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WFG Retired
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About fede_histpop

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  • Location
    Tuenno, Italy

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  1. Yeah, I'd confirm the 2 years. Better to say later than to say sooner without being able to complete it sooner...
  2. Well, this is a very good reason Have fun, Dannerich!
  3. Welcome Dannerich! Uhm, I believe you should ask your brother, instead of posting in the Computer Desk section. If he doesn't know, who will?
  4. Of course I'll try to keep friendly with both, for some time: an economical firendship won't mine completely the alliance with the Spartans, so I'd sign with them an "anti-rebel" treaty, who says we'll help each other in case of rebellion, but nonetheless I'll start giving some reforms to the people, but reforms decided by me, given from high, so people will think less about rebelling!
  5. Yeah, congrats to them, for they did a very nice job! Keep going!
  6. Just a note: those forums aren't phpBB, as the site, but Invision
  7. Akya, let's bring here Cat No seriously, nice to see more DGDNers around!
  8. Beta testing may need less than what you think But you're right, we don't know exactly...
  9. Well, also in AoK multiple villies lived in a single house... Romans had the insulae, but only the plebeans lived in those multi-familiar houses. And another thing: if those new buildings would give the players the chance to train 10 units instead of five, don't you think that wouldn't be very good, for we'll have a not so big pop limit? Anyway, the idea is interesting. If you have more suggestions, post them! Suggestions are always useful.
  10. I found it in a very strange way... accidentally one might say. I discovered WFG on an italian computer magazine!!! For more details (and there are many), read my interview as soon as it will be ready (it should be soon, it was completed some days ago). (Shameless self-promotion is a constant, here, Stuart )
  11. A thing... I hope nobody has already talked about it... What do you think of multiplayer campaigns?
  12. I think we should make the projects leaders decide... it's something that has to fit the projects, imo.
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