time soon, we should start a campaign to see how many we can get in a short time.

    It could almost be like an exercise for when it comes time to spread 0AD or TLA.

    We all put it on our sigs in other forums, make a website dedicated to it- link to that website, tell people, link to it from our personal websites...

    It could be very interesting to see how many people would vote!

  2. Speaking of fun with the telephone...

    Call a house and ask for Gary. When they say there's no Gary, say "sorry, I must have the wrong #". Repeat this 4 times over the course of a day. When they're about to blow up, call again a while later and say "Hi, this is Gary, are there any messages for me?"


    how would you like to hear this on your voice mail?

    Sir, we're not sure if you wanted us to do it, you know, after what happened. But, we went ahead and did it anyway because we knew how important it was to you. If you don't agree with how we did it, we can probably fix it, although it might cost you extra. We knew this was urgent to you, so call us back immediately, thanks bye.

    BTW, this isnt unlike the "Comedy Thread" I started a while ago....

  3. Bowling for Columbine... um... made me mad, to say the least. Michael Moore is a liar and the film I think is second on the list of the most propaganda-ist (hey I made a word) films ever made. It's behind the winner, "Triumph of the Will" which is the filming of the Nuremburg Rallies by Leni Reifenstahl (sp?).

    Anyways, I think I may use some of... I forgot who it was... someone's quote from the essay on the death penalty. Also, I plan on looking into the NRA for numbers.

    Plus if you know the leaders in the twentieth century that have had complete disarmament of their citizens, that's a reason in itself!

  4. LOL... this one's good too, even though it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

    A city guy hears from one of his friends that duck hunting is a really cool thing to do. So he goes to the country with a gun and shoots the first duck he sees. However, the owner of the property comes out and says "Hey, you shot a duck on my land? What are you thinking?" And the city guy was completely oblivious to the fact that anyone would divide up the fields and woods. THe country guy said "Well, OK, I can see youre not from around here, but there's a game we play when things like this happen". And the city guy thought OK, and agreed to play. The country guy said "OK here are the rules, I kick you Where it Hurts as hard as I can, then you me, and we keep going until the last one standing wins". The city guy had pretty good leg strength, so he agreed. The country guy kicked as hard as he good, and the city guys bent in pain moaning. As he recovered his strenghth the country guy said, "Well actually, you can just keep the duck".

    It's kind of not even a joke, but it's something you read and just say "lol". :P

  5. I have a speech coming up for a class, and the speech acts as the final for that class. My speech is why we should not enforce more gun control laws than the status quo. Basically, I'm against gun control. (that sounds kinda funny- "Hey everyone, no control on guns, let's just hand 'em out!")

    So anyways, if anyone has something to say, a good arguement, analogy or source, they're welcome to say it. Even if you believe that more laws are neccessary, you're welcome to give some arguements I may encounter from the person doing the counterpoint.

    I may post my speech here after I give it.

  6. Wow a huge coincedence just happened. As Code said something about NDE being supernatural, I noticed that the google ad at the top of the page was "Heaven's Tour Guide". Being curious, I clicked it. A link on the left was something like "NDE's and the Bible" It just had a bunch of verses and didn't really say anything though. Kind of a strange site too. I wonder about sites that win awards called "Evanalical Tackle Box". Anyways, just thought I'd say. :P

  7. Hey I don't officially know Latin or anything, but I've decided to learn it on my own. So I'm guessing you guys learned it in school- so you probably have a much greater understanding then I will, right?


    Well I've picked up some books at the library, and I'm going to try and learn something. If I have any questions, can I just post them in this thread?

  8. You know, I think Religion plays an important psycological role in people's lifes. Even if it all proven wrong (this is hypothetical), it was something that was embraced for more than just it's "mythology"... sry, don't know the right word.

    Just thought I'd point that out :P

    Sorry to hear about your friend Quacker...

  9. Yeah but if you use history as a model for itself, then you can ususally get the big picture. People generally react to certain things in certain ways. This class is definately about the big picture, not the details, dates, names and places, although there are plenty of those. It's actually a really great class, I could sit and learn it for hours.

    Problem is with highschool history (I'm not sure you're still in highschool, but I'll give my example to keep this going on ) is that it focusses on chronology and the very basic explanation of events. My teacher didn't study much, only enough to get his graduate, so his history teaching was pretty bad. The only things we learned were a bunch of so-called facts, some terms and some more detailed cases.

    Fortunately, my High School district is outstanding, and the teaching isn't anything like that, especially with this teacher. Although he did admit he failed gym, it's a long funny story.

  10. Yeah my teacher is definately a big picture guy. He's the one who'll say "Tell me how the Mongols were responsible for the discovery of America". His motto is "History did not happen in a vaccuum (sp)". Actually, that's not his motto, but he's still an interesting guy. His favorite piece of advice as quoted in our school newspaper is "Do not take advice from anyone". I'll tell you more about him later, he's really... interesting.

    EDIT: OH and thanks guys for actively responding to this. It is an interesting subject, and I was hoping it wouldn't sink immedeatly (sp) to the end of the thread list! :P

  11. Akya got it.

    I don't think that anyone has the right to take another's life- except in a justified war, but that's it. Anyways, I don't propose a death penalty, even though that would get the jails here even more crowded than they already are. But killing the murderer doesn't comfort the family much more than if he was in jail.

  12. I think my Christian faith is what keeps me from fearing death. I think even if somehow Christianity were to be proven wrong tomorrow, a religion is something to hang on to when everything else is gone. I don't want to die, I want to live my life out to the fullest, but with the belief that God will not allow me to die before I'm supposed to, it's extrememly more comforting. I dont want to die, but I'm not afraid to.

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