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Posts posted by EKen132

  1. Oh and for cat....

    Well I'm not sure what religion you are. But Christianity believes that God sees nations, not just individuals. There are patron Saints of Nations, and the old testament repeatedly referred to the nation of Israel, "God's chosen people" and God would speak about Israel like a single entity. And Sodom and Gomarrah were spoken of as single entities. But that's not really a strong point. The point is, God sees nations too.

    Sorry Svede, but the Government now days is NOT what Our Founding Father's Intended, that was written in 1776! Much has changed in the way of world since then and so has the Government!

    Well quite a few of us think it would be better that way.


    Geez another reply to give. Well there is a difference between morals and theocracy. That's all I have time to say right now.

  2. Mythos ruler, I would agree that it is the job of parents to teach morals to their children. But that's about the only thing I agree with on that last post.

    Believe it or not, the secularization or our country is a major catalyst in these such things, however, it is not the only. But still, if the country (or any organization) doesn't uphold moral principals, how can people (parents) be expected to? And with that, how can the kids if the parents don't?

    This is taking it a little further, but the basic purpose of organized government is to control people from following their "primal urges" and promote order over chaos. If everyone wandered around in a state of trying to always achieve instant gratification, things would collapse. Think for youself a little about this, and you'll see what I mean.

    The place of public institutions is not to force moral codes on citizens.

    Well, when you say it that way it's hard to disagree, but I do. But to what degree? Thou shalt not murder? is that anywhere in the Const. or the Bill of Rights? I recall something about unalienable rights. How about not coveting thy neighbors goods? Is theft illegal?

    I'm not saying that the Constitution held the bible for it's sole basis. But I am saying that the purpose of government (public institution) is to ensure that there are morals in the society.

    A Christian belief that I strongly agree with, and actually must say is true, Christian or not is the belief that Man has "law written into his heart". Now I'm sure you can figure this out without the poetic language. Basically, everyone person has a contrast in his (or her) "heart" between law and order and primal instant gratification. (Im not trying to use primal as a loaded word, I'm using it as in "primal urge" to get whatever you want- BTW This post is off topic). Without an organized institution, I could guess (not for certain) that man would give way to instant gratification. Now if you've thought about a society based TOTALLY on instant gratification, you'ld notice that it would be chaotic and unorderly. So what I'm saying is that public institution (church or state) is meant to be big and bad and mean and force people to obey strict harsh codes of morals against the poor people's will.

    Haha, Ok that's not what I'm saying but you get the point right?

    Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and rock on.

    BTW it occured to me that by "public institution" you may have meant something besides government. If so, please specify.

  3. Ok first of all, Chichi, you didn't use any reasoning and the website is not very impresive. It's bias ranks among Michael Moore, but that's really not what matters. Actually, I'm kind of mad I visited that site. I'm ashamed that they try to degrade Bush in how he screws up when he talks. Even if I was an "Anti-Bush" person, I think I'd be dissapointed that someone made that site. For instance, a little content from the newest "Dubya Speak" mess-up:

    One thing that's happening that you need to know that will help us make the necessary calculations for troop levels is that there's a lot of Iraqis beginning to be trained to deal with the issue on the ground. There's Iraqis being trained for an army. There's Iraqis being trained for an intelligence service. There's Iraqis being trained for additional police work. There are Iraqis being trained for asset protection. There are Iraqis being trained for border guards. There's over 130,000 Iraqis now who have been trained, who are working for their own security.

    -- Having mixed results with his use of "there's" and "there are", London, England, Nov. 20, 2003

    It's a pitiful shame that instead of answering solutions to the problems of the Bush administration's policy, they break down every sentence he says to find grammatical errors. It really is...

    However, now on topic. :ph34r:

    I do not believe Bush "stole" the election, as was popularly rumoured, you can find evidence either way that groups were working hard to get different votes counted and not counted (although I don't have any evidence off hand). I do not believe that Bush lied when he said that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. I believe that they did, and whether or not they still have them, I don't know.

    There is an extreme amount of anti-right media around right now, and when the next democratic president is elected, it will turn around. Bill Clinton got insulted a lot, and although his policy a lot of times helped the economy, I do not agree with his personal desicions. I don't think what he did was the right thing to do, especially as a president. And if the president would do such a thing knowingly and willingly, then... well, I don't know what to say. Those who agree with what I have just said, that's why you're Conservative.

    I also believe there is a book on shelves, or I think it was this summer, but it was called "BIG LIES: The right wing propoganda machine and how it distorts the truth". There was another book (by my FAVORITE author... sarcasm) called "Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them: A fair and balanced look at the right". So anyways, someone is out to make the right wing look like lies, and put that word in their head. And look what is one of the biggest accusations of President Bush (besides the fact that he messes up sometimes in his speech)? Whoa... crazy, I know.

    So I could go on about September the Eleventh and how that affected a lot of stuff that would affect any president in office, but someone else can do that. I don't know if I would consider the war in Iraq a just war or not though, just a personal opinion. Also, Black Hawk Down. When you look into the movie, and read the book, and study the incident, you realize that President Clinton was a bad military leader. BTW, the marine gaurd that stand by when he went to his helicopter, has the option to turn and face him after he passes by as a sign of respect. If you know what I'm talking about, you'll notice that they didn't.

    Well, g2g do homework, I can't wait to hear Jason's response :woot:.

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